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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
does any one know of anywhere to get help withpaying medical bills for a rabbit in the illinois area? i wascontacted today by a lady who has a pet rabbit. hes not anice rabbit but she is trying to find somewhere to place him as he isin urgent need of having work done on his teeth and can not afford thevet bill . they are asking 300.oo to pull out his top teethas they keep trimming them and they keep growing into his bottom lip.the vet said the only way to stop it was to pull them. theyhave had them trimmed less than 3 weeks ago and they are already almostback to the point they were at. any info isextremely appreciated as i told her i would help do what i could tofind her help! please contact me by email if you know of anyinfo.

[email protected]
Does she have things for the rabbit to chew onin the pen? They don't normally grow so fast... hmm.... I know thatexperienced breeders can trim the teeth on their own; but I don't thinkpulling is really a good idea.... I'm not sure how to help you out here.

I'm guessing this may be an older rabbit?Sometimes with the older guys, their teeth become slightly missalignedand don't wear off the way they should. Is this lady paying someone totrim the teeth? She can easily do it herself if she is willing. Using asmall pair of wire cutters or the toe nail clippers that look likepliers, she can snip off the excess of those teeth that are causing theproblem.

Please note, I do not promote teeth clipping in breeding or show rabbits, but in a pet case like this, I see no harm in it.


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