Twilight Saga

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BlueGiants wrote:
You might get it by tomorrow! They are usually pretty good about delivering the next day. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks! I hope so! :) Jacksonville is about 5 hours away, they can accomplish that in a day, right? Right?!
RIGHT!!!!! (When my daughter ordered a Harry Potter book, it was shipped Fed Ex on a Friday from Indiana, we got it at our door on Long Island, NY by 11:00 Saturday morning...) Good Luck!
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but it's being shipped with the US postal service, and we already got our mail, and no book :( I hope for everyone's health it come son Monday then. I'm really tempted to go out and just buy a (more expensive) copy and return the other one....
Awwww.... I'm sorry... I was hoping you would get it today. I havn't seen my daughter since last night. She took her copy and went to an all night reading party at a friends house. (I'm hoping she'll be home for dinner!)
gwhoosh wrote:
BabyBunnies wrote:
I got twilight for my birthday and finished it yesterday i brought the sequal - i thought it was moonlight,, what on earths breaking dawn???
Twilight is the first book in the series, then New Moon, then Eclipse, and tomorrow (tonight) comes out the 4th and last book, Breaking Dawn.

I'm still really excited and regretting getting it in the mail, but I ordered it like 3 months ago. Won't be going to any of the midnight parties :? 1) I won't buy it then anyways and 2) None of my friends have read it! I've suggested it to several people, but they're all too busy to sit and read them. So I'm just going to jump around the house and go to bed early so I can wake up for the mail!! :biggrin2:

NEW MOON thats it!!

Thanks xxx
OMG I. Am. FURIOUS!!! :grumpy::grumpy: Not only did I STILL not get it today, but IT'S STILL IN JACKSONVILLE!!!! *stomps around in a fury*
*dancing in circles* Finished it yesterday. 750 pages! Good God, what was she thinking. But it flew by, not complaining. When other people have finished, let me know so we can discuss!!!!

HoneyPot wrote:
*dancing in circles* Finished it yesterday. 750 pages! Good God, what was she thinking. But it flew by, not complaining. When other people have finished, let me know so we can discuss!!!!

I got it at midnight on the 2nd and finished it 8pm that evening! So, yeah I'm done and ready to discuss!
Since it was still so far away this morning, I was afraid I wouldn't get it till Wednesday. So I went to Sam's Club, and wouldn't you believe they had it for the same pre-order price as ($12.xx), except no $4 shipping?! :shock: So I bought it and I'm sending that stupid package straight back once it finally DOES arrive!

I started 11:45 am and just finished at 2:15am :biggrin2: I only paused to eat and watch an episode of the Mole and OMG am I AMPED UP!! Whooo. Not going to sleep for a whiiiiile. No siree.

Oh, and (one) of my favorite quotes?

Emmett: Go Gators!


Ummm I've had some time to reflect though. And while I was satisfied with the ending, the whole of it just seemed kind of....out there, if you know what I mean.
HoneyPot wrote:
*dancing in circles* Finished it yesterday. 750 pages! Good God, what was she thinking. But it flew by, not complaining. When other people have finished, let me know so we can discuss!!!!

I finished it a few hours ago. I'm totally in if you and anyone else who finished it wants to discuss. :biggrin2:
HoneyPot wrote:
*dancing in circles* Finished it yesterday. 750 pages! Good God, what was she thinking. But it flew by, not complaining. When other people have finished, let me know so we can discuss!!!!

I finished it a few hours ago. I'm totally in if you and anyone else who finished it wants to discuss. :biggrin2:

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