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pamnock wrote:
Perhaps we should set a good example, and if we don't haveanything nice to say about Dennis, then nothing should be said atall. It doesn't seem fair to talk about him behind his back.I thinkthe entire thread should be erased.

Todays lessonfor 10th grade speech classwas aboutrefraining from gossip andhow to diverttheconversationinto amore productivedirection ;)

For kindergarten, we made the letter "I" out of pretzel sticks -- that was fun LOL :D

yes but for the time being, funny how many seem to be thinkingthe same thing but was afraid to say anything. Maybe for futurereference speaking up should be on the list. and not lettinganyone make peple here feel belittled or like they can not talk becausethey must walk on eggs. I think it's a good post to vent and get it offour chests as it seems many have been upset.
Completely understand where you're coming fromPamnock, and I will clean up the mess after all is said and done. I dohappen to agree with Gabby on this one though.


pamnock wrote:
For kindergarten, we made the letter "I" out of pretzel sticks -- that was fun LOL :D


Oh man! I want to go back to kindergarten! My sister got to makeletters in chocolate syrup in kindergarten. Maybe I should convince mymom to let me do that with Algebra. I think I'd get more from thelesson... even if it was just pretzels or chocolate! :p

dreamgal042 wrote:
buck you confuse me...a lot...*scratch head*
I was referring to an earlier post done by HankHanky that wasdeleted. Ya had to be there to getmy jokeinthe post above. No disrespect meant to you when Isay that. In any case, not to worry, it was/is of littleimport.

Carolyn wrote:
Theforum remains to be open to All rabbit fanciers: breeders and petowners. The reason why this forum works so well is that wevalue, respect, and are opento each other's viewpoints andexperiences. I feel it's bestnot to swayone way or the other. It's all aboutlearning as much as we can aboutrabbits....

I, for one, would sorely miss breeders, the likes of Mrs. Nock, who areso knowledgeable and have given so much of their time and effort intoproducing the furry little buggers we so dearlylove.

All buns are cute, but some are beautiful, and all of that is due tothe efforts of tireless breeding upon the part of countless individualsover time immemorable. I take knowledge wherever Ifind it and I'm more apt to find it withbreeders, whohave bred their stock over many years ofexperience. They also have had to come up with efficient,nominal cost treatment for their charges because of the sheer volume ofnumbers they tend to work with.

As a pet owner, I've had about ten years experience with just about tenrabbits. While that experience is valid, and could/should beappreciated by some, it does pale when compared to a modest breeder ofrabbits who may have had as many as five hundred or more rabbits in thesame time frame. When you couple experience, with a naturalcuriosity, and an agile mind, committed to excellence, you end up witha winning combination that can provide you with a plethora of valuableinformation. I whole-heartedly encouragethe breeders like Mrs. Nock to visit this forum and sharetheir expertise with us.

The problem with forums that are totally devoted to pets only, in myestimation, is they lack the learning curve that breeders bring to agroup, and can deteriorate into a cutesy-cutesy, my "bunny-wunny wovesme" mutual admiration society in which very little learning goes on.

Some animal rights activist forums get so shrill and subjective abouttheir own political agendas, that they just become tiresometo read over and over again. Rabbits Only MagazineForum has had a relatively nice blend of most rabbit factions andexhibits a willingness to listen to anyone's viewpoint, if they arecivil about presenting it. I like a group that will hear outwhat someone has to say and is not close minded. Any group,espousing any forum, that says it has the only way to view a particulartopic, makes me very suspicious of its intentions.

If we are the "family" we suspect we are, we should have thewherewithal to permit all rabbit fanciers to share with each other andnot get undulyupset when some one's perspectives do notdovetail exactly with our own.

I rather enjoy myself here, with all you folks!

I've said itbefore, I'll say it again....Yeah! What he said! I just LOVE the wayBuck puts written word to good use! Seriously, I agree wholeheartedly.That's part of what I was trying to convey earlier. Personally, I'vefound that whole theory to be true with life in general. Depth ofcharacter comes from exposure to different circumstances/experiences,personalities, joys, tragedies. If you don't learn how to toleratedifferences and if you never have people in your life who "aren't yourfavorites" then how on earth would you ever know to appreciate thereally good people when they come along?


Since I am fairly new to this forum I'd like tothank Loz n Ebony for posting this subject and to each and every one ofyou who added a reply!

As a new person on this forum reading this topic has told me tons aboutthe type of forum I have joined. I am so glad that this isa safe and friendly forum! From what I've read I'm gladCarolyn banned him!

If I would have joined sooner it would have saddened me to see someonewho treated others the way he did. It seems we all haveenough stress in everyday life that having to put up with someone whoby what I've read was crude and rude to all that hereplied to.

