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ive already found a great bunny-certifified vetwho says can get my bun spayed and checked up on the same day, reallysoon but i have to get my mom to agree to this spaying thing first!
I would have thought your mum would be all forgetting her spayed especially due to the fact that your bun would be atrisk of getting pregnant. Does she realize that Pregnancy could (notvery likely but could) lead to complications for your rabbit and whilethe babies would be in your care you would be responsible if anythingwas to go wrong with them and they needed veterinary treatment. Thiscould in the long term be more expensive. Like I said this is only asenario, but is one that needs to be thought about before havingbabies. They are a full time commitment. There is also the risk ofcancer eliminated to her. Why has she said no?

If you DO get your bun spayed it doesn't change the fact that you willbe leaving her with someone that doesn't look after their bunny verywell. Why on earth risk her going there. You could come home from yourholidays bunnyless :(. I would think carefully about what Foofy saidabout getting a family member or neigbour to drop in once a day tofeed, etc. Maybe a better solution if you can't get her to change hermind.

You seem a bit stuck don't you. I hope things get sorted for you and your rabbit.


*sigh* this might be hard for u guys to believebut my family is nothing like me. all of them are definitly not animallovers, im the only animal lover in the family. they regret that theygot the bunny for me, they thought it would die within the first year.

My mom isnt willing to waste $200 on my bun. she says if its soimportant than why dont people do it(get fixed). and she says theresstill a 20% that my bun wont get cancer. *sigh* (still giving myparents the silent treatment but it isnt working so well...:()
I think before anyone owns a rabbit dog cathamster they need to make a lil fund first for spaying feeding oremergency costs. I got my daughter ( she paid for it)a bunand told her she had to pay for everything.....even his surgery ( iwill help her w/ that ) I think your mom should split the cost withyou??? I dont know how old you are if you work can you pay her backsomehow? Or do exta chores around the house? Unfortunately sounds likeyour mom dosent want anything to do with your rabbit :(
This whole thing is a bad situation. Asa parent of a former younger kid, I was pretty much okay withanything/anybody he brought home, and we just worked thingsout. It all takes some cooperation. I don't knowyou personally, but even so, I'd baby-sit your bunny and take good careof it...probably not as good as you do...but your bunny would be safe,etc.

I sure do hope that you and your parents can come to some kind of an understanding about this!!!

- Dolores
i love my bunny buddies(u guys)! you guys are sohelpful. u're very right about not sending money to people, thanks forwaking me up before i went and did something stupid. I emailed my localHRS chapter for some low-cost spay and neuter services, hopefullysomething will comeup.

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