UPDATE on Marissa (Delta's neck improved )

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Oh marissa I'm so sorry to hear that. that really is bad news.

If your mom cannot assist with her maybe someone on :pray:the forum could help in some way .
I'm going to alter the topic
Marissa, I'm so glad to hear Delta is better, but sorry to hear you must leave her!:(

Ali? You have experience with this, and you're not that far away. Possibility?
I'm so glad she is better, but it's too bad you have to go away. I hope you can figure something out!
Try calling rabbit rescues in your area too. Maybe they can help you find someone who can care for her while you're gone.

Or maybe Randy, if you can get her to him? His username is ra7751.

And please come back safe!!!
That's a good idea. I'll have to look around...I'm procrastinating on this so bad right now because I'm pretending its not going to happen! I have till January to find her a place, but my mother agreed to meet her at Christmas at least. Although I would prefer to have her in an experienced bunny person home, I'll have to look around today.

Thanks again for all the support! This is pretty much the best forum ever

One more fun picture just to show how much she is improved.... This is where she was helping me plan my wedding (and so bored she fell asleep!)


How long will you be gone ..do you have any idea/?
Why don't you think about this....

try really hard to get her a really good rabbit-sitter (like maybe your mom??) and if you run out of ideas we can post this in the rescue section as "Special needs bunny needs temporary home"

There might be someone on this forum who is really rabbit knowledgeable whocould take her temporarily:)

the pic is awesomely cute
Hi all!

It is only an 11 month deployment since I am going late, but no worries! My roomate from before is going to be trained in bunny care and take in little delta for me as her foster Aunt:) So she has some big travelling here in the near future but she will be well cared for

Thanks again for all the support and love!
