Well-Known Member
pamnock wrote:
yes but for the time being, funny how many seem to be thinkingthe same thing but was afraid to say anything. Maybe for futurereference speaking up should be on the list. and not lettinganyone make peple here feel belittled or like they can not talk becausethey must walk on eggs. I think it's a good post to vent and get it offour chests as it seems many have been upset.Perhaps we should set a good example, and if we don't haveanything nice to say about Dennis, then nothing should be said atall. It doesn't seem fair to talk about him behind his back.I thinkthe entire thread should be erased.
Todays lessonfor 10th grade speech classwas aboutrefraining from gossip andhow to diverttheconversationinto amore productivedirection![]()
For kindergarten, we made the letter "I" out of pretzel sticks -- that was fun LOL