Our Introduction:
Hi everyone!! My name is Lindsey and i own one of the world's sweetest bunnies. His name is Turbo, he's 3 years old. His birthday is on February 21, 2009. The pet store said he was a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit but i'm not so sure that I believe that... I got him when he was about 3 weeks old and I weened him off a bottle to hard food, he took to it like a CHAMP!! Sadly, I bought him from a pet store i was working at whenever I bought him, unaware of adoption opportunities and benefits. While i am remorseful that i couldn't adopt, i'm ever so happy that i have my baby bunny <3 Turbo lights up my world and I know i'm the center of his little bunny world. He's not neutered (we go to the vet tomorrow to discuss options and his FIRST vet visit) being a first time bunny owner i wasn't quite sure if bunnies were supposed to go for annual visits until my friend a fellow bunny owner told me that he should have yearly visits if not bi-yearly.
What's In a Name?
Turbo named himself one morning, he was out of his cage hopping around and when it was time to get back in the cage for a break for water and (at the time) litter box attempt, he REFUSED to get in the cage. Turbs made me chase him all over the living room, to the bathroom, dining room, my bedroom, his room, and finally with a tiny piece of banana ... he agreed to go in his cage.
Hi, My Name is Turbo and I'm an Addict.
**sniff sniff** HIYA! I'm addicted to carrots, grapes, dark green lettuce, Timothy hay, papaya tablets, dried banana, dried papaya, dried pineapples, cucumbers, and YOGURT BITES! **nom nom nom nom** can i have some more?
Conclusion to the Ever So Large Introduction!!
I'd like everyone to meet my easter dream, my chocolate bunny come to life, my sweet angel bunny, my little Turbo man, my sweet baby boy .... TURBO!!!!
"Can I eat the grass?"
"This isn't funny ... put me down!"
"Did you say 'TREAT' ?!?"
"Mom ... I won't eat the covers again ... just put me back down..."
"Alright, I could go for a nap anyway..."
"But mom! They're warrrmmmm"
Enjoy everyone!! xoxo
Turbo and Lindsey <3
Hi everyone!! My name is Lindsey and i own one of the world's sweetest bunnies. His name is Turbo, he's 3 years old. His birthday is on February 21, 2009. The pet store said he was a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit but i'm not so sure that I believe that... I got him when he was about 3 weeks old and I weened him off a bottle to hard food, he took to it like a CHAMP!! Sadly, I bought him from a pet store i was working at whenever I bought him, unaware of adoption opportunities and benefits. While i am remorseful that i couldn't adopt, i'm ever so happy that i have my baby bunny <3 Turbo lights up my world and I know i'm the center of his little bunny world. He's not neutered (we go to the vet tomorrow to discuss options and his FIRST vet visit) being a first time bunny owner i wasn't quite sure if bunnies were supposed to go for annual visits until my friend a fellow bunny owner told me that he should have yearly visits if not bi-yearly.
What's In a Name?
Turbo named himself one morning, he was out of his cage hopping around and when it was time to get back in the cage for a break for water and (at the time) litter box attempt, he REFUSED to get in the cage. Turbs made me chase him all over the living room, to the bathroom, dining room, my bedroom, his room, and finally with a tiny piece of banana ... he agreed to go in his cage.
Hi, My Name is Turbo and I'm an Addict.
**sniff sniff** HIYA! I'm addicted to carrots, grapes, dark green lettuce, Timothy hay, papaya tablets, dried banana, dried papaya, dried pineapples, cucumbers, and YOGURT BITES! **nom nom nom nom** can i have some more?
Conclusion to the Ever So Large Introduction!!
I'd like everyone to meet my easter dream, my chocolate bunny come to life, my sweet angel bunny, my little Turbo man, my sweet baby boy .... TURBO!!!!
"Can I eat the grass?"
"This isn't funny ... put me down!"
"Did you say 'TREAT' ?!?"
"Mom ... I won't eat the covers again ... just put me back down..."
"Alright, I could go for a nap anyway..."
"But mom! They're warrrmmmm"
Enjoy everyone!! xoxo
Turbo and Lindsey <3