To Neuter or To Not Neuter??

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Alfalfa hay is okay for baby bunnies, but that along with alfalfa pellets can cause some health/digestive problems (like bad poops) and it’s harder to transition them to grass hay when they become adults. So generally alfalfa pellets and Timothy hay is recommended. But if the breeder fed alfalfa hay and pellets it’s best to stick to that for the next week or so, to not stress the rabbit out more with the big change. But adding grass hay to the alfalfa would help :)
I feed him this, sorry when I purchased this the sign said alfalfa but it’s Timothy I think. Is this good for him? The person fed him on adult petsathome nuggets... she also gave him greens once in a while and the mother ate these as well but I think I’m going to wait until he’s a bit older to give him greens again... he was thoroughly enjoying his pellets and hay last night. The vet told me that changes in food can cause a bit of a loose stool and that he should be fine in a few days. She fed him this and told me she occasionally fed him cabbage, spinach, broccoli and carrots.


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I would continue feeding what the breeder had fed if you have any, if not you can continue feeding that or transition him to those ones. I wouldn’t give any veggies for now though.
I do think he’s probably pooping like that because he’s feeling stressed. So I would leave him in his own space for a little while, checking up on him every half hour or so.
Try not to stress him out too much. For their first few days at home, it’s best to try not to make any huge changes so they can settle down and have a bit more time to feel comfortable. The main things ofc, are to make sure he’s eating and pooping.

Hes really cute btw!!
I would continue feeding what the breeder had fed if you have any, if not you can continue feeding that or transition him to those ones. I wouldn’t give any veggies for now though.
I do think he’s probably pooping like that because he’s feeling stressed. So I would leave him in his own space for a little while, checking up on him every half hour or so.
Try not to stress him out too much. For their first few days at home, it’s best to try not to make any huge changes so they can settle down and have a bit more time to feel comfortable. The main things ofc, are to make sure he’s eating and pooping.

Hes really cute btw!!
I don’t have any of the food that the breeder fed... the pictures above are of what I’m feeding him, Burgess Excel pellets and Timothy hay... his poop is not as squishy now... I think he’s better. I’ll include a picture of him right now.
*also does anybody have any names for him? Unisex names if possible or just boy and girl names because I’m not actually sure he’s a boy because I haven’t been to the vet with him yet.
I was thinking of:
• Oreo
• Moony
• Meteor
No girl names as of yet.


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Ah yay!

Moony is cute :)
Thanks! Also can anybody recommend good brushes for him? I’m currently using this as petsathome didn’t have any in stock... I need to wait until I get paid to get a brush for him but I get paid on Monday so hopefully this will do until then. He’s not moulting at all, is that normal? He’s also letting me brush him. I don’t think this brush is adequate but if it is, let me know.


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Also, how many pellets should I give him? He appears to prefer pellets to the hay but will eat the hay.
Aww! He is so cute! 😍
I would only give him 1-2 tbs of Burgess pellets and unlimited timothy hay for now. He really needs to eat lots of timothy hay since that will be the main thing he eats for the rest of his life.
Since the mom rabbit ate some veggies, you can give him a few, but I would be extra careful so he doesn't get sick. For veggies, the best options are dark leaf lettuces -no iceberg-, turnip greens, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, and herbs. Stay away from all fruits and store-bought treats (I would always stay away from store-bought treats, even when he is an adult since they are full of bad ingredients).
It is normal that he isn't molting. Rabbits only molt 2 times per year, normally in the spring and fall. For brushes, check out these links:
Grooming Suggestions??? Allergies Out of Control!
Best brush for Mini Rex?
I have a zoom groom and a hair buster (fur buster?) can’t remember the name. Both work well, but I prefer the zoom groom with my rabbits fur texture. It’s normal that he isn’t shedding yet! He might start shedding over the next few weeks as it gets warmed, or he may start shedding, if he was an outdoor bunny.

The amount of pellets kind of depends on what you want to do and how much he will eat I guess. I don’t know many rabbits that prefer hay over pellets, haha, so it is a good idea to limit it. My rabbit gets fed 1/4 cup of pellets.
Aww! He is so cute! 😍
I would only give him 1-2 tbs of Burgess pellets and unlimited timothy hay for now. He really needs to eat lots of timothy hay since that will be the main thing he eats for the rest of his life.
Since the mom rabbit ate some veggies, you can give him a few, but I would be extra careful so he doesn't get sick. For veggies, the best options are dark leaf lettuces -no iceberg-, turnip greens, mustard greens, carrot tops, cilantro, and herbs. Stay away from all fruits and store-bought treats (I would always stay away from store-bought treats, even when he is an adult since they are full of bad ingredients).
It is normal that he isn't molting. Rabbits only molt 2 times per year, normally in the spring and fall. For brushes, check out these links:
Grooming Suggestions??? Allergies Out of Control!
Best brush for Mini Rex?
He is eating some hay right now... I give him these but he’s not really fussed to be honest. Most of the time he’s with me socialising but after his hutch is cleaned and in the night he’s in there. Where can I get dark leaf lettuces from? Will he be ok to just eat them? Instead of a variety of veg? I think I will wait until he is around 5 months to allow him to eat them. I will check out brushes now. Is the other brush I have suitable or no?


