Urgent... please advise

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
What would cause a rabbit to try to chew its ownfoot off? My netherland dwarf penelope has been pulling hair off of herfoot for awile, but was acting sick yesterday, and I noticed that shewas hopping using only 3 legs. I picked her up and the whole topside ofher foot is a bloody mess. I put on antiseptic ointment and wrapped it,and she's feeling so rotten that she's not trying to pull the tape offor anything. She acts like she's cold (she's trembling) and she won'teat so right now I've got her on my heated waterbed under the coversand am giving her nutrical mixed with warm water with a eyedropper.What would cause a rabbit to do this??? I know she should go to a vetbut I'm on medical leave right now and not getting a paycheck. Do youhave any suggestions on what I can do for her.:(
You might put her on a low heating pad, with atowel over it to keep her warm. She needs a vet.There's obviously something serious going on to make her want to dothis. The Poor Thing!

She's in pain and the pain will cause stress and between the two, she's at risk of her immune system dropping in strength.

Can your vet bill you?

When did this start?


P.S. The waterbed good for her to be on. Sorry, I missed that part of your post.
wow, poor thing! Sounds like you're doing theright things...wonder if she's in shock from the pain? What was thepill/dose for rabbits? Anyone??

I thought someone mentioned baby aspirin or Tylenol, but I don'tremember which, so maybe whoever mentioned it can fill in here??

My Fenwick will scratch his own nose raw, but never had foot problems.

Baby aspirin or ibuprofen would help asrabbitgirl points out, but don't use Tylenol. Keeppushing the NutriCal and make sure she doesn't get dehydrated fornow. Neither will help her get over the problem that iscausing this though. :?

I wouldn't want to guess at what her problem is.


IMO.... ..the bunnie needs to see a vet... ..soon!

Maybe the vet will let you pay the bill off over time or in installments.

The HRS of Michigan has a listing of vets, I bet that one of them wouldtreat your bunnie first ... ..and worry about payment secondly.

Here's the link to the Bunnie Basics Guide from HRS. The vets are listed on pages 8 & 9



I really wouldn't self medicate the rabbit if you don't know what to do. You may end up doing more harm then good.

I agree, the rabbit needs to see a vet.
It could be anything from e. cuniculi (strongneurological feelings, could be pain from "electric shock" type offeeling) to pain from an injury.

You could try the baby aspirin, neosporin (to help prevent infection inthe paw), or Oxibendazole is used for e. cuniculi sometimes.

I really wish you the best, but I don't havea good feeling ifyou can't get to the vet.:?I really hope you can find a vetthat will workwith you.

I'llbe praying.


We have had 2 buns with sore hocks, but thatwould be on the bottom of the foot. Not the same. No blood to speak ofeither. But they did lick the fur off around the area.

Both buns were healthy and suffered no other symptoms. In fact it was afew days before I realized something was wrong in both cases. And thenonly by actually seeing it. Both buns have healed wonderfully.

Your buns symptoms of being cold, lethargic, and not eating could be a result of pain or possibly something more serious.

I'm thinking that he needs some pain relief and maybe some antibiotics.

At very least I would use an ointment with pain reliever likeNeosporin/Pain Relief. And also try to keep his digestive systemworking. Is this where I suggest the canned pumpkin??

The Nutrical is good, as well.

Is he drinking. Very important to keep him hydrated.

Try some high water content greens like parsley or celery, too.

Keep us posted!!

Good thoughts and bunniehugger prayers sent your way!


zoecat6 wrote:
What would cause a rabbit to try to chew its own foot off?My netherland dwarf penelope has been pulling hair off of her foot forawile, but was acting sick yesterday, and I noticed that she washopping using only 3 legs. I picked her up and the whole topside of herfoot is a bloody mess. I put on antiseptic ointment and wrapped it, andshe's feeling so rotten that she's not trying to pull the tape off oranything. She acts like she's cold (she's trembling) and she won't eatso right now I've got her on my heated waterbed under the covers and amgiving her nutrical mixed with warm water with a eyedropper. What wouldcause a rabbit to do this??? I know she should go to a vet but I'm onmedical leave right now and not getting a paycheck. Do you have anysuggestions on what I can do for her.:(
You should see a vet!I am just guessing but it maybe some kind of infectin, allergy or inflamation that has the footitchy. I would guess maybe the chewing is the rabitt tryingto "scratch' the itch. I don't think you want to guess withhome medicine since if it doesn't stop there could be a very seriousinfectione etc. After you find out what it is this time youwill know what to look for and how to treat it next time.

How is the little one today, zoecat?

I am so sorry that I didn't write back sooner butshe died shortly after I wrote the post, I didn't even have time to gether to the vet. I am so devistated that I couldn't even talkabout it at the time. I loved her so much, she was my firstand favorite bunny. I miss her so much and so do my other bunnies.


Goodbye Penelope, mommy misses you. :(
Oh hun, I am so, so sorry. I didn't even see thispost before now. I know you were trying to do everything you could forher. I just don't know what to say that could make you feel better. :(

So, so sorry Zoecat6,

You had everything going your way.........the cage, the new lop, thebonding of the three bunnies.........life just threw a curve ball.

I remembered your story when Penelope first kissed you......... angels are kissing her now at Rainbow Bridge.

Rainbows! :(

I am so sorry to hear about preciousPenelope. Just remember that she is no longer in pain andthat she had a good life with you, Zoecat6.
zoecat6 wrote:
I am so sorry that I didn't write back sooner but she diedshortly after I wrote the post, I didn't even have time to get her tothe vet.? I am so devistated that I couldn't even talk about it at thetime.? I loved her so much, she was my first and favorite bunny. I missher so much and so do my other bunnies.


Goodbye Penelope, mommy misses you. :(

Dearest Zoecat,

I know you're not checking the board much because it hurts so deeply.I'm sorry for your agony in dealing with her death, but honestly, I'mglad she went quickly. I believe she was in great pain and I doubt atthat point even a vet could've saved her precious life.

She finished her lesson here and now will watch you and protect other rabbits in your life.

She met her end the way we all would wish for...in the comfort of herown home and with the person that loves her the most right at her side.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Most sincerely,

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