Well-Known Member
What would cause a rabbit to try to chew its ownfoot off? My netherland dwarf penelope has been pulling hair off of herfoot for awile, but was acting sick yesterday, and I noticed that shewas hopping using only 3 legs. I picked her up and the whole topside ofher foot is a bloody mess. I put on antiseptic ointment and wrapped it,and she's feeling so rotten that she's not trying to pull the tape offor anything. She acts like she's cold (she's trembling) and she won'teat so right now I've got her on my heated waterbed under the coversand am giving her nutrical mixed with warm water with a eyedropper.What would cause a rabbit to do this??? I know she should go to a vetbut I'm on medical leave right now and not getting a paycheck. Do youhave any suggestions on what I can do for her.