Urgent... please advise

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Thanks everybody for your kindthoughts. I'm still crying alot and missing her, butthankfully I still have my other bunnys to love. It reallyhelps to know that there are other people out there that feel the sameway about their rabbits and understand the feeling of loss, and theneed to mourn them. It always feels like a part of me dieswith them when one of them dies. Again thanks!
I am so very sorry for your loss. Wordscan never fully express our pain when we lose a friend. The hurt is sodeep. Please know that I will be keeping you and your other bunnies inmy prayers.

Also, please keep an eye on your other bunns. Rabbits can and do suffer from grief. Hugs to you all.

Tina and the Boys
I'm just reading up on this post. I feel so badfor you...my prayers will definitly include you and your bun inHeaven...I send you my sympathy at such a hard time. Give your otherbuns Xes and Oes for me! I'm sure that they're missing that beautifulsoul...

I'm so sorry.. :(

I was praying that she would make it...

She's now happy and at peace over the Rainbow Bridge. She's in thecompany of all of the other's that have crossed, and will be waiting tocover you with bunnie kisses when she see's you again.

Binkie free little one!!

