Today is the day, Fan or Not

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I was really excited about seeing it live today at school. But then the tvs wouldn't work. We coulddn't get it to stream so I couldn't watch it live. And the internet was too crowded and all.

I dont know when it will be on tonight but hopefully I will get to see it. I wanted to watch it lived soooo bad! :X
BSAR wrote:
I was really excited about seeing it live today at school. But then the tvs wouldn't work. We coulddn't get it to stream so I couldn't watch it live. And the internet was too crowded and all.

I dont know when it will be on tonight but hopefully I will get to see it. I wanted to watch it lived soooo bad! :X
I was lucky here, his speech was on around 5pm, so I was home from school and all.
pinksalamander wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I DID hear that Prince Henry was caught again making racist comments.....

Haha yeah, silly idiot. If you're gonna say it, don't film it! (And also, side note, don't use your helibopter to land in your girlfriends garden either).

Still I love it when they do things wrong. At least they are human.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

Exactly LOL! They are nice young men I'm sure. It's just so funny when they get caught being themselves like that.

Also, I have to agree that I wouldn't think our economy will get worse because of Obama. Granted, we could end up in a Depression, but I think he will get us out of this mess....... eventually.

That is part of the reason I wanted Hillary to run - she was in there when Bill had the budget balanced........ they are smart..... I just hope the Obama team does as well but not as ........ umm....... frisky? LOL
We've had women presidents, our current one is a woman, Mary Mc Aleese, our presidents aren't really important here though, they just represent the country, our Taoiseach does most of the work.Country people here discrimate and are racist towards anyone who isn't anIrish person, even if they are white like from the USA or England. So it will be a long time.
Irishbunny, have you heard of the "Southern" Americans? Some of them are scary. They don't like you if you are from anywhere else, even the North. I'm not saying all of the people from the South are like that, but there seem to be a lot of them there. They are mixed throughout the country, though. There was a Nazi rally in Milwaukee (during Gay Pride Fest) outside of the fair grounds last summer. Some people just won't let go of their stupid differences.
I work in a warehouse, and because I do a variety of things I have two work areas. My office has a computer, and I managed to find a little busy work to do in there so I could watch the swearing-in online. I don't have sound in there, so I listened to the NPR coverage on my Zune.
(I'm not sure if internet use is monitored, so I hope I don't get in trouble for that! I was actually working while it was on, though.)

Every time I hear President Obama's (!) speech replayed, I got a little teary. Today was an amazing day!

About Southerners......I lived in Savannah Georgia for a summer between high school and college. (Beautiful city.) There were lots and lots of really nice people, but every once in a while I would run across someone who wasn't all that nice. I worked for a cleaning service that cleaned houses on a private island community. ($$Million+ houses.) The owner didn't hire "fat people" because he said they were lazy, and he didn't hire "black people" because he said they would steal things from the houses. :X I quit working for him as soon as I could, I didn't want to be around "ignorant people" like him. What a jerk!
But the hate-mongers are everywhere. I went to a concert here in Kansas last year that was being protested by the Phelps family. (Not related to the swimmer!) They are the people who picket military funerals and tell the family members God is killing the soldiers because gay people are allowed in our military. I was actually quite amused to see them at the concert. :(
Kherrman- there was a Nazi rally during Pride Fest? Aw man! I totally missed out on heckling them! They really should let us know about these things ahead of time. I'd totally bring my dozen half-Asian cousins and find someone to pretend to be my girlfriend.

Today I was almost sad that I no longer live across the street from the KKK jerk. Seriously, he would blastbad country music with unspeakably violentracist lyrics all day long, and he livednext to a church!
I honestly think that hate is everywhere, but people in the South are stereotyped for racism more that anyone else. My sister's husband is black and my 2 nieces are mixed. Never had any issues with racism until they moved to Cincinnati. There one of their neighbors refused to let their daughter play with the girls because they were black. Made me sick, I've never wanted to hurt someone so much in my life when I saw them cry because of the names they were called.

