Update: Beau's recovery from dental surgery

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I was going to wait to post until everything was clear cut but...

1) The lump is not an abscess and is almost gone (good)
2) Several days ago I felt that he was not drinking enough water so now I have to syringe him water all day ( he drinks some out of a bowl) I don't quite know why he likes the angle that I hold the syringe better than his water bottle.

3) Some days he is not pooping enough which has made me feel that he needs more water.

4) he does eat but he is seriously thinner.

5) We have a recheck in a week by the vet.

This is my overall feeling about this surgery. This vet is learning dentistry. I think that she did everything correctly re. his teeth, HOWEVER I feel that this procedure was too much for a 5 yr old rabbit.
he has had his teeth done by the more experienced dentist before and I think the dentist did less extensive work to avoid the kind of situationBeau is in now. I still am unsure whether he is going to get back to his previous state.

I am still really worried about him overall

Actually iam going to look into easy ways to get calories into him..maybe Nutrical

anyone else have any suggestions? remember that he has to eat soft food and cannot chew. he eats critical care and pellets in a gruel.

i think about Bon and Gizmo. Gizmo had the abscess surgically removed and it was successful. Bon fed gizmo, gave injections and fed her by syringe. When Gizmo passed Bon felt that the stress of the entire procedure was just too great for Gizmo. she had lost weight but was infection free.

I sort of have this feeling about Beau but hope thatI can either turn it around, am wrong altogether, or he will just improve rapidly.

anyway we are fighting the fight....:)

Poor little guy! I sure hope you can get him back to normal.

Do you think he could eat some soft watermelon or cantalope? Would that add some fluids in his diet? Cantalope has lots of vitamins..... not sure if it's super good since it's a fruit, but I think the calories/fluids outweigh that part. It would be soft too - and if you let it get good and ripe......
I just turned around and saw him resting . he looks more comfortable today. His little lop face 'falls in" like an elderly person without teeth.:)

Isn't he sweet?

Look at that precious little guy. He looks sorta pathetic but so darned cute!

How's he feeling today?
He needs nose rubs and kisses...... please give him some from me!

Is he getting fluids? hows the lump now?
lump is going down ..it's not an abscess.
he just acts sort of 'out of it"

lack of interest
he does eat and just started drinking out of the bowl so I don't have to stand around with the syringe all day
he makes a chewing motion with his mouth a lot of the time...
he has a recheck next week.
I haven't posted on Beau for awhile because for awhile things were really hard. He was getting really thin, was all wet on his underside from eating wet food and in general looked miserable. I have been syringing him large amounts of pedialyte whenever I can as he has a tendency not to drink enough since the surgery. I had been giving him partial baths because of his wet "stinky "chest and neck area but decided that was toostressful and began to give him cornstarch baths daily which was better than nothing. I am very afraid he will get a fungus from being wet under his chin and chest

After I got Organic rabbit from Oxbow and tried it mixed with Critical care (slurry) he started to turn around. he really likes this new food and is eating more. Because it is a better quality pellet his poops are much better. Since last week he seems stronger.

Yesterday was the recheck with the vet. She gave me some special shampoo to use in spots on him. I used it tonight and it seems to be more effective than what I had been doing.

I am trying to mix his food to a drier testure so that it won't be so wet as he pulls it with his paws out of the bowl and sort of under him to eat. he can only use his incisors to chew.

I am not resolving this thread yet but I think that he will pull through this.

Now the surprsie news
I have started to attempt bonding him with Willow who is the harlequin who lives beside him and although it is not a head over heels affair nor a caretaker as babette was to him but sort of a mutual aceptance. She doesn't know that he wants to be groomed and I am so hoping that she learns so I don't have to do all this work.....:)
that is such good news! You are taking excellent care of him, and I hope the bonding is a success! I think Oxbow's new organic line is going to be a hit with many buns.

You can use oatmeal (oats) to soak up the moisture on him and sort of "clean" him also. Some cat owners bathe their cats that way.

Poor little guy - I'm sure it's hard on him :(

do you mean oatmeal ?
You should have seen the cornstarch baths..once I put him down afterwards and a "poof" came off him like a powder puff

I had to try to get more out of him.:)
What a mess!