It has been two days and my rabbit has stillremained very still in the back of his cage or under hischair. He has the whole basement open and its been like thatfor 5 years. He always runs around and comes fortreats. Yesturday he was confined in his cage.Usually he doesn't even like to go in there. It has been verycold in Buffalo the past few days but nothing we haven't hadbefore. When looking at him, he is slighty shaking as if hewere shivering. His shoulders behind his head are constantlyvibrating His ears are a little colder that usual.His stomach area seams to be moving inside. When putting myhand on his side moving. When i move my hands up furthertoward the head, the should area, a constant vibrating ispresent. He seems to be in disconfort however no teethgrinding is occurring. I not to sure what this could be butwas wondering if there was anything at home I could give him.He usually gets a cup of pellets and carrot topps daily. Hehas not or little eaten the past 2 days. I have also observedthat when he exhales, his diaphram tightening closer to him, he hassome irregular movements. His inhaling and exhaling, in termsof how in his stomach area, looks like a irregularmovement. There has been past health problems whenhe would eat some couch foam, stop eating, and have similar appearanceproblems, none of which that seamed this bad. His waterintake is minimal too. Is there anything i can give him?someone suggested pineapple juice would help him pass whatever if everhe ate. There is no evidence of himeating something bad, we have thrown out the couch with foam a yearago. Unfortunately we are tight on money and can not affordto go to vet so any advice would be greatly appreciated.