4cm wrote:
Also, why was surgery done on a rabbit with pneumonia?
It wasn't pneumonia per se, I think it was a type of lung infection, Dr. Martinez has sent tissue to the lab to see, it may have been a pasteurella abscess from what I gather.
PixieStixxxx wrote:
How recent was the internal trauma? Like at Uvic, or from two bunnies being placed two per carrier?
No, I think it was a bit of a kick when they were in the x-pen, probably a fluke. I was on the phone to her not long before he went to the vet and there was a scuffle and a squeal. They weren't fighting before that, but there were two unneutered males there.
It's going to be very hard to be monitoring stuff like that, ditto with post op recoveries, advance health issues, etc.
I'm sure I have two or more unneutered males here, I haven't seen any scuffles at all, and Mack and Neil have actually become quite bonded. (Ellie's the third wheel). So it's a very tough call.
But there isn't anywhere else for them to go. It will get worse I'm sure. Too many bunnies, no experienced caregivers, no monitors, very substandard holding facilities.
The Ministry is making this so difficult! The alternative ain't so hot either.
Meanwhile the transport budget is almost gone with the expenses spent and expected this coming week, and that's before they even start the transport.
Nobody has had any time to do more fundraising. Some people have apparently started questioning Dr. Martinez's care and he's worried any losses will reflect badly on his practice.
If he pulls out, it's dead in the water. Aside from the fact he's the only Vet who can pull off the volume, he's the only one approved by the Ministry. Approving another vet will take weeks or months and UVic won't wait, they will euthanize.
Martinez is also the only Vet who has worked to solve the holding area issue. Any vets speutering in Victoria do not have legal holding facilities.
This whole project is in SERIOUS jeopardy because of the funding and the Vet care/restrictions.
PLEASE don't spread this around to the group!! We don't need panic on top of everything else.
ALSO... REMEMBER THESE ARE NOT OFFICIAL UVIC RABBITS! The permit holders, including Laura Leah and Alexia, can NEVER be associated with the rabbits trapped by April, Aaryn, etc, nor can they be associated with any Vet or other care of these rabbits, the Ministry can and will pull the permits.
They are incredibly sticky!!
And DON'T discuss Martinez!!!