The other day I went to check on our rabbits, and one of them was sleeping, in the looking very dead sort of way. I stroked her some, but she didn't get up or anything, which was not too surprising, but because she wasn't responding I tried to wake her. I lifted her shoulder up a bit, and she was limp and did not respond still, which is what became abnormal. For about a minute after that she stayed in this state, her eyes were open (though that also isn't uncommon for her), and sometimes her legs would twitch. But then she just sat up and acted normal again.This was a very strange and scary situation. Was she really just deeply sleeping, or was this something else?
The other day I went to check on our rabbits, and one of them was sleeping, in the looking very dead sort of way. I stroked her some, but she didn't get up or anything, which was not too surprising, but because she wasn't responding I tried to wake her. I lifted her shoulder up a bit, and she was limp and did not respond still, which is what became abnormal. For about a minute after that she stayed in this state, her eyes were open (though that also isn't uncommon for her), and sometimes her legs would twitch. But then she just sat up and acted normal again.This was a very strange and scary situation. Was she really just deeply sleeping, or was this something else?