Update: Beau's recovery from dental surgery

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:pinkelepht:I just mixed up a fresh batch of what he normally eats out of a bowl
critical care and pellets mixed with hot water to make a gruel.

He's eating on his own as I speak :D
That's great that he's eating on his own!! It must be such a relief :)

I guess it must be so sore for him- poor little guy, that's a lot of teeth to have out at once!

Come on Beau, keep going!
I'm so glad he's eating now! If he wasn't, I was going to suggest asking for more Buprenex or some Tramadol if they're more comfortable dispensing that for home use.

Poor guy, that's a lot of dental work to go through! He'll feel so much better when the soreness from surgery goes away though.
That's what I did for baby Clover..... I just used banana baby food instead of the critical care! LOL!

I am SO glad he's eating - I thought he'd probably realize he needed to eat!

angieluv wrote:
:pinkelepht:I just mixed up a fresh batch of what he normally eats out of a bowl
critical care and pellets mixed with hot water to make a gruel.

He's eating on his own as I speak :D
I didn't post this last night but as of late last night Beau had only produced a few poops.

I gave him a little bowl of warm pumpkin really late and he was eating it when I went to bed.
As of this AM he is much improved eating and pooping. I think he's out of the woods and I have found a vet that can do teeth close to me :D
I'm sorry that I just saw this; I'm so glad that Beau is doing well--these little ones constantly amaze me with their strength. I know that he's in great care too! He's such a cutie :)

You know I don't have the resources right now for an emotional roller coaster. :pullhair:
I just found a big lump under his chin and immediately called the vet.
the lump is large and tender to touch....

She thinks it's normal and should go down in4-5 days.
I am sort of angry because this never happened to him before. I am going to try to get a pic of the lump.
Eek! Is the lump hard or soft? Is it attached to his jaw? The only swelling I would think normal would be directly around where the teeth were removed. Even then they shouldn't have enough swelling to notice as a lump.

I'd be scared to let it go over the weekend. If it is an abscess, the longer you wait the more likely it will invade the jaw bone.

it is soft
she think that it is swelling from the trauma of the very long tooth roots on the bottom

I don't think it was there yesterday..
I'm not taking him in now but I am going to watch it

I am trying to post a pic but am having trouble with photobucket.
Ok. Soft is good. I don't know if you've dealt with abscesses before but the pus is really thick, kind of like toothpaste or cream cheese. They usually feel more hard. So that does make it more likely to be swelling/fluid draining from the surgery.
Oh, I was just going to say how happy I was that Beau was eating, when I saw about the lump :(. It could be caused by the trauma he has suffered to his mouth. I know when I've had teeth out, my face swells and I look like I have mumps. Hopefully, that is all it is.


He has no hair under his chin : I think from drooling and eating wet food all the time. In the 2nd pic I am holding both sides of his jaw and his nose is towards the palm of my hand. I really feel sorry for him.


I'd be back to the vetasap.

That looks a little angry.

If it's only swelling, it might respond to alternate applications of cold and heat.
15 -20 minutes of and ice pack (i.e.: small frozen water bottle in a sock)...followed by 15 - 20 minutes of a heat pack (i.e.: rice sock)

I agree it looks awful; he's extremely sensitive to me touching it soI might try wet hot wash clothes alternating with cold ones. I don't think that I could put anything hard against it. :(

My only thought is if it looks better tomorrow....
It's going down....
Until it really goes down a lot I am uneasy but it is less tender, less inflamed and smaller ..but it is still there

Otherwise he seems to be doing OK