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This is definitely an early stage of Stasis. You can tell because he is not able to get comfy, pressing his belly to the ground, and hunched up. Also, small poops and poops strung together are a sign of gut slowdown (which is Gi Stasis).
Have there been any diet changes, housing changes, etc? When was the last time he ate or drank something? Rabbits can not go 5-8 hours without eating.
You said he has a runny nose and eye boogers which may mean he has molar spurs. A vet will have to check to know for sure since the rabbit will need anesthesia in order to check.
Right now, he needs Infant Gas Drops. I suggest the equate brand from can Walmart:
(2 Pack) Equate Infants Gas Relief Simethicone Drops, 1 fl oz - Walmart.com. He can have 1-2 ml every hour for 3 hours, and then 1-2 ml every 3-8 hours. If he is not back to running around and eating after the 2nd dose TAKE HIM TO A RABBIT-SAVVY VET as soon as possible or he could die! He could have a blockage. The vet will take an x-ray and if he does have a blockage, they will either suggest surgery to remove the blockage, or fluids to get the blockage moving. If he doesn't have a blockage they will give you Metoclopramide, which will get his gut moving again.
If you can not get gas drops, give him tummy massages:
I highly suggest removing his pellets and only offering him hay and water. Once he starts eating hay you can give him some leafy greens (but only leafy greens he has had before, nothing new), soak them in water for a minute or two, and give them to him wet so he gets water from them. I would keep him on a hay, veggie, and water diet for about a week after he gets better to keep this from happening again.
I hope he gets better! Let me know if you have any more questions!