URGENT rehome: 25 bunnies in AZ

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That would be great if you could call around your area to find no-kill shelters! As it stands right now, all 25 bunnies need a place to stay. I am going to talk to Ryan agian tonight about fostering one. I am not sure about that though....as I'm having Morgan flown back to me in September or somewhere around there.

The only way right now that I could foster is if the bun could live outside in the shade with frozen water bottles and everything to keep it cool. It is so much cooler here in Prescott than in Phoenix, especially since it has been raining a lot here now with the monsoons coming. I emailed Judy to find out if she would accept that if worst came to worst.

Bascially...I am just taking it day-by-day and trying to help out with spreading the information, ect. I'm hoping in a month I will be able to send Judy roughly $150 - $200 as a donation.

:hug1 Amy
I just saw this, Judy posted it on Craigslist. I hope she is feeling a little more hopeful :?.

Bunny Santuary Update Thank You [line] Reply to: see below
Date: 2007-07-19, 7:19PM MST

Thanks so much Amy for all the postings on the bunny forum. Without you and Julia, and Tracy, I would not have been able to get the supplies for the cooler. It should be up and running tonite. Tomorrow should be cooler for all my little darlings in the bunnyyard. We are all very grateful to you both. Monday I will also be going to Adens to purchase a couple more bales of Hay. I have several people inquiring about adoptions. I am not asking a fee. I would appreciate a donation of hay and pellets or straw for the remaining bunnies. These are my family and I want the best for them. Having a loving home is extremely important to me. There is no price you can put on love for a bunny who will love you back unconditionally. Thanks so very much to all! Any future donations may be made to my paypal account at cuddles4969@cox.net or by emailing me directly. We are still in need, but we are a little less paniced.

But...I am still very upset over the situation. I have to try to sell a few things laying around here, so I can donate to her.
That's sweet she mentioned us in there. I wish I had the money to take off work and go get some of them. At least she is feeling a little better about everything. I wonder what else we can do for her. I think about this everyday.:(
iluvmybuns wrote:
That's sweet she mentioned us in there. I wish I had the money to take off work and go get some of them. At least she is feeling a little better about everything. I wonder what else we can do for her. I think about this everyday.:(

I think about it every day as well. I also wonder what else can be done. I am still hoping to save up $150 - $200 and send it to her soon. I might even do it this Friday, but that would set me back from paying for my cell phone bills that I owe. Hrm.

Let's hope that we have a few months more time to help out Judy and the bunnies. For once in my life I am thinking about a HUMAN as well. I am an animal person. I always put animals before humans, but this time I am worried about Judy and where she will end up...and her 4 year old grand daughter.

Well I was thinking today about it. I wonder if we could do some kind of fundraiser either on here (don't know the rules) or on our own, individually. Then if we saved enough we could pay to have buns shipped to different people on the forum or others that would adopt or even foster. We just need to be able to spread the word a little louder, and I bet we'd get help.

I know when my friend had a bun she was going to have me take from her I put a thing on craigslist and in like an hour I had3 emails...and that bun wasnt altered. I bet we could find homes for at least some of them....
What type of fundraiser could we do?

I am selling a 5.5 gallon reptile tank to my friend for $15...and I will be setting that money aside to send to Judy. I also have a pair of spurs that I need to sell. I should be able to get atleast $50 for them. I need to post them on Ebay. The money for the spurs will go to Judy and the buns as well.

I am not sure what else I can sell, I don't have much "junk" laying around.

Ifyou find anything, I can help with transport the first weekend of August. My mom isfrom AZ and we are meeting in NV. I would gladly help bring some of these poor guys to So Cal if anyone finds a place for them to go. Wish I could foster. :(
Hmmm...I have been picking my brain all day. I'll pick other people's too. I'm glad we are at least getting offers to help transport.

Haley call your flight attendant girl, maybe she can get a reduced rate on bun transport?

Anyone in the surrounding states willing to help with a transport train?

I'll talk to people at work Tues. about ideas for a fundraiser

We can do this guys. At least a few of them.
Great, Becknutt. Now we just need to find someone who is interesting in taking a bunny or two from SoCal or along the way.

Even someone all the way on the east coast! It costs $85, plus tax and a vet check-up to fly a bunny. Vet checks here in AZ are pretty cheap with my vet....and I'll be willing to help pay! Also, if anyone wanted the vet check, plus the spay/neuter done with my vet....then I would be willing to help out with that. My vet only charges $85 for a neuter and $99 for a spay.

It does seem like such a big process to ship a bun, but if anyone is really interested in saving a life and taking in a permanent bun or a foster bun....then we can all make it happen.

iluvmybuns....Maybe I can start sewing up ferret hammocks, rat hammocks/tubes, and piggie sleeping bags and try to sell them as sets on Ebay to pull in a little bit of money. I am still trying to think of other ways for a fundraiser. I am going to come home from work tomorrow and make up a bunch of flyers to post around town to anyone who may be interested in fostering. Ya never know, there may actually be "bunny people" in this town.
Yeah anything would help I'm sure. I'll ask the lady that's a flight attendent on Wed. morning. She is dropping off some buns fromCali(i think)(to be transportedto OH)to the airport Wed morning and I'm picking them up. I'll ask her if she'd help out with Judy's buns and give her my number.
iluvmybuns wrote:
Yeah anything would help I'm sure. I'll ask the lady that's a flight attendent on Wed. morning. She is dropping off some buns fromCali(i think) (to be transportedto OH)to the airport Wed morning and I'm picking them up. I'll ask her if she'd help out with Judy's buns and give her my number.

That would be awesome!

I am kind of worried. I haven't heard from Judy since the 19th, I think.
Yeah...I wish I could help JUDY at the same time. Helping the bunnies helps her though, but if she ends up homeless with her 4 year old grand daughter.....then I will feel so horrible.
You can only do so much, and you are already going above and beyond the call of duty.

The fact that you are trying to help with the buns will be taking a weight off ehr mind to be able to focus on other things.

You have done/are doing your utmost to help, so please don't feel guilty for any consequences that might happen, you have already done more than anyone else will/have done.
TreasuredFriend wrote:
Was Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue able to assist? Were they contacted?

Yep, Judy contacted them and they aren't accepting any Arizona rabbits at the time being. I find that odd of them.
Hey guys!

Just wanted to add that I've posted notice to several sources asking for help in this, and asking if anyone can possibly adopt/foster any of these buns.

I hope to get some response SOON! :)


I would be able to help with transport as well. I can also check with places around here, but we just recently had a huge seizing of a woman's home near portland with 150 bunnies taken to shelters and rescues. :/

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