Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I've noticed latelythat Phattie is leaving one or two clumps of unformed cecotropes aboutevery other day. I've done some reading and really can'tfigure out why this is happening. She's leaving plenty ofnormal poops as well, and she's acting completely normal. Igive her unlimited timothy hay, about 3 cups of greens each day, oneslice of apple at night, and while she has access to a shallow bowl ofpellets she only eats about 2 tablespoons a day, sometimesless. They're Hartz pellets, and I bought some Mazuri pelletsto start giving her, but I noticed this problem and didn't want to addtrying a new food to the mix until I got this sorted out. Shedoesn't seem to have any of the conditions I've read about thatgenerally cause this...any ideas?