Trying some Toys

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
So, I bought a toyfor Elf. It's a bird toy, lots of things to bump, pull, tug, gnaw on,etc.


She looked at it once. Then she justhopped around me for her pets and went off to lay in her favorite spotunder the dining room table...unimpressed...



What A LOVE!

I adore Elf. Such a beautiful baby!

That's one cute bunny!!! Mine is about the samesize from looking at the picture. This is off the topic buthow do you know if your bunny is too big if you dont know its breed??

aww what a cutie!! :) Remember Elf is the spoiledhiphop rabbits lol she only takes the best toys ;) Maybe she's thinking"um...hello...mother...? Do I look like a BIRD to you? Idon't....I'll take a nice rabbit toy please! :) " lol
Elf's not fat...she's FLUFFY! hehe

Really, though, she seems to be aboutright to me. One certainly can't accuse me of over-treating. I boughtsome dried apple rabbit treat things for her and she wouldn't even lookat them. The only thing she likes besides her pellets is a baby carrotnow and then, and she only gets them rarely because hubby and kidsscarf them up as soon as they're in the house.

I am interested in what the experts on the board have to say about this, though. :)

Well any rabbit is huge compared to Megan lol.Megan is 7 months and I can still keep her happilyscoopedupin my one arm, although she prefers to climb up and put herface under my Megan is like 3lbs.
Look at this darling bunny! I just LOVE these pictures!

My favorite is the one where she's under the table (it reminds me ofSherman when he's in one of his "moods" ... lol! ).
I didnt mean to say your bunny was fat just looksabout the same as mine. I dont use the word fat. I say she is well fed,and all she normally gets his a bowl of her pellets and hay and waterof course. A few times i have tried giving her a small peice of abanana and she looked at it like it was poison. So i dont think ioverfeed mine.

Elf Mommy, I feel your pain lol, Apollo is thesame way. Maybe it's their way of trying to save us money hehe. Apolloseems to like the homemade toys better.

Elf is just gorgeous!

LOL Cristy, I wasjust joking with you. I know I have a big bun. :DI forget howpoorly sarcasm comes out when you're reading posts.

The treat thing actually frustrates me.I'd love to be able to treat her more, she's just not going for it. Ibought a brush for her the other day too, and she's tolerating gettingbrushed, but would still much rather be petted than groomed.

I'd also like her to have more free rangein the house, but I'm really uncomfortable with her out of my sight.There are too many corners to be gnawed on in a house I don'town.


Awww!! How cute!! lol looks like shes moreinterested in the empty box then the toys :D I gave my bunnyone of those bird toys a while ago.. lol she chewed on the string thatholds them all together & left the pieces of wood.. then coupledays later she went to the bathroom on the wood pieces lol guess shejust liked the string:pThey are tooo picky sometimes!

Well, I hung the toyup in her cage. She spent most of the day hopping around the livingroom and sneaking into my daughter's room today. Now that she's back inher cage, she's just as uninterested. hehe

Such a funny bunny.


Does your bunny shed alot?? Mine does so she isused to being groomed. I get her out and pet her and i get fur all overme. She is so lovabe though. Even my dogtried to help groom her by licking her, but i get to nervous and had toget my dog away from my bunny.

After looking at those pictures I know for sure(even if the fur blowing didnt produce any tattoo like markings on her)that she is directly related to Jezebel!Samefur,white around the eyes, brown nails, longeyelashes, matching dewlaps'n all!AND JEZ IS FLUFFY TOO!!she is going on 5 months now and weighs a little over 2kg,and she was the tiniest little thing too when we got her.

I adore Elf on her leash, that is one of the things that inspired me toget Jezebel on one (and I'm a sucker for such things *grin grin*)


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