Update on Cruelty

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
I posted here on Sunday about the awful treatmentI saw of rabbits at my local reptile show. I decided I needto say that I have been to this show many times and have never seenanything I have considered cruel there before. I know thatthe food chain dictates that some snakes and even larger lizards needto eat rabbits, but I stand by that they should be fed frozen as it ismore humane for the rabbit and safer for the snake. Anyway,the man was picking them up by their ears, had several stuffed togetherin small boxes, which he said he had packed the nightbefore,and several other things. I rescued the only baby I could,Orion, my tiny mini-rex mix (who is only 4-5 weeks according to my vet-- illegal to sell rabbits younger than 8 wks in PA), but my heartstill goes out to those I had to leave behind. I actuallycame to the realization last night that I still have 1 empty cage, so Icould have taken 1 more, but I did the best I could.

Yesterday, I set out to report this problem. First, I put ina call to the person at the Department of Agriculture who polices thesmall animals at the pet store I manage. He gave me the nameof the person who does this in Wheeling, WV (where the man is from, andwhere I'm assuming he sells most of his bunnies to stores). Icalled him and he said he would check into it, he told me he would keepme updated. If he doesn't, I'll just keep calling.I also called the Western PA Humane Society, because they are the oneswho would need to do something about the selling of young bunnies inPA. They took his name and number (all that was on the card)and said they would be have to go in with the Wheeling Humane LawEnforcement people. I also requested they keep meinformed. They also gave me a number to call in WV.I talked to them as well. They said they would get hisaddress and pay him a visit within the next 24 hrs. They alsosaid that if he has the quantities of rabbits he said he does, thiswill be quite a process if they do indeed seize them. So, thewoman I spoke with said she would probably contact a bunch of rescuesand shelters to help in placing the rabbits. Everyonepromised to keep me up to date, and I'm the type to make sure they do.

Good on ya, Mate! You are tobe commended and serve as an example for the all of us on what shouldbe done instead of just thinking about it and tsk, tsking.

You are such a welcome addition to this forum!

Jen that is so well done of you :D. It's made myday to know that you're doing everything possible to stop him havingand selling rabbits. I really hope you succeed in this andthatthose poorrabbits are taken from him. I'mpraying so.


Well done!! Nothing better than an "action" person rather than a "gunna" person (as In I'm gunna do this or that)

Good to see people who feel strongly about something having the guts tostand up and be heard instead of whinning and doing nothing.

I applaude you
I think they'll have a hard time taking anyaction, as there were no actual acts of "cruelty" (under PA state lawdefinition). The sales of underage rabbits applies to petsales, not sales of commercial feeder animals. Ifthe rabbits at the reptile show were specifically being marketed aspets, they may have a case -- but not if they were being marketed asreptile feed.

In a recent case in Ohio, a teenager purchased a rabbit and a guineapig from a pet store, butchered them and served them to his "survivalskills" class at school. Under Ohio statute, he did notviolate any animal cruelty laws.

Let us know what happens. . .

PA Bunny Sales Law . . .

"(b) Regulating certain actions concerning fowl or rabbits.--Aperson commits a summary offense if he sells, offers for sale, barters,or gives away baby chickens, ducklings, or other fowl, under one monthof age, or rabbits under two months of age, as pets, toys,premiums or novelties or if he colors, dyes, stains or otherwisechanges the natural color of baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl, orrabbits or if he brings or transports the same into this Commonwealth.This section shall not be construed to prohibit the sale or displayof such baby chickens, ducklings, or other fowl, or such rabbits, inproper facilities by persons engaged in the business of selling themfor purposes of commercial breeding and raising."
pamnock wrote:
Ithink they'll have a hard time taking any action, as there were noactual acts of "cruelty" (under PA state law definition).
I agree that it will be difficult in PA, I'm more hoping that the WVauthorities will do something. He actually sells to pet shopsso, it may be possible for PA to take some sort of action.The WV authorities said they would check out his facilities.I know they were probably just humoring me, but it was nice to try.

Don't give up. As always if you get no results try the local media in Wheeling.


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