Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyone's prayers and kindthoughts. WE HAVE POOPS! Yesterday morning Iwoke up to tons of poops in his cage. His butt looks cleanerand no more bunny gas.
I feed him Purina in the green bag - 16% - which should be fine formaintenance diet. The problem is that Vash has a bit of asweet tooth and loves his pellets a bit too much. So,whenhe had unlimited amounts of pellets (badJenniblu)and hay along with a nightly rabbit salad, he atestuff in this order: salad (sometimes eating everything butthe actual leafy veggies), pellets, pellets, pellets. NoticeI didn't mention the hay? He only nibbled at it and playedwith it - played with it a lot :X.
Too many carbs and not enough fiber. Now, with 3/4 cup ofpellets daily, he is forced to eat some hay instead of just pellets andsome salad. As a reward for being such a good boy through allthis - he gets a present... a woven hay mat . Gotta keepencouraging that fiber.
I feed him Purina in the green bag - 16% - which should be fine formaintenance diet. The problem is that Vash has a bit of asweet tooth and loves his pellets a bit too much. So,whenhe had unlimited amounts of pellets (badJenniblu)and hay along with a nightly rabbit salad, he atestuff in this order: salad (sometimes eating everything butthe actual leafy veggies), pellets, pellets, pellets. NoticeI didn't mention the hay? He only nibbled at it and playedwith it - played with it a lot :X.
Too many carbs and not enough fiber. Now, with 3/4 cup ofpellets daily, he is forced to eat some hay instead of just pellets andsome salad. As a reward for being such a good boy through allthis - he gets a present... a woven hay mat . Gotta keepencouraging that fiber.