Tuesday Truancy

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I was at a rabbit show all weekend, spent Monday trying to catch -up, and have been sick with a nasty cold.

The good news is that I have someone willing to take over as points secretary and webmaster for the Ohio Holland Lop club. I'll be turning over everything in January, and it will certainly free up some time for me.I have one more year left on my term assecretary, and I've decided not to run for office again. I've just been too busy to try to keep up on everything, and would like to enjoy life a little!

What happened today? Well the usual... school, etc. And Zoey almost bit off my finger tip. :shock:(Seriously.) I'll be a little more explicit tomorrow, lol.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I've been out beating up on little kids. It's what I do. ;):p

Need a hand?


(<-- for Zoey)


MBB I can't believe that sweet, innocent little pookie wookie zoey could do something like that without provocation!

;)This should be interesting.....
When I said she almost took off my finger tip, I meant it. (And excuse typing errors, lol.)


The cut part is about the size of a dime, what you don't see is that because of how she bit me, she actually cut me worse than it looks. It's pretty much a perfect circle the size of a dime that she severed, I'm just lucky she didn't break all the skin or I'd be missing a chunk of finger.

I was feeding her and Mocha treats, well I was on the last one and had one ready to give Mocha when he was done so he didn't steal Zoey's. Well he got to her's before I got to him. So instead I went to give the other one to Zoey and reached just under her nose but she grabbed my finger before I had time to react. I'm not sure if she was going to attack Mocha and my hand got in the way (good thing it was me and not him though) or if she was just so anxious to have the treat that she grabbed me instead. She's not an agressive rabbit but if she is off to the side whenI feed treats, she runs (it looks like lunging) and slides to a sudden stop. She's never bit me before so I just think she got over excited.

Well then they started fighting and the last thing on my mind was my finger, I had to grab her and let Mocha calm down. Well I went inside with her, ended up covering her in blood, left a blood trail where I walked. I didn't realise how bad it was until then, my mom and dad were shocked! Lucky she didn't bite straight down and hit the bone *cringe* instead. This just makes it hard to write!
MBB, that isone big bite for a small bunny. Lucky it wasn't deeper.

My wife gets bitten by Bebe all the time. Her hand is full of bites and scars. She wears leather gloves when she reaches into Bebe's cage now. Funny thing, Bebe never bites me. ;)


I did get nipped by Pebbles on Monday night. I was holding Bebe in one arm and Pebbles in the other, trying to get them to cuddle. Pebbles tried to bite Bebe, but I stuck my hand to stop her and she cut the skin on my middle finger. Pebbles realized it was me, and she started licking my finger right away. Don't you just love her. :D

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