Carolyn - Yep, dere's da' baby. Thevery spoiled baby. BTW - I tried to hold him like you heldCali (with your chest against her chest) and he was having none ofthat.
Freddysmom - Hey Ms. Alba! He makes the saddest faces behindbars. You'd think he was one of those bunnies that never gotout of the cage the way he looks.
Peg - Thank you.So true about that nickname - he isthe love of my life. Tiny probably won't envy some of thestuff (baby clothes) that Vash gets lol.
Laura - Thanks. I told him what you said and now hehas the big head lol.
Tina - Thank you as always. He is almost through his moultand his fur has come in so soft and shiny this time. I am theone that feels lucky to be his Momma. I'll give him someextracuddles and treats tonight.
It is in the 90's again today, but it is the high humidity that makestoday so miserable right now. I'm going to make a point ofrefrigerating his greens before serving them tonight - that should be aextra treat to have on a muggy night.
Istopped at the pet storeyesterday while in theMall and saw a baby New Zealand all by itself. It was juststanding in the middle of the glass enclosure looking so sad.When I stuck my hand in it came and sniffed it and then lifted itsfront paw to touch my index finger.
The employee said it was about 6 months old, and that it had been therefor 4 months. It looked to be only 4-5 pounds (if thatmuch)at 6 months -- too small maybe? I've neverseen a New Zealand up close. Poor thing had no toys to playwith, only food water, and a plastic igloo thing to hide in.I didn't buy the rabbit, but that made me hug Vash extra tight lastnight.