12lawliet12Snickers, Truffle
Well-Known Member
For the past week I've been trying to get Truffle used to being spoiled rotten, feeding him hay, introducing him to vegetables, giving him run of my bedroom, that sort of thing. He was a spur of the moment Easter bunny for his previous owner, and spent his entire life inside a 1 1/2 foot by 2 foot cage, living on pine bedding, being fed dollar store feed with no hay and no vegetables at all. When I got him, his water bottle and food dish were both empty, and the bottle was bone dry. He didn't know what to think of me leaving his cage door open and didn't know what the hay wheel was. Snickers had to teach him what hay was I'm slowly introducing him to vegetables, starting with carrot tops and dandelions. Anyway, today I was lying in bed reading, and I hear a loud thumping noise. I look over, and he's binkying! He's actually binkying! It nearly brought tears to my eyes, to see a rabbit who had been so abused learn to have fun and not be scared or lonely. Snickers joined in on the binky party, and they even woke up my mice(my boyfriend calls them "the three mousketeers")! I'm just so happy that he's not cooped up in that tiny cage anymore and can finally be a rabbit. He's starting to trust me, too. When I lay on the ground, he comes and lays next to me, while Snickers prefers to sit on my back.
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