Very Disturbing Petsmart Video

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swanlake wrote:
gentlegiants, you have a point.

but i do think many small animals are undercared for, seen as more "playthings" than living things.
I agree, many animals, whether small or large are treated that way. Basically what I was saying was, anything that PETA says I automatically look at with suspicion, purely because they said it.
I agree that it's probably exaggerated with PETA, but that bunny has me so sad.

Makes me want to stay with all of them so no one hurts them.....
PETA came to my lab a couple of years ago and threw red paint all over the doors to symbolize animal blood spilled during lab testing.

morons, most of them. outrageous people. but there are some cases where we really do need someone to defend the rights of animals.

I admit PETA has many faults but they do get things done. So many things have changed thanks to them. I do NOT agree with them entirely but I also don't agree with any of the presidential candidates 100%. That won't stop me from voting for one though.
okiron wrote:
gentle giants wrote:
I just want to add a note of caution to this. Yes, the videos were very disturbing, and I don't doubt that that sort of thing happens, probably a lot more than we think.

BUT. PETA is notorious for exagerating and even plain out lying about any breeder, petstore, etc that they happen to take an interest in. Just because you see the video-doesn't always make it true. Also, one other thing to keep in mind, and I think it really says it all. If PETA acheived all it's goals, no one would be allowed to own any pets whatsoever! This means all your bunnies, your rats, cats, dogs, birds, etc, PETA wants them all to be "free". This is the group that breaks into labs and sets free the lab rats and rabbits "into the wild."

That being said, I will get off my :soapbox.

I trust nothing PETA says, nothing. After researching them a few years ago I want nothing to do with them. I didlots of research too. I will not watch the video because I don't want to cry but having worked for a PetSmart as a manager I think the company overall cares for the animals in its care. Bad things happen and if there is a problem with this Banfield vet then he/she should be taken to court by the rabbit's owner. I am sure bad things happen at every vet just as humans die while under doctor's care. That said, I will repeat that the rabbit's owner should sue the vet.

I recently had a issue with my new ferret, she was given the wrong distemper shot. Ferrets can have a VERY bad reaction to distemper shots and my girl could have died. The vet I was given did not know ferrets - he was a large animal vet. I was clear about the shot she needed and clear that I wanted to see the exotic animal vet. He just made a mistake, he should have never even entered my exam room since he knew nothing about ferrets. Now, am I going to make a video of my girl being sick for 3 days afterwards with vomiting from the allergic reaction - no. I took the issue up with the Animal Hospital I visited, wrote a clear letter and I am happy with the response. There is no reason to show a video of a bad vet to the world - sue him and get his licence taken away. Do not blame the Banfield chain, the vet was not following their policy, he was breaking everyone's rules. (The Animal hospital I took my ferret to was not Banfield).

As to answer PETA's PetSmart page - the Pet Care Manager was not following the company's policy for caring for the sick animals. All sick animals at PetSmart are required to see the vet. When I was Pet Care Manager at my store every animal that was ill was taken to the in store Banfield - and the vet was amazing. (She even reconstructed a Guinea Pig's broken leg for me). On more than one occasion I ended up driving to an emergency vet at midnight to take a sick hamster from the store in and then nursing it at home overnight. My store manager NEVER questioned any animal I took to the vet, I felt that the animals at my store received the same care that I would give my own personal pets. I even took two cockatiels to an Avian vet because we found a dead bird in the cage when the store opened. Those birds were given every test possible and a necropsy was preformed on the dead one. The bill totaled over $4000. It also looked like the "undercover" PETA person was hired as a Pet Care Associate and if he/she had done her job to PetSmart policy the animals would not have been in such horrible conditions.

Anyway, what I am saying is please if you are at PetSmart or any store tell the Store Manager about sick animals - if employees are not following company policy then they need to be fired. The world is not perfect and bad things happen and people are lazy and don't care - report them, do not take out wrath on a chain of stores that I feel is doing a good job with animal care. I shop at PetSmart and I will buy animals from PetSmart.

