Tony making weird noises

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LOL! It's hilarious! He sounds like a goose honking with his beak closed!

I'll get some on video as soon as I can - been building Bo a new cage today.

Sounds like what Nibbles does when she's excited/happy - I think of it as a "grr-honk" or "gronk."
yeah, sort of! it's funny cause it looks like he might be sneezing sometimes but he's binkying and shaking his head. At first I thought he was getting sick and the excercise did it but it isn't that. He has been playing wildly and nothing - but when he wants Mommy it's that over about 6 times in a row.
Nibbles does it a lot (several times in a row) if she's playing "rough" with me - for example, if I hold up part of a towel or blanket for her to dig on. Sound familiar? ;)
Yeah! LOL! I bet he's getting excited about us playing. He's so cute! I just love him but OMG those huge poos! LOL!
Bo B, does Tony sound anything like the buns in these videos?


Neither of them is making the "grr-honk" sound that Nibbles makes, but both of them are fairly close to that ...
Those are both the same video LOL! I have seen it. She's grunting sort of. Tony does that only longer and louder when he's being rotten.

The funny thing is, right when you posted this I heard him in there doing it and it's dark and quiet in that room right now. I thought he'd enjoy the dark time to play - not sure..... he stopped of course when I walked in with the video camera.

I turned the light off and came in here again to see if he'll do it.
That's what Angel does, the only noise, I thought that was a growl? It's a "grunt"?:? She only does it when Snuff comes around when she doesn't want him to, or she's snuggled under the recliner and I touch her to get her out:shock:.
Well, I think it's sort of a grunt growl sort of thing LOL!

Tony does that in a playful growling way (attacking the blankie playtime).

Ok, hearing Tony tonight I have a new description:

FFFfffffffffft FFFFffffffffft

In a high vocal way. :biggrin2:
Yikes! here's the other video:


(I know thse bunnies from Flickr, and the little mini-Rex really is being a jerk!)

Also, i know these videos show angry/scared buns, but the happy grr-ing noise that Nibbles makes sounds so close to an angry growl. I think the difference is obvious to other bunnies, but not to us. ;)

And " FFFfffffffffft FFFFffffffffft" is killing me!!! I've never heard a bunny make a sound like that - reminds me of air being let out of a balloon. :D
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, I think it's sort of a grunt growl sort of thing LOL!

Tony does that in a playful growling way (attacking the blankie playtime).

Ok, hearing Tony tonight I have a new description:

FFFfffffffffft FFFFffffffffft

In a high vocal way. :biggrin2:
Thanks Pennie for clarifying, although it's not too clarifying, given bunnies:biggrin2:. Oh, she makes one other sound too, when she's grooming her back and is twisted around backwards, a sort of whimpering sound, awwww!
That's exactly what he sounds like only a shorter/quick FFfft!!! LOL! (the balloon)

Now that second video is definitely what I consider Tony growling when he's playing blankie.... but he's not nasty he does it and pounces on the blankie and then binkies off....
That's pretty much what Nibbles does if I hold a towel or blankie for her to dig in/on. (No binking, but a lot of carrying on in general, and many happy honks.)
That's what I thought - it was a happy sound. He's so rotten. What is with the blankie thing?

He loves to attack them like he's a cat or something! it's so funny. He flattens those ears to the sides and they flop around and POUNCE! AHAHAHAHA I got you..... binkie, binkie .... LOL!