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Active Member
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio, USA
My bunny (Brady) is about 5 and 1/2 months old. She has been perfectly litter trained since we brought her home at about 11 weeks. Until a couple of days ago! Suddenly she is laying pellets where ever she is and last night while sitting next to me getting petted she urinated. I am not sure if the two are related but it has also only been about two days since she started letting us pet her (or touch her in any way). What should I do????????????????? She is dropping all over the house including on the furniture. I should also note that last night I put her in her condo because of this. I hardly ever put her in there (there was no need since she is such a good bunny and so perfectly litter trained). When I let her out this morning. She had not gone any where in the condo other than in the litter box. The minute I let her out she started going all over the house again.
She has reached the adolescent phase where she's going to do what she wants and mark her territory, etc.

Its perfectly normal for an unspayed doe to do stuff like that.
How old does she have to be before she can be spayed? This is something I planned on doing anyways so I guess if possible there is no time like the present.
Well I called around yesterday afternoon. I guess I didn't realize just how much it would cost to have her spayed. Since I am currently living on unemployment, I guess that will have to wait until at least September... So, I guess i am just stuck with the problem for now.

I put her in her condo last night, and she figured out how to open the door, ran in and jumped up in my lap. I felt so horrible having to put her in there to begin with (since we never do). IDK, I guess I will just pick up her little turd balls every hour or so and hope like heck she is not urinating on the floor.
Maybe multiple litter boxes will help until September? Or during the summer you can let her outside on a harness or safe yard for a while. I know with my unspayed bunny Akina, she would pee where she wanted but if I had multiple litter boxes down or a favorite rug (a bunny rug, I had a few) she would go there and I was content knowing there was no pee anywere else.
Call around and try and find some low cast spay/neuter programs. Start with your shelters. I just found a place by me that does a spay for $85 and that includes pain meds.
I have two litter boxes. My house is not that large. She is definitely marking her territory. I just left the living room for 2 minutes and she was in her litter box. I cam back and she was on the couch along with 5 poop pellets (I just cleaned it off an hour ago from her last visit to the couch). I did email the local animal shelter yesterday to ask for guidance on financial help. It would be a lie but I may tell them that I will have to consider surrendering her if they don't help me.