I'll get off my soap box now and prepare for the flame war.
Krissa- first of all, i LOVE you pets names, i am a big LOTR fan

---while many petstores take exceptional care of their animals, there are still many who don't. i don't doubt the one you worked at took great care of the animals, alot of it probably had to do with you, and people like you who genuinely care for animals. on the other hand, some people simply don't care, just want to make a profit. we see this when "easter bunnies" are sold.

I don't know much about peta, but it can be good some times to be over the top. If you don't stand out, usually people won't pay any attention. just look at what global warming has done for environmental causes, everyone is now more eco-concious. by making a big statement, people may be more prone to pay attention to it and look into it. Its like commercials. they are all gimmics, they all aim to gain your attention weither it be a celebrity or some crazy stunt or funny joke. even those stupid songs you get stuck in your head.

i am just saying that it is good that petsmart is now investigating this problem, so hopefully it won't be a problem in the future.

oh one more thing, i think the videos were not just aimed at petsmart, but also the suppliers of petsmarts' animals. they appear to be a problem.

phew i am done now...:wave:
Those videos made me cry. I couldn't finish watching any of them. I hate seeing animals being treated so horribly. I never shopped at PetSmart before but I don't plan on it now.

Those people who work there should be ashamed of themselves.

I hope that all PetSmarts are shut-down or aren't able to sell animals.:nonono:

Krissa wrote:
okiron wrote:
gentle giants wrote:
I just want to add a note of caution to this. Yes, the videos were very disturbing, and I don't doubt that that sort of thing happens, probably a lot more than we think.

BUT. PETA is notorious for exagerating and even plain out lying about any breeder, petstore, etc that they happen to take an interest in. Just because you see the video-doesn't always make it true. Also, one other thing to keep in mind, and I think it really says it all. If PETA acheived all it's goals, no one would be allowed to own any pets whatsoever! This means all your bunnies, your rats, cats, dogs, birds, etc, PETA wants them all to be "free". This is the group that breaks into labs and sets free the lab rats and rabbits "into the wild."

That being said, I will get off my :soapbox.

I trust nothing PETA says, nothing. After researching them a few years ago I want nothing to do with them. I didlots of research too. I will not watch the video because I don't want to cry but having worked for a PetSmart as a manager I think the company overall cares for the animals in its care. Bad things happen and if there is a problem with this Banfield vet then he/she should be taken to court by the rabbit's owner. I am sure bad things happen at every vet just as humans die while under doctor's care. That said, I will repeat that the rabbit's owner should sue the vet.

I recently had a issue with my new ferret, she was given the wrong distemper shot. Ferrets can have a VERY bad reaction to distemper shots and my girl could have died. The vet I was given did not know ferrets - he was a large animal vet. I was clear about the shot she needed and clear that I wanted to see the exotic animal vet. He just made a mistake, he should have never even entered my exam room since he knew nothing about ferrets. Now, am I going to make a video of my girl being sick for 3 days afterwards with vomiting from the allergic reaction - no. I took the issue up with the Animal Hospital I visited, wrote a clear letter and I am happy with the response. There is no reason to show a video of a bad vet to the world - sue him and get his licence taken away. Do not blame the Banfield chain, the vet was not following their policy, he was breaking everyone's rules. (The Animal hospital I took my ferret to was not Banfield).

As to answer PETA's PetSmart page - the Pet Care Manager was not following the company's policy for caring for the sick animals. All sick animals at PetSmart are required to see the vet. When I was Pet Care Manager at my store every animal that was ill was taken to the in store Banfield - and the vet was amazing. (She even reconstructed a Guinea Pig's broken leg for me). On more than one occasion I ended up driving to an emergency vet at midnight to take a sick hamster from the store in and then nursing it at home overnight. My store manager NEVER questioned any animal I took to the vet, I felt that the animals at my store received the same care that I would give my own personal pets. I even took two cockatiels to an Avian vet because we found a dead bird in the cage when the store opened. Those birds were given every test possible and a necropsy was preformed on the dead one. The bill totaled over $4000. It also looked like the "undercover" PETA person was hired as a Pet Care Associate and if he/she had done her job to PetSmart policy the animals would not have been in such horrible conditions.

