Tips on warming the floor???

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey you know, my girls areindoors. The overall air temp in our house is well withinwarmth limits for the girls, but the floors are quite cold!

Can anyone give me any ideas on how to warm up just the girls' bottomfloor of their cage? Maybe something that we won't have tochange often?

A reminder of their cage construction...

They have NIC cages, with pegboard on the bottom floor. So,just about anything should be fine as an idea. :)

So, please...anything you can think of, please lend me your ideas!

Thanks guys!

Love and hugs,

Rosie and the Girls* :)
Perhaps if you put something like a rug under the pegboard, so the cage would be insulated from the actual floor of the house.
missyscove wrote:
Perhaps if you put something like a rug under the pegboard,so the cage would be insulated from the actual floor of thehouse.
That's what I'm planning on doing in the new bunnie room. It's afinished basement with carpeting, and I'm going to use masonite(pegboard without the holes) for the flooring on top of the carpet.
Just a thought: I live in a house wherethe basement is unheated and there is no insulation under the floors.I've found that my rabbits actually prefer the coolness of floors are hardwood, but I put carpet down in the livingroom and one of the bedrooms. Whenever Anna is running around thehouse, she always prefers to lie on the hardwood as opposed to thecarpet, and her favorite spot of all is on the wooden floor in front ofthe main door to my house, which is the coldest area of all. Cool aircomes in under there, and she soaks it in! When I pick her up she feelscool to the touch, but she loves it.
Very cute, Bassetluv!

I would consider the same for Maisie, since she's still sleeping on herbottom floor. But Flower used to do the same thing (mostlysleep on the bottom floor in her pink plastic igloo, cute!), and hasn'tdone so this week (since the temp has REALLY gone down). So Itend to think she's not so comfy with the cold floors.

My husband was thinking of building a simple 2x4 rectangle that'll fitthe cage's dimensions, and stuffing it with rags. Rugs tendto be quite expensive in our neck of the woods, so we have to translatethe idea into something a little more in our price-range. :)
You might try a discount store that sellsoffcuts or bound remnant, or you could also get some cheapo rag rugsand stuff them into whatever your husband is making...

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