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Oh my they were doing good...oh I am sooooo glad to hear...THANK YOU!!!! My sweet sweet precious little bunnys. Such nice little bunnys. Oh thank you so much...thank you so very much.... I am so glad to hear something...
Oh yay! Im so happy to hear its going ok! I figured insome extra time for Dawn since I wasnt sure how traffic would be around Chicago. Im glad it worked out ok!
They were surrendered to my rescue as a bonded pair by a gal whose Mother, upon her moving back home, was gonna take them to be euth'd if she did not get them out of the home when she went to school...I put my bed up against the wall and made room immediately and they have been here ever since. It took some time to get them littertrained as is usual upon a new home but they did really well...They have been here for many, many months. The new bunnys I only know about LuLu being dropped in a box in the cold Michigan winter outside the HS with a 43 inch Igauna that sadly did not make it... her name was on the outside on a piece of paper, I do not know about little Mammit...Jill has done so well though you guys...she never had a bunny before and opened her home and heart to them to protect them from our "HumaneSociety" here who I post for on my petfinder site because, they, sadly have not tapped into the technical venue and just continue killing so many animals..I have all the bunnys and pigs out of there right now:biggrin2: thankfully and will ty to keep it that way as last time I went to pick up little Sammy after finding a wonderful adopter and she was put literally killed me as well.
I am so glad that somebunny got to see little Emma and Chester...I am so proud of them:dude:
I spent the day in Michigan City doing my other passion (geocaching) and I just got home. It sounds like all went well. (Christine, that was just a minor hiccup! It didn't hurt anything at all!) The buns acted like everything was just another normal day!


Dawn and I had no trouble finding each other and off they went!


Lucky buns! Hope we get to hear about their adjustment in their new home!
Awesome! I cant wait to hear from Tessa to see how they are doing in their new home after such a long journey.

Thank you everyone for helping make this possible!
In settling in now I realize how much they are missed and am excited to get Mam and Lu here ...but man I miss them terrible:(
Ok....we;;.....they are now "home" and I just wana say thank you very very much AND I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures you beautiful wonderful souls....FURRY and HUMAN:))
I just got an email from Tessa- theyre home!!

Im sure she'll post some pictures here later. The two look so happy to have finally arrived at their forever home!

Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside :hug:
This is ALL so awesome!

When Christine asked me to help, neither of us had any idea that there were such wonderful people to help NOR that HALEY was the one to get things done! HALEY --- YOU ROCK!!

I can not wait to read the updates on these two bunnies and I know Christine was an emotional wreck yesterday...both from happiness for Emma & Chester and for feeling the sadness of letting them go. She will recover very soon, as shethere ismore "work" to be done...more buns to save and re-home and more little critters that need her help. She is a wonderful soul.

So, I thank you all for your assistance, driving/transporting help and HALEY - you are a gifted person with superior transport coordinating abilities! Keep up the great work! If Emma & Chester could give you bunny kisses, they would be in excess, I am positive!


I just read this thread for the first time..I'm all consumed with my problematic spay bunny.

This site and the people on it are fantastically awesome.

I already knew this but it just keeps proving itself over and over.

It is a long trip from Mi to Mn. and a coordinated trip of that kind in the middle of winter is really an acheievement.

I wasn't involved but I sure am impressed by everyone involved.

Hi you all:::::))))))
I just got Mammit and Lu here now...Mammit is set up next to Clover and both are lops, maybe they will fall in LOVE:inlove:well and Piper is a mini rex just like Lu, maybe they will too, and then there will be several pairs of lovers here happily....I am so glad they are here. They did well at Jills house though but I really want to keep a close eye on them for a while and find out/see that both are healthy vibrant bunnys...oh I hope. I did get some pictures from Tessa of the their new home...I want to post them but I dont know how so I thing I will send them to guys they are so sweet...and LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT BANANA THAT CHESTER IS EATING!!! HA!
The buns are running all over the house right now. Emma is up on the couch... Chester is thinking about it. We're taking a ton of pictures, just like new parents. We even blew off our friends invite to come over tonight so that we could stay home w/ the new babies!! lol... They're so cute! Blog on them... I wouldn't have a clue how to do that!!
Aww they sound so happy!

To start a blog you can go here: Bunny Blogs and start a new topic titled "Chester and Emma" or something like that.

To post photos (which we all would LOVE to see) can create a free account at photobucket, upload your photos and then copy and paste the IMG line here.

Let me know if you have any trouble. I look forward to seeing more pics!

Good Morning to you :biggrin2:
OMGOSH, Mammit got over into Clover's side of the room AND up onto the food/hay/wood stove pellet table and when I got up this morning everything was everywhere...Clover bunny was hiding in the way back of her cave...I syringe fed her Critical Care and gave her some simethicone as I am sure she has not eaten since Mammit was runnning around in her space..she was afraid to even move...I felt so bad! Well so till he is fixed and settles a bit and get his health back and weight on...He will be in a very very large dog pen and get 4 hours "running" time a day...
Oh, I think a BLOG started on Emma and Chester would be great...have you noticed the number of hits on this thread?? These 2 bunnys have become somewhat of furry neat to see so many bunny loving people....I cant help but be curious about other transports now as well. I will keep open to drive now in my area and also have several friends that joined RabbitsOnline to help as well in transport...some are from other states even.....this is an incerdible venue for helping bunnys!! I sent Haley some pics thinking maybe she will be able to post them of the bunnys upon their arrival to Tessas....

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