It seems that many of you vaule and respect the thoughts of others evenif you don't happen to agree with their thoughts. (becauseabove all else even if we don't happen to share someones view point; westill take away a learning experience from their thoughts.)That's what makes a forum like this so wonderful. To agreethat we can disagree with tons of respect and still be friends and moveon to another topic.

Now days so many forums on the internet allow the crude, rude,bashing, of their members to go on and on. Ihave visited many forums that are like that and then I just moved on inmy search for a forum that had a friendly outlook on allpeoples thoughts.

I often sit back and wonder to myself why would anyone want to be amember of a forum that allowed such actions as I've seendisplayed on some forums? And yet I already know the answerto my own question....We're not all the same and it takes all kindsto make the world go round...and so I just leave them to their kind offorum and I move on until I find one such as this one.

Again my many "Thanks to all of you who have replied to this topicand to Loz n Ebony who started it." I now know without adoubt that this is a respectful and friendly forum of everyonesthoughts....with no fear of any bashing for ones thoughts.

Take Care and I'm glad my hopping around the internet landed me here,

I know this is all going to be deleted, so I justwanted to throw in my 2 cents. Without a genuine love of rabbits, I'mnot sure how much he could have enjoyed this forum. It sounds as ifhe's found another place where he can communicate withmorepeoplewho sell meat rabbits, than rabbit pet-owners. I'veheard some pretty terrible things about Dennis. We all experienced hisantagonistic behavior. He didn't like most of our points of view, andwe didn't like his. I'm not sorry to see him go, and I hope he finds aplace to communicate with others that don't drive him as crazy as wedid.
Sarah wrote:
Iknow this is all going to be deleted, so I just wanted to throw in my 2cents. Without a genuine love of rabbits, I'm not sure how much hecould have enjoyed this forum. It sounds as if he's found another placewhere he can communicate withmore peoplewho sellmeat rabbits, than rabbit pet-owners. I've heard some pretty terriblethings about Dennis. We all experienced his antagonistic behavior. Hedidn't like most of our points of view, and we didn't like his. I'm notsorry to see him go, and I hope he finds a place to communicate withothers that don't drive him as crazy as we did.
he is a memberof many rabbit groups, pretty much almost all the boards i have evenvisited in the years i've been online he's been a member of.I also happen to know from a friend of mine he has been bootedfrom meat breeder boards as well for "combativebehavior". So I think personally it has nothing to dowith the pet people, but just someone who seems to enjoyshock value and combativeness.
Life must have beenso unkind to him tocreate such a misanthropic individual.

Aha! An opportunity to use one of this week's vocabulary words :cool:

pamnock wrote:
Lifemust have beenso unkind to him tocreate such amisanthropic individual.

Aha! An opportunity to use one of this week's vocabulary words :cool:

it must have been something for sure. AHH what a goodgirl using one the vocabulary words of the week LOL

Is there any way you and pamnock would be willing to help a collegestudent out with some ethical subjectivism?:? I am having a hard timewith my on-line ethics class and you both apparently have a strongunderstanding of ethics. I have to also say that I really appreciatedthis post as well as it was very useful for my interpersonalcommunications class. I love a forum where I can not only talk andlearn about the buns I love but the educational factor goes way pastjust that.:D

Fergi's mom

P.S. I was kidding about the help, I am sure I can muddle through it on my own, I hope:shock:
I swear, I got so many 100s on my spelling testsin 4th grade because whoever got 100 got FIVE malted balls. Theteacher would call you up, and you were handed FIVE!

A grade of 95, you got three.

Oh I loved those malted balls. They tasted Better than any I have ever had since.


I never studied so hard in my life.

Fergi wrote:

Is there any way you and pamnock would be willing to help a collegestudent out with some ethical subjectivism?:? I am having a hard timewith my on-line ethics class and you both apparently have a strongunderstanding of ethics. I have to also say that I really appreciatedthis post as well as it was very useful for my interpersonalcommunications class. I love a forum where I can not only talk andlearn about the buns I love but the educational factor goes way pastjust that.:D

Fergi's mom

P.S. I was kidding about the help, I am sure I can muddle through it on my own, I hope:shock:
All kidding aside, if I can be of any help, feel free to PM me andask. I was a former teacher, so I don't find requests likethat meddlesome. If I can help, I am certainly more thanwilling.

I can't speak for Pamela, but she is a teacher, too, whether she isformally credentialed or not, I recognize the mentality, so you'relikely to get an affirmative from her, too.

Yeah, this forum is much more to me, too,than the justairheady fluff-talk that seems to permeate some other venues I'vefrequented. People here are also not so full of themselvesthat we can't have fun as well, but there is a time and a place forboth, seriousness and fun.

Obviously, this is such a place, and we all seem to know when it is thetime for either seriousness, or fun. I am honored to sharecyberspace with the likes of people such asyourself and theothers who participate here with good intentions.


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