Urgent Health Problem

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Bunnies are so delicate. I get so worried when mine are ill or not acting like themselves.

Thoughts and prayers are sent your way and we'll all meet up over the bridge some day.

~Jim & the crew
dr_peter_kraz wrote:
Thats so upsetting Joe.My condolinces and I hateto ask but what cause this so suddenly. Was it somethingPeter ate, a blockage? I ask becuase in Peters loss perhappshe can help in are awarness. Joe I'm so sorry

I am not sure what caused his quick sickness. We only assumedhe ate something because of his stomach area was shaking. Hewould not eat either. He had the whole basement to runthrough so there are many things that could of eaten byaccident. He used to eat foam(until wegot ridof)and go on with the same sickness but wouldrecover. He was 7 years old so maybe his body was unable torecover this time.

P.S. The hunt for a replacement begins


Joe689 wrote:
:)Buffalo New York. I heard lops are lazy?
LOPS ARE LAZY!!! :shock:You should see Stephie drag race around the room!!

I know you probably wouldn't want to drive to Pittsburgh, but there isa pet store here that has had a beautiful black minilop since Novemberand I feel really bad that nobody has taken him/her home yet. See theI'm Really Torqued!!! thread.