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The little yellow one? It’s fine, but it is a little small, so it may take a while to brush him and might not do it very effectively ☺
I wish I could’ve gotten a better one when I was there... but they had 0 in stock... I did brush him a little today and it seemed to get out the little knots etc. I will definitely invest in a better one though. Do you brush their tummies? I didn’t do that today...
He is eating some hay right now... I give him these but he’s not really fussed to be honest. Most of the time he’s with me socialising but after his hutch is cleaned and in the night he’s in there. Where can I get dark leaf lettuces from? Will he be ok to just eat them? Instead of a variety of veg? I think I will wait until he is around 5 months to allow him to eat them. I will check out brushes now. Is the other brush I have suitable or no?
If the little toy is plastic, I wouldn't give it to him. You don't want him to eat it and get a blockage. You can get dark leaf lettuces from any grocery store. You can give him a variety of veggies if you want to, but it won't hurt him if you stick to the same stuff. I buy a box of Spring Mix every week for Theo, and then buy something extra (cilantro, herbs, greens, etc.) just to change it up. I think it's a great idea to wait to give him veggies until he is 5 months!

Please remove all the pine shavings from his hutch! It will cause respiratory issues. Also, it will make litter training so difficult since the rabbit will think it can use the bathroom all over the hutch. You can put a cotton blanket or rug on the floor so the rabbit isn't on the wood. I also suggest getting a larger litter box, such as a cat litter box or a plastic storage box. Here are several links on litter training: Litter Training
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I wish I could’ve gotten a better one when I was there... but they had 0 in stock... I did brush him a little today and it seemed to get out the little knots etc. I will definitely invest in a better one though. Do you brush their tummies? I didn’t do that today...
That brush will work for now. You do not brush him that often since rabbits do a great job of cleaning themselves. There is no need to brush his tummy, he won't like it, and handling him too much could make him aggressive in the future.
If the little toy is plastic, I wouldn't give it to him. You don't want him to eat it and get a blockage. You can get dark leaf lettuces from any grocery store. You can give him a variety of veggies if you want to, but it won't hurt him if you stick to the same stuff. I buy a box of Spring Mix every week for Theo, and then buy something extra (cilantro, herbs, greens, etc.) just to change it up. I think it's a great idea to wait to give him veggies until he is 5 months!

Please remove all the pine shavings from his hutch! It will cause respiratory issues. Also, it will make litter training so difficult since the rabbit will think it can use the bathroom all over the hutch. You can put a cotton blanket or rug on the floor so the rabbit isn't on the wood. Some people use fleece, but fleece will cause sore hocks, so stick with cotton. I also suggest getting a larger litter box, such as a cat litter box or a plastic storage box. Here are several links on litter training: Litter Training
I apologise for the shavings in the hutch... I spoke to the person at the till in petsathome and they advised I get that one... it doesn’t say pine shavings on the packaging or I wouldn’t have got it... will a black rug be better? Will I have to wash it daily? I’ll look at getting a cat litter box too. I feel terrible now about the shavings...
It's okay! I had shavings in Theo's hutch when I first got him because I didn't know! Unfortunately, most of the petsathome people don't know how to care for rabbits. You can get any color rug, just make sure it is cotton woven. I have a nice grey rug in Theo's playpen and I never have to wash it since he is litter trained. I do vacuum it off every week to get up any pieces of timothy hay. I also have smaller mats around the litter box so if he pees out of the litter box on accident I can easily clean it up. I have attached a picture of Theo's pen from a couple of months ago, I have changed several things up since then.


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Towels and old blankets will work fine in his hutch. Don’t worry too much about the shavings (although do take them out). Most of the employees at p@h aren’t very educated in rabbits! My blankets and towels get washed once weekly, but if the rabbit isn’t litter trained, you’ll probably need to wash it every few days.
It's okay! I had shavings in Theo's hutch when I first got him because I didn't know! Unfortunately, most of the petsathome people don't know how to care for rabbits. You can get any color rug, just make sure it is cotton woven. I have a nice grey rug in Theo's playpen and I never have to wash it since he is litter trained. I do vacuum it off every week to get up any pieces of timothy hay. I also have smaller mats around the litter box so if he pees out of the litter box on accident I can easily clean it up. I have attached a picture of Theo's pen from a couple of months ago, I have changed several things up since then.
I’ve just rushed to get him out of there. I’m so worried now. What are the alternatives other than rugs? The one rug we have is in the wash but I’m not sure it’s cotton woven. I’m so stressed. Please tell me what else I can do, does he need a vet

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