Hello...so a while ago I bought two “female” rabbits (I checked them they seemed to be 100% female) they bonded.They are from different litters and they do very well together,sharing food cleaning each other....but recently I’ve noticed the smaller “female” humping the larger...Im aware females can hump each other as a display of dominance but it was happening too often for that...I decided to triple check their genders...the larger is a female and the smaller.. “female” *plot twist* is a male( now that he is matured it’s quite obvious)I’m positive she’s pregnant I’ve noticed her growling and thumping also Eating a lot more so this is a for sure thing...this has never happened to me before and they are housed together...I don’t have an option of separation right now I will have an option last two days before birth.Will he continue to mate with her during pregnancy and will it hurt the babies or her or even him..she is muchhh larger and more agressive so she’s not completely vulnerable.your thoughts ?>>>