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that would probably work for me... i'll need some advance warning so i can coordinate use of the car and get a co-pilot, but let me know!
I am feeling very helpless and THANKFUL right now:)If you guys need anything from me, tell me! I am just watching you all work your magic! Thank you guys so much.. My hubby has the bunny cage all put together and is so excited (as am I) to have these two home w/ us:) Are we looking at a Saturday, or Sunday pick up in Madison for us? We can do either.. just wondering what you think. :biggrin2:
I too am beside myself about you all helping get these bunnys to their new home...and Mammit and Lulu saved too! Jill is gonna take Mammit and Lu now till we have room here at the rescue...I just cannot take a chance on where they are at doing something even more stupid that what they are doing now!!I too well, I tried to email this morning but it was all just blubbering and tears...these are such good bunnys you guys, such good bunnys.....playful and sweet and so very soft and well, just the best little bunnys...they SOOO deserve this really they do....a chance with a family that loves them and will treat them well:))FOR their just be playful happy bonded house bunnys rearranging the bedsheets at their new homes(thats what all mine do here...rearrange EVERYTHING!!!
I emailed everyone I can think of today so we'll see if I get a response. We're just having trouble with the MI-IL part.

Oh and Christine/Jill, have you seen the NIC pens a lot of us use? They are so awesome for foster parents to put a bunny in if there are space issues. I have a million panels on hand and they come in great when you need to stick a bunny somewhere! The pics in that thread are mostly full out condos with a roof, but you can make a cheap pen very easily!
Hey Jill, I should also check to be sure- did you guys say you or someone you know would take the bunnies down to near Benton Harbor if I can find someone to meet you and take them to Chicago?

Just want to be sure. :)
Ok, sorry, but I'm like really confused by the thread! lol! I'm having difficulty following this thread and am not sure where you still need drivers! I live in Lowell MI, (a little east of G.R.) if you want to bring them here, or meet me in GR I will drive them to wherever they need to go, as far as Chicago. Just let me know when and where!
OK yeah, this thread is getting so confusing!!

Golfdiva and I have just been PMing and we have this all worked out! everyone involved...would Sunday be alright??

Heres the most recent route:

Muskegon, MI-Lowell, MI (60 mins,59 miles) *FILLED by Jill or Rescue??

Lowell,MI- Chicago, IL(3 hours and6 min,197 miles) *FILLED by Golfdiva

Chicago IL - Milwaukee WI (1 hour and34 mins, 92 miles) *FILLED by cmh9023

Milwaukee WI - Madison WI (1 hour and17 mins,78 miles) *FILLED by Tonyshuman

Madison WI- Dakota MN (2 hours,14 minutes 147 miles) FILLED by we_love_bunnies

Total time: 9 hours 11 mins, 573 Miles :)


I am sitting here in Northern Michigan just blubbering over my keyboard right now. I had found Christine's sight a few months ago just after my Mocha pass on. I spent 2 weeks going back and for about getting a new bunny or bunnies and the Pictures of Emma and Chester where bookmarked. Every day I would look at them and wonder if I wanted to give my heart to another bunny. I just wasn't emotionally ready then. Over the Christmas Holidays I knew I was ready and start to look. When I saw that these 2 special bunnies had found a home I was so thrilled. And all your teamwork and efforts to get these precious souls across 3 states is so heartwarming.
We Love Bunnies thank you for opening your home to these two.:biggrin2::biggrin2:
Sunday is fine for me too.

I just want to clarify though that I can only go as far as a northern Chicago suburb, preferably Lake Forest, to pick them up and bring them back to Milwaukee.

Yup I'll edit tomorrow morning but theres actually going to be one more leg of this transport.

I found a girl in Chicago who is going to meet Golfdiva in Michigan City so she doesnt have to drive so far west, and then she will meet you, Cara, in Lake Forest.

Tomorrow I'll get the times all set up and hopefully contact everyone individually to set up meeting places. Im hoping some of you can help with that since you know the areas better than I do.

We just have to confirm that someone with the rescue can get them to Golfdiva Sunday morning and that the new parents can meet Tonyshuman in the evening..

PS. Can everyone involved please PM me their email addresses (best one to reach you at). Its easier that way to communicate these larger transports.

Thanks everyone- looks like this is almost good to go!!! :biggrin2:
How exciting! I'm so happy to finally be able to help with something :) Thanks Haley, Leaf, and everyone else who's worked on coordinating all the details.
Good luck to all of you driving. This is wonderful what you are doing!

Be safe and know that I'm there in my heart helping you! :hug:
Emma and Chester bunnys on their way!!!!
To their new home in Dakota Minnesota!!! Thanks to some AWESOME people
helping CritterCafe Rescue, these 2 bunnys are on their way this Sunday to
their new home TWO STATES AWAY!!! Mammit and LuLu bunnys will then come
here to FIRST OFF get healthy,then be fixed and we will start the
procedure to finding forever-loving-bunny homes for them just like for our
Emma and Chester!
Tears flow writing this as I have come to love these two special bunnys so
very much; they have been a comical and so-very-special pair of bunnys
here, Emma's being a huge FlemishGiant and so big whilst Chester is a
dwarf French Lop ear and half her size ....and he loves her and she him so
very much..(us humans could learn a thing or two from bonded pairs of
bunnys about devotion!)
This is a milestone for the CritterCafe Rescue. We have not reached out
across state(s) to adopt but must start as bunnys have become and sadly
stay the USA's 3rd most frequent animal needing adoption and NO clinics
available to spay and neuter them at a lower cost! The most common "throw
away" pet is also the cherished loves of some peoples lives and they
-those bunny loving people- will move the Heavens and the Earth to help
them-obvious to me with this transport's success!
To all of the people helping to make this possible, I thank you from the
bottom of my heart....though boy, every adoption tears me up, this one
being on the top and one of the hardest....very emotional with so many
people stepping up and reaching out to make this possible! I love all of
these animals and Emma and Chester became exceptional and are so special
to me too....they ALL are, my every breath, and basic fiber of my
being...but my work must continue.
This writing is to inform and say and give thanks, maybe also promote
awareness of this special critter!

~God Bless OUR Pets~and HE DOES!!! Did you know that the Bible says our
animals share the same fate we do? THEY WILL BE WITH US IN EVERLASTING
Christine's Critter Cafe and (small animal)Rescue ***Teaching outstanding
people (and companies) small pet awareness and accountability
education.~~~( )8:> * ~~~( )8:> * ~~~( )8:> * Please see my page
AND adoptable beloved pets at
"The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the
way its animals are treated" M.Gandhi

Prov. 12:10 - A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the
kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

as a first time transporter, how should this work?

cmh9023, where do i meet you? we_love_bunnies, where do i meet you?:biggrin2:

oh and do they have their own carriers for this trip or do i need to bring something?

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