Unknown breed

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I can definitely appreciate others opinions. I cannot, and will not, tolerate an ammature (not in reference to you) chiming in and saying flat outNo, that's wrong.

As for the lop that you see in him, I don't. And here's my reasoning behind it: the crown is far, far too tight on that rabbit. See how the ears prick forward? Even lops with super tight crowns and airplane ears can't prick their ears forward, but off to the sides instead. Does that make sense? I can see a bit of what you are saying in his face, because it isn't *as* pointed as Mini Rex tend to be, but it is still too pointed to be a lop. Lops tend to have very rounded out faces. He also has the bone of a rex type rabbit, not a lop. See his front legs? Very thin bone.

Just some stuff to toss out there at ya. ;)

Flashy wrote:
Personally, I can't see the rex in him, doesn't mean it's not there, just means I can't see it, but you can. That's cool, I respect that. The more differing opinions I see the better, in my eyes, because I learn more, just a shame when those with differing opinions can't always appreciate that.
I once saw a rabbit with amazing ears! Her ears went right forwards, upwards, backwards and also lopped over. she very much had full on rotation in her ears. She used to make me laugh because they were so funny. They weren't ears like I had ever seen before, but they were very expressive ears, lol.

I guess, with a mix, it could be bits of rex, bits of lop, bits of this, that and the other, so we could ALL be right :D (or all be wrong :p)
ARobinson wrote:
I can definitely appreciate others opinions. I cannot, and will not, tolerate an ammature (not in reference to you) chiming in and saying flat outNo, that's wrong.

As for the lop that you see in him, I don't. And here's my reasoning behind it: the crown is far, far too tight on that rabbit. See how the ears prick forward? Even lops with super tight crowns and airplane ears can't prick their ears forward, but off to the sides instead. Does that make sense? I can see a bit of what you are saying in his face, because it isn't *as* pointed as Mini Rex tend to be, but it is still too pointed to be a lop. Lops tend to have very rounded out faces. He also has the bone of a rex type rabbit, not a lop. See his front legs? Very thin bone.

Just some stuff to toss out there at ya. ;)
He still could have lop in him, like I said, I have a lionlop who holds her ears just like that, as she grew she changed and lost the way her ears lopped.

She is most definatly a mix though, she could have lot's of different types in her ;)
ARobinson wrote:
I'm not bothered if I am wrong; it is very possible I AM wrong. I can live with that, it's happened before, it will happen again. Ican say I AM bothered by know-it-alls who openly admit that they DONT know what they are talking about, and then keep arguing it just because they have or have had one in the past. Since when does owning a particular breed of anything make one an expert? ;)



I think maybe you should follow your own advice on this one. ;)

You said yourself that you own mini rex... So do a lot of other people on this forum. They're not the ones acting like the experts on the breed, you are.

I can definitely appreciate others opinions. I cannot, and will not, tolerate an ammature (not in reference to you) chiming in and saying flat outNo, that's wrong.

That is NOT a lop.

Really? Because isn't that what you're doing?

As for the breed, I can definitely say there is some lop in him. He hasabout the exactsame shape of head as my buck, Magic, who is a lop mix. ;)

For all we know, he could have awide rangeof breeds in his background... One will never know. I did see some Dutch/Mini Rex mixes one time at a swapmeet that looked very similar to him... Another possibility?
Definitely another possibility, although, I know very little about the dutch gene and how the markings work within cross breeds to be honest.
Anyway back to the original subject.
From looking at Thumper and the breeds in my Standard I would say he has some lop in him for sure, and the shape of his head looks like a Florida White or a Beveren.
But I'm not saying he has that in him, but it could be a possibility.
How does he weigh? (I know you already asked that BSAR).
That rabbit looks a bit small to be a Beveren mix, but who knows?

Who is to say that Thumper had purebred parents on both the dam and sires side? He could be a result of mixes for many, manygenerations... For all we know, he has ten different breeds behind him.
from having a few mini rex/ lop breedings this guy looks like he could be part of the litter

we can tell that he is not full blooded rex or mini rex based on just a few points. the first being that he has a longer coat without the "velvet" texture, and the second being that his wiskers are straight (rex furred rabbits have curly wiskers, i have never seen or heard of one having straight ones).

and we can tell he isn't a full blooded lop either. while his head isn't the round look of a holland, or the chunky look of a mini or french lop it doesn't concern me. after breeding hollands and mini lops for around 7 years, i saw all face shapes. just because the standard says round head in holland doesn't mean that they all will have one (that would be like saying all asian people are short, all women at 5ft 6in will weigh between 114-150 pounds. these are all generalization about a person. the same applies to rabbits). the ears in the photo look slightly spaced apart, it could be the way the photo looks, or it could be his ears. a lop/standard ear mix normally gives ears that aren't standard, or lop, they will normally be totally upright, but might have a slightly larger space inbetween them then a standard eared rabbit would. you might even notice the slight appearance of a crown. the ears will be held more outward and to the side then straight up.

the fact is your rabbit looks healthy and adorable, so breed doesn't really matter one bit. but if i were to own him, and choose to lable a breed on him, i would go with mini rex/lop mix. both rabbits are extremly common breeds, so the chance of finding a rabbit that is this mix is rather high.

that is all just my opinion and what i have found.

BSAR wrote:
Thumperdude how much doesThumper weigh?
How old is he?


I don't know how old he is, as he is a stray that we got given him. As for weighing, I'l have a go at putting him ona pair of scales tomorrow night.

As for everybody else, don't argue, this thread wasn't supposed to cause arguments, it was for you to throw ideas around and generally just talk about what you think.

Cheers Thumperdude

:| We haven't all be arguing. there was a misunderstanding at the start but some of us were actually just doing as you wanted, which was tossing ideas around.
Sounds good to me ;)

katt wrote:
the fact is your rabbit looks healthy and adorable, so breed doesn't really matter one bit. but if i were to own him, and choose to lable a breed on him, i would go with mini rex/lop mix. both rabbits are extremly common breeds, so the chance of finding a rabbit that is this mix is rather high.
The nice thing about having a mix breed, is, you can kind of make him whatever you want him to be! We all see something different in him, and in the end, who is to say which of us are right or wrong? We will never know exactly what he is, but we can toss out best guesses...

Have you visited ARBA's website? You can click on "Breeds" and look at all the photos, see what YOU think he might be a mix of...


To me, I would go with a mini rex/holland lop or even a rex/mini lop mix (depending on size). I have seen many mini rex mixes and that is how their fur appears. With that said, I doubt he's a purebred. Also, "cahmere lops" (which are holland lop/mini rex mix) are something quite a few people are trying to make and he looks like a first generation of this breed. Cute, but definately mixed =) My very first bunny was a mixed breed - everyone had different opinions on what he was, but who cares - Charlie gave me 10 of his 11 years and that's all that mattered =)
Awww, he looks like my Scouty Poo! He's a netherland dwarf/ mini rex mix. He's such a cute bunny.

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