They were surrendered to my rescue as a bonded pair by a gal whose Mother, upon her moving back home, was gonna take them to be euth'd if she did not get them out of the home when she went to school...I put my bed up against the wall and made room immediately and they have been here ever since. It took some time to get them littertrained as is usual upon a new home but they did really well...They have been here for many, many months. The new bunnys I only know about LuLu being dropped in a box in the cold Michigan winter outside the HS with a 43 inch Igauna that sadly did not make it... her name was on the outside on a piece of paper, I do not know about little Mammit...Jill has done so well though you guys...she never had a bunny before and opened her home and heart to them to protect them from our "HumaneSociety" here who I post for on my petfinder site because, they, sadly have not tapped into the technical venue and just continue killing so many animals..I have all the bunnys and pigs out of there right now:biggrin2: thankfully and will ty to keep it that way as last time I went to pick up little Sammy after finding a wonderful adopter and she was put literally killed me as well.
I am so glad that somebunny got to see little Emma and Chester...I am so proud of them:dude: