brookebunny wrote:
Before everyone goes around trancing thier rabbits, may isuggest that you all research about rabbit trancing. For many bunniestrancing is extremely stressfull!
No...Before YOU write, I suggest YOU read what has been written here.
Again, you offend my members and you have written 13 posts. What is up with that???
* * * * *
To our Members that are concerned: The verdict is still outas to whether it's actually stressful or not to the rabbits.Buck Jones said it quite succinctly (as quoted earlier in this threadif one were to actually
read it), when he said:
"Authorities" disagree about is effect upon rabbits. Someclaim it is as peaceful and restful as it appears. Othersclaim it is related to the "flight" response to a predator.The fearful bun, grasped by a predator,"feigns"unconsciousness or death, all the while it is extremely aware of whatis going on and it heart is beating furiously Assoon as the predator relaxes its grip, the bun will startleto full motion and make good its escape.
Fact of the matter is I can find no one who knows exactly what is goingon during trancing. Carolyn and I have often talked aboutlistening to the heart rate prior to, and after, trancing to idetermineif there is any change, but have yet to actually perform theexperiment. Frankly, they "look" too relaxed to be in somekind of "flight mode" in my estimation, but like the rest of them, Icannot tell exactly what is going on.
Suffice it to say, it has been going on for years, and I've yet to readof any bun actually suffering from it. I would not worry toomuch about the "danger."