thatpic of Missy has me grinning from ear to ear, she is a definitesweetie-pie (well, when she isnt raiding Carolyn'smake-uphehe) I cantrance Jade in a heartbeatwhile Jezebelwon't stand for it-which is odd for their personalities since Jade istheskittish one...
Guin is harder to trance, but Gir is soooooeasy. Probably because he is so small. The funniestthing I have seen is how Gir rolls his lips back when he istrancing. Either a grin or a grimace hehe
Before I used to trance Neporeally easily on my laps. Butnow I learned how to hold him inmy arms like a baby. But he won't trance just squirm. Maybe I'm notholding him right or he doesn't feel comfortable. I'll try the table assupport, if he lets me pick him up.BTW Gir is so small. Just likeNepo used to be. Now he became a bunny that doesn't like being held byme! He doesn't care when my brother holds him. Today he bitme!:XWhen I was taking him out of his cage. Badbunny!Don't bunnies get blood intheir head when they get tranced?
The buns all look so cute! I have to try this onShadow, maybe then I can get a good look and see if we have a boy orgirl. I had no idea this concept you think this would workon spouses
I tried trancing my two girls lastnight. Snuggy let me hold her in position for about fiveseconds, but my husband had her like that for several minutes - notsure if she was officially tranced or just humoringhim.Anyway, he thinks he's a bunny godnow. :X
Baby wasn't having ANY part of it. She bit me on the arm whenI tried to flip her, then bit me again AFTER I let her down!Brat!
whoohooo I just got my bunny Bazil totrance....he'ss sooo cute and it was sooo easy to clip his nails! hahai feel so accomplished lol i'll put up a pic of him some time