Anyway, what I am saying is please if you are at PetSmart or any store tell the Store Manager about sick animals - if employees are not following company policy then they need to be fired. The world is not perfect and bad things happen and people are lazy and don't care - report them, do not take out wrath on a chain of stores that I feel is doing a good job with animal care. I shop at PetSmart and I will buy animals from PetSmart.

I'll get off my soap box now and prepare for the flame war.

I just wanted to say I agreed about PETA. I'm a HUGE animal rights person, I love all animals, I hate when people don't treat animals correctly, and I could get behind some of PETA's ideas....if they weren't actually quite often hurting the animal rights cause. I know the idea of over the top getting the message across, but PETA is too over the top. They support terrorists who kill humans who are innocent of many of the "crimes" they are accused of by PETA (ALF and others). PETA kills more pets then they "save;" euthenasia kill btw. PETA is full of hypocrites who have diabetes(sp) and use insulin, yet no one else can bc of where it comes from, animals. PETA values animals over humans...if the humans are as they put it "retarded." Don't believe me, you can google all of it.

Another helpful video to understand PETA. It's presented in a comedic way but it's anything but funny.

That video with the bun made me feel awful, but in order to support animal rights, I refuse to support PETA who goes against so many things I support, and who hurts our cause more than helps it.

Off my soapbox now too, :)
A lot of people who want to help animal rights causes, join up with the thoughts like PETA can and they don't realize the consequences that some of those "ideas" would create.

Just as this situation - the girl says she worked at a certain group of Petsmarts. Most companies have a type of "district" and one manager over that group. I would bet that this particular group is the biggest problem - most of the Petsmarts I have seen really do take care of the animals VERY well and they have quit selling birds also.

I also know that all of ours work with shelters to place cats which is HUGE! in my eyes. They have dedicated and VERY NICE space for the cats to stay in.

Nothing is perfect in life. Yes, I'm sure there are some sick animals and I'm sure that not every animal gets to the vet or whatever but ya know what? There are kids without food and shelter, too.

I hate this video and I hate the idea that these animals suffer, so I do think this situation should be handled, BUT..... if PETA goes around claiming that ALL of these stores are bad - then look what happens! The company goes belly up and people lose their jobs, the rescues lose their help, the suppliers lose business which in turn causes them to lay people off.......... it goes on and on.

What it boils down to is that when PETA is involved, we need to read between the lines and take the info as a local incident and definitely do something. With their record and stupidity they have actually caused people to IGNORE all of their efforts when they could be doing some good.

Most people I know see PETA as a huge joke..... isn't that sad?
I just wanted to say that everyone on this forum is great, these kind oftopics normally turn into a flame war on other forumsbut everyone so far is being mature! Yippee! I love a good discussion.:big kiss:
Thanks for that post Krissa! it's true that most of the time the people here can talk about stuff and even disagree and still not end up being angry or whatever.

I really like that about the people here.

Oh, I can't stand PETA. But that video, whomever it was of, was just sad.

I mean, yes, some of those animals are sick. But sick animals don't look very nice- who's to say that they're not in the process of healing?

And the caging and conditions...well, maybe not the best but I've seen a lot more horrible.

That being said, the video was sad...
I think some of you are missing the point here. This is not about PETA and their tactics. I don't agree with PETA's tactics either but this is about a major corporation who is more concerned about their bottomline than caring for its animals. This video should not be disregarded just because it came from PETA. PETA did not stage this video. It is actual footage from one of Petsmarts breeders.

Petsmart portrays an image of caring about animals and reducing the number of homeless pets yet they make the decision to start to sell rabbits, the third most surrended pet. The only reason they decided to stop selling rabbits was they didn't make the money they thought they would, not because they came to the realization that there is a huge problem with homeless, unwanted rabbits.

Petsmart is so callous in their disregard for the animals they profess to be support. They are more concerned with their stock value (which is plummeting by the way) than ensuring ALL the animals entrusted to them are cared for properly. Employing a breeder that has vets that use Clorox bleach on an animal is reprehensible. Not using proper anesthia is cruel and inhuman. Throwing animals in the trash that are still alive is just digusting.

