Took in a 5 - 6 month old bunny because the owner said it is male, yet testicles have not dropped

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Oct 4, 2018
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Tacoma, WA
A local lady was giving away a little mini rex/dutch mix because she said it is male, but at around six months, there are no signs of tests, but when you press down it does stick out a bit.

My male bunny formerly known as Princess is a lionhead/mini rex and his test dropped at 2 months. He is now 3 months and it is obvious that he is male, sadly.

As for this new bunny, he/she is exactly the same breed as Oreo (female) and about the same age, but is much smaller (Oreo is about 3lbs, this bunny is about 1.5). It also does not dig, and has a somewhat blocky face like a male. However, it is extremely skittish and fearful. The moment Oreo and Storm saw this bunny, they snarled and leaped at it, while Princess/Gary tried to mount it. This makes me almost guarantee it is female. If it is, I will be returning it to the owner. I was worried about someone feeding it to a snake...

Is it even possible for a male bunny to be 6 months old and not have any testicles? I have had netherland dwarves and everything but theirs always appeared by 3 months..
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He could have retained testicles. Best to take your bun to an experienced rabbit vet if you want to figure out what is going on. If he does have this, it can present health risks and neutering may be the best option.

Just because your male tried to mount the new bun does not mean it is a doe. Rabbits will mount male/female regardless of sex. If they are fixed, mounting is a dominance thing. Male/female makes no difference as to who will mount who.

If this new rabbit and/or your current rabbits aren't spayed/neutered yet, it's not a good idea to be putting then together like this. You risk serious or fatal injuries occurring, plus your females getting pregnant. Even spayed/neutered rabbits need to be properly introduced and bonded. Not all rabbits get along.
Yes, I agree. Storm and Oreo sometimes mount Gary, but they NEVER allow him to mount them, which is great. But I plan on having Storm and Oreo spayed this month, then Gary once he is old enough. I will be separating Gary just in case he can produce sperm, because baby bunnies is the LAST thing I need. Storm chases Oreo at every chance she gets, even though they used to be best friends...

The two girls attacked Gary for the first week as well, but nothing like this (but thankfully, they could not catch him/her) before I broke them up.
I'm not sure about this because it sounds unusual.
I took care of a rabbit once though who was over 6 months old and only had one testicle. He was very aggressive and had to be fed with an oven mit.
Rabbits also have the ability to retract their testicles - it might seem they arent there, but it is because he is retracting them once you are down there. They could also be retained like JBun said. If you aren't sure, you need to take him to a vet and they will be able to sex him and give a decent health check, which might be useful considering you've just got him.
Interesting. I've just got 8 week old lionhead/dwarf mix, I was told it's a girl, I watched videos on youtube from vet how to check gender and followed instructions it looks indeed like she's a girl, but she's only 10 weeks old now. She is very active and curious I was quite sure that it's a boy first when I saw her so now when I've read this thread I am not so very sure! 'She' is very nice and friendly, very sensitive and understanding, very tidy and overall great personality I am very happy to have her and now thinking of getting a friend for her as I've learned that rabbits are much happier in pairs. I am looking at mini lops about her age so they can grow up together but just unsure with gender. At what age you actually can be sure, should I wait until she's 6 months or what would you suggest? Thanks and apologise if I am posting in a wrong thread am quite new to this site!
Interesting. I've just got 8 week old lionhead/dwarf mix, I was told it's a girl, I watched videos on youtube from vet how to check gender and followed instructions it looks indeed like she's a girl, but she's only 10 weeks old now. She is very active and curious I was quite sure that it's a boy first when I saw her so now when I've read this thread I am not so very sure! 'She' is very nice and friendly, very sensitive and understanding, very tidy and overall great personality I am very happy to have her and now thinking of getting a friend for her as I've learned that rabbits are much happier in pairs. I am looking at mini lops about her age so they can grow up together but just unsure with gender. At what age you actually can be sure, should I wait until she's 6 months or what would you suggest? Thanks and apologise if I am posting in a wrong thread am quite new to this site!
Awww I bet she is so sweet! Please post a picture :)

You can get her a friend now or in a few months after you get her fixed. If the new bunny is her age/a baby, they should be bonded until 4 - 5 months old, then they will sadly start fighting or if one bunny is male, he will give her babies. But if you plan on breeding them, then of course you do not need to get them fixed but it is highly recommended at some point. I strongly recommend getting a friend for your bunny.

As you can see, I ended up with 4
Awww I bet she is so sweet! Please post a picture :)

You can get her a friend now or in a few months after you get her fixed. If the new bunny is her age/a baby, they should be bonded until 4 - 5 months old, then they will sadly start fighting or if one bunny is male, he will give her babies. But if you plan on breeding them, then of course you do not need to get them fixed but it is highly recommended at some point. I strongly recommend getting a friend for your bunny.

As you can see, I ended up with 4
Thank you! She's very nice indeed and very tidy, her cage is always clean and she only uses her corner toilet every time she needs it. I have to get better camera but here's one more photo not sure how to upload video on this site will find out too.
I'm going to pick up a friend for her hopefully this Friday, grey mini lop also 10 weeks old. Also getting an extra cage for him as my plan is to keep them separately for a few days and let them out the same time so they can meet in neutral territory, i really hope that while they are still very young bonding will go smoothly. My girl is very friendly zero aggression likes to stay on my lap and listen to music while TV is on. She's very tiny probably won't grow much I've seen her mum dwarf she's 9 months old now not much bigger.
Yes, I've read a lot about neutering/spraying I think I will have to do that when she's 6 months just found out it is so expensive! I still have time a few months she's 10 weeks now.
Four rabbits - wow! Good for you :)SAM_0055.JPG hi-lego-grey-lop.jpg

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