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Well I am just going to add my 2 cents intoo....I love this board and all the people here have been great to meand with all my many questions, venting, crying, etc. Ihaven't communicated with such a diverse group of people since I was inthe Army.

As to Dennis, I won't say anything, it's all been said.

None of us deserve abuse for any of our views. To eachhis/her own. All I know is I'm learning so much, and I havegreat folks to share things with.

Carolyn wrote:
Iswear, I got so many 100s on my spelling tests in 4th grade becausewhoever got 100 got FIVE malted balls. The teacher would callyou up, and you were handed FIVE!

A grade of 95, you got three.

Oh I loved those malted balls. They tasted Better than any I have ever had since.

Now that is some seriousmotivation for studying! I loved the taste of malt balls but Iabsolutely hated the feeling of my teeth scraping through the malt!It's the same sensation for me as fingernails on a chalk board!!! So,I'd suck on them instead! I still do! I like those small ones you canget at easter because they don't scrape so much!
I find the subject of ethics fascinating and havebeen faced with many moral issues over the years. Beinginvolved with youth at a competitive level has also fostered myinterest in ethics. As a secretary of a rabbit club, I havealso had to field many complaints relevant to cheating and ethics andhave consulted the American Rabbit Breeders Association numerous timesto "pick their brains" on how to handle these delicate situations.

I homeschool my children and while I'm not of the devoted religiousnature, the Bible is studied daily in search answers to moraldilemmas. Not sure if I can be of much help, but time,rearing childrenand life experience has certainly nudged meinto the realms of ethical subjectivism.

For the record - No formal creditials here -- life had otherthings in mind :)


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