Put your hatred of PETA aside and focus on the real issue: Petsmart's inhuman treatment of animals.

But I think the point is that not all Petsmart's are created equal. This video gives an example of a Petsmart that is not following company policy. This means they are hopefully in the minority. I know our Petsmart is great as well. One of my roomates noticed a rat who was having the shakes. We told the employees, and they took the rat to the vet, and even called my roomate to let him know the rat was doing better. That to me is great. Others have also posted similar stories. One bad Petsmart does not make all Petsmart's evil.
Dad is PetsMart's vet- they don't have a Banfield here, so they just bring them to him.

And I promise, they're quite good about the animals. They're given a good diet, the cages are kept clean, the animals are on proper bedding, and people attempt to handle them. the dwarf hamsters are generally evil because of genetic disposition/diabetes/other issues. I think they should quit selling the Campbell's. That's my one issue with PetsMart, really. But that's more the coorperation than the actual store.

I've been to some that aren't too great. But it's mostly the Petcos that aren't good, that I've seen, at least.
Exactly! and I'll tell you something else. I had a vet for my cats when I was a kid and I loved that guy! he was SO good to my cats. He loved them and my cats actually liked seeing him.

I found out tho, he didn't like dogs and was very..... mean sometimes to them.

I think that there are good vets and bad ones.... and mine was good for cats but so bad with other animals that I switched. Now my vet for the cats and dogs.... they all run into her office looking for her! they all love her and she's awesome.

If we allow PETA and other organizations to get by with some of this stuff, we become a country willing to let the "big brother" mentality run us.

I do think this vet is a creep and should be prosecuted.

As far as the suppliers - I can't say - I didn't see all of it and those animals looked ok.
bunniesrule wrote:
PETA did not stage this video. It is actual footage from one of Petsmarts breeders.
How do you know that? Were you involved in making it?
Employing a breeder that has vets that use Clorox bleach on an animal is reprehensible. Not using proper anesthia is cruel and inhuman. Throwing animals in the trash that are still alive is just digusting.
Of course it is! No one argued with that in the slightest. But I still don't see that video as proof that this guy is even in a Petsmart, or ever has been for that matter.

Put your hatred of PETA aside and focus on the real issue: Petsmart's inhuman treatment of animals.
I can't remember who it is, but I believe we have someone on here who either does or has worked at a Petsmart, behind the scenes and all, and didn't see anything like this going on. And besides, even if this was filmed in a Petsmart, it's only one store. That does not neccesarily mean that all of them are like that. Even a good chain can have bad apples.

I wanted to add this link, I think it was on this forum that I first saw it.
i must say, this has become quite an enlightning post! i never knew most of this stuff about peta. i still don't know weither i am against or for them. maybe i am just for their ideals of treating animals well.

now i think i will have to go do some research!

thanks for the interesting discussion you guys!:biggrin2:
I really am amazed by the anger of Gentle Giants. I thought this was a forum for people who love animals. I was just pointing out this is not about PETA. You are also not informed about the video. It is not in Petsmart. It is a breeding facility that Petsmart employs to breed animals for sale in their stores. I don't believe any animals should be treated this way, even if it is just one store as you say. All animals deserve compassion. Just because one or two people who say they worked at a Petsmart and had a good experience doesn't mean that is the way it is in all stores or breeding facilities. I personally experienced a Banfield/Petsmart vet giving my rabbit a medicine that is deadly to rabbits. Luckily I read an article about deadly antibotics after only giving him one dose. So don't preach to me about how wonderful Petsmart is. I am sure there are some good and some bad stores. Isn't it a good thing that the bad is exposed so it can be fixed? Or just because an organization you hate exposed it we should ignore it? This type of thinking breaks my heart for the animals that will continue to suffer because people like you chose to turn a blind eye to the situation.

Petsmart has a responsibility to know what is going on in its breeding facilities, just as a manufacturer of clothing has a responsibility toknow what is going on in its factories. I guess I misunderstood what this forum was about and will find a new one where I am not attacked for trying to get the topic back to what it should be about: THE ANIMALS.


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