Toys for rabbits.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Anchorage., Alaska, USA
[align=center]Alexandre doesn't seem to liketoilet paper rolls, so that idea went down the drain. I'm wondering,what kind of toys do they like? Hard, soft, cloth, plastic etc. Also,feel free to post what your rabbit adores playing with![/align]
My buns have a large log roll, its made up ofLot's of small logs wired together so you can bend it into differentshapes, they can chew it run through it and climb over it its great.They also have a plastic dog ball to roll
Ginger has a basket full of toys, plastic ballslike the cat stuff, small stuffed animals like mcdonalds happy mealstoys...of course she hates all that but loves turning over the basketand throwing everything around only to whittle the basket down to atwig. I make sure its not a chemically treated basket too. Shes about 2years old and I have bought about 4 baskets so far! Whew!

A couple favorites right now are the TV Guide and the white pages phone book.

I use anything I can to distract her from chewing on my rocking chair and desk!

She jumps on any plastic bag I happen to drop on the kitchen floor. Shedigs and dances on it. She crawls into it just having a lot of fun. Ikeep a close watch on her (don't want her to get too comfortable andchoke).

In the past I have bought toys made just for rabbits but I guess shethinks shes a human because she looks at me like "Are you kidding me?"


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