Well-Known Member
The past few days Zatch has warmed up tome and now comes up for pets and snuggles. The other night,he tried (and almost succeeded) to jump in the windowsill.All I heard was a thump and looked up to see the curtains askew andZatch standing underneath the window looking confused.
Oh, Vash and I aregoing to a rabbit show thisSaturday in North Carolina. I just hope he's not the firstoff the table. I have made a packing list (thanks Zee andPGG) and am set to clean and pack for the next 2 days. Vashhas been loving the extra attention and grooming (mostly).Just need to keep him clean until the show.
I'm dragging a girl friend from here with me. Oh, andpacking an empty carrier -- just in case SHE wants a rabbit...not thatI would take another one home...
Oh, and at my new job (customer service agent) I've passed thefirst 2 assessment tests with 97% and 96% respectively. Onemore test tomorrow and I'm done with training. These 3assessments determine my future raise.
Oh, Vash and I aregoing to a rabbit show thisSaturday in North Carolina. I just hope he's not the firstoff the table. I have made a packing list (thanks Zee andPGG) and am set to clean and pack for the next 2 days. Vashhas been loving the extra attention and grooming (mostly).Just need to keep him clean until the show.
I'm dragging a girl friend from here with me. Oh, andpacking an empty carrier -- just in case SHE wants a rabbit...not thatI would take another one home...
Oh, and at my new job (customer service agent) I've passed thefirst 2 assessment tests with 97% and 96% respectively. Onemore test tomorrow and I'm done with training. These 3assessments determine my future raise.