Funny thing happened to me in VT when I was visiting my best friend. I went into a gas station there and when I went to the counter to pay I spoke to him and this jerk looked me up and down and said "Where did you come from with that accent, Alabama!?" and started laughing like he told some hilarious joke. I said to him "You are missing teeth and you're wearing dirty really have no room to make fun of me." Shut him up :)

BethM, I lived in Savannah for 4 years and I loved it, but you are right about the "old money" people, they need to pull their heads out of the behinds. Everyone else that I met there was wonderful....quirky, but wonderful!

Maybe Obama's presidency will "enlighten" some of these people. I know some are probably just too ignorant to be helped!

There are good and bad in every race. Look at those bigwigs in the insurance bailouts who took lavish vacations and stuff with the money that could have helped their companies or at least given their employees a couple of more weeks of salary. That's not only bad but it's selfish and uncaring!

The country people here aren't scary and wouldn't go as far as to kill someone because of where they are from and their race and usually wouldn't be rude to their faces but they would make nasty jokes about them.

I have heard about southerners in America being racist and I read the book 'Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry' and the two books that follow that and in school we had to read 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. I wasn't going to say anything here in case there are people from the South here.

I've seen it on some films too, you know the KKK and all that.

Yeah, remember those kind of people (to kill a mockingbird, KKK) are extremist and not the norm. Although some people might be racist, they aren't going to kill someone. Still - even the racist people are slowly becoming less and less.
naturestee wrote:
Kherrman- there was a Nazi rally during Pride Fest? Aw man! I totally missed out on heckling them! They really should let us know about these things ahead of time. I'd totally bring my dozen half-Asian cousins and find someone to pretend to be my girlfriend.
Yes, there was a Nazi rally at the 2008 Pridefest. They had the Milwaukee SWAT team and mounted police out there and everything. Best part - they were protecting the Nazi's! It was all over the radio prior to the rally, and that just-so-happened to be the day that Sean, Will & I were going. There were only about a dozen of them, if that. There were dozens of "queers", as the Nazi's were calling them, on the other side of the street having a rally of their own. I have pictures. I will have to post them later.

There are some people in my family who hold onto little bits of racism. My grandpa got over it, but my mum still has a tiny bit towards African Americans. She loves Obama, but doesn't like the ones who will "steal your stereo". She grew up in Milwaukee during the race riots, and my grandpa was a fireman. She remembers him making homemade weapons in their basement to protect himself from the rioters. They would burn their own buildings down and then turn on the firemen for trying to put them out. :( It's sad, really. My mum also remembers times in Milwaukee when you couldn't go out during the day because of the race riots. You could only go out to the store and such during certain times of the day and there were police and other serviceman out supervising. She was very young and it left a big impression. Like I said, she's no KKK member, but I can tell that she doesn't like to be the minority in a room.
This was the first election that I was old enough to vote in.

I personally voted for Obama to be preseident. I live about 30 minutes from D.C. but it was too crazy to actually go there. I watched it live at work.

It was such an exciting day for me and for us all
I agree, there's good and bad people everywhere. Doesn't matter whether it's in a city, country, south, north, etc.

I live in a fairly large city, where there is a high number of black and asian people. I've met some horribly racist people here! My ex-boyfriends (evil guy) parents and brother were incredibly racist, as was his uncle. His uncle used to joke about running black people down with his car and how he'd get 'extra' points for them :shock: But of course they'd always deny that they were racist 'it's just a joke' etc.... Why joke about it? It made me sick. I couldn't stand them. I refuse to associate with people like that. There's just no sense in it. :X
naturestee wrote:
Well darn. My satellite hookup wasn't working, I haven't watched tv for weeks. And the bunnies were out so I couldn't go in the computer room and watch. I'll just have to watch the videos later.:?

Oh, and GOBAMA!


P.S. Hi Carolyn!!!

Hi Naturestee, :hugsquish:

Sorry to hear that you couldn't watch the excitement yesterday. I hope you were able to celebrate anyway. It's so great to see someone with intelligence in the Presidential seat, isn't it?!

GOBAMA - Indeed!

I hope you and your babies are doing great!

I guess we've already had a female Prime Minister, that old 'Iron Lady' :p, but I doubt we will have a black Prime Minster for a long time, mainly because I just don't think there is a huge black population, I wouldn't say because of racism, just think that all of the candidates are most likely to be white...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

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