Tiny's (& Puck's) TALL Texan Tales (& tails)

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Hi! I'm new, but I read the entire blog, and Ijust LOVE Tiny. And I LOVE your story, I can't wait until it'spublished, I'll buy it the moment it's available! And I also readyabout your sweet Ginger and cried...

Your bunnies are so incredibly cute, and from the sounds of it, theyhave the best life a bunny could ever have! I better not let my crew(and that also includes a Popcorn!) read what Tiny saysorthey'll be mad at me!

Dear diary,

I'm outside today. Mom let me outside yesterday and I wouldn't come inlast night. Mom called for me and even went to pick me up but I nippedher lightly. So she put food down and told me she was going to eat mygrapes and went back inside.

Its gorgeous today though....sunny but still overcast. There is aslight breeze and my rose bush is in bloom where I like my morning nap.When mom went to get me she called me a "bloomin idiot" 'cause Iwouldn't come out.

I'm thinking about heading off to California anyway and I told mom so.She offered to pack my bags and see if the border patrol would give mea ride.

I think she's mad at me....?

I'm thinking I'll stay outside just a wee bit longer....maybe mom will eat a couple of my grapes and miss me and love me again.

The BunFather
Tiny! Come, please come!

It's raining today, but by the time you get here, it will have stopped.

NOTE: By "rain" I mean CA rain as in just lightly lightlydrizzling. More like fog that happens to befalling. ;) If you'd like to hang out in the yard,you can always run into the dogs' room attatched to the garage to staydry. I'm sure they'll share.
Aaahh Tiny, I've just been catching up with yourantics - your exploring sounds like fun :). You know you're alwayswelcome to come to the UK and visit - you can play in the sandpittoo!!! Have to say, though, it is a lot colder than where you live -best bring some of your harem to keep you warm ;)

Dear Diary,

Well, I am back inside. I don't want to be back inside. I didn't want to come back inside.

But the big mean dad had the audacity to follow me around the yard andthen PICK ME UP AND HOLD ME CLOSE TO HIM while he walkedto the door. He kept telling me what a good boy I am. Well - he went toadjust me a bit so he could step onto the porch and I nippedhim. See...that's how good I am!

Then I flicked him off FIVE times as I went to my room.

I hate my dad. He's mean. He doesn't pick me up as nicely as mom does.With mom, I can kick and fight and try to manipulate her into lettingme get down. Dad holds me close and tight. Oh - he doesn't hurt mybody...just my pride.

So I'm sulking today in my bedroom and I've even yelled at the harem.Popcorn went and got me a map of California and offered to help me packsome grapes and craisins - but I heard the girls whispering and PopcornWASN'T planning on coming with me.

So I stomped into a corner.

But I'm wondering - what happened to the awe and respect for theBunFather? The girls no longer fall at my feet - they want to try andgo let some bucks out of cages since its springtime. Mom and dad won'tlet me stay out because of some rain that might fall. Even Miss Bearefused to groom me this morning when I came out to talk to her aboutthis. She said I "brought it on myself" by being something she called*stubborn* and that she recognizes this 'cause she spent a yearin a kindergarten class and she saw it all the time.

She also reminded me that mom has had a rough time lately and needs me to be a good bunny.

So I thumped her off and left.

I've decided I'll stay till my Easter Hat from Sooska comes. I'mthinking I may be able to use it to bribe the Border Patrol for help ingetting to California. Popcorn has already warned me that Puck and MissBea have been cooking up plans to steal it when it arrives and try itout first...so I'm going to keep an eye out for the mailman bringing apackage.

Then...once I have my hat...I'll decide what to do.

Until then...I'm going back to my bedroom to sulk.

The BunFather

P.S. I wonder if I tug on mom's clothes first - if she'd giveme some of my grapes to take back to my room and sulk with. Miss Beatold me that mom only ate a couple and there should be more left.


You are welcome to come to Michigan any time you please. Its going tobe getting nice and warm soon, just how you like it. Oh, and you willget lots of respect and admiration from my two foster girls, Mocha andLatte, they are sexy rexy girls. They would love you!
Dear Haley,

Why thank you - I may consider that. I suppose I could sneak in the carwhen mom goes to Ohio and then try to catch a ride from there. I'llhave to see what Michigan car plates look like so I get in the rightcar or van.

But I have to stay here today I think to help mom. I've decided to comeout of my room a bit and love on her 'cause she's crying.

****erry came in and told me that mom lost two young does last nightand early this morning. She lost one last night around midnight - itgave a light cough and mom went in to look at it - and it did somethingcalled a "seizure" and died in her arms. ****erry said mom was in totalshock about this as the rabbit had been a bit underweight but shown NOsigns of being ill.

She was telling dad about it and said, "I honestly thought if I lost a rabbit it would be buck X or doe Y"....

..and then this morning while Popcorn was messing around in mom's room,dad went in to wake her up and put his arms around her and said,"Honey, doe Y passed away during the night."

Popcorn says she felt bad then that she'd peed on mom'and dad's newcomforter so they'd know she liked it. She came running and told MissBea and ****erry and they're only NOW getting around to telling me thenews.

****erry says they knew I was mad at mom and they didn't want to get me more upset...don't they know I'd want to comfort mom?

So I'm going to go out and paw on mom and let her rub me behind theears and pet my head. I may even see if she'll sit on the floor and letme come sit near her and let her cry. She's been leaking on and off allday but I thought it was because she was broken or something....nowthat I know the problem....I better help her.

I think right now my biggest concern is for Popcorn. I have told herand told her to stay out of mom and dad's bedroom. Last night she gotup on mom's bed and tried to comfort her before mom went to sleep andshe made mom laugh. But to pee on their NEW comforter? I told her -shehad to wait till they washed it at least one more time....she said shehated the "new smell".

I'm worried Popcorn is gonna get a cage again. She hates being cagedand mom only cages her when she's really bad - and then she winds upletting her out because Popcorn is so pitiful and doesn't want to eator drink but just mopes.

But Popcorn says she'll be ok - and as I write this - she's over byLadybug, the dog, taking a nap by her. She says Lady will help momconvince her to stay out.....if only to get pictures of a rabbit anddog stretched out together.

But before I close this..is Michigan really far from California? Does it have grapes and things like that?

Hmm...Michigan or California? Which should I go to first? At least I'll have my Easter hat to look really good.

Dear Diary,

Well, I let mom pet me today. I didn't get any grapes or craisins outof it but I'm keeping my paws crossed that she'll think of it later.Sometimes she likes to give me a "bedtime snack" - but its alwasy ather bedtime and never at mine.

I warned Popcorn today that I heard dad offered to make a cage whenthey were talking about her peeing on the bed - so she decided that shewould try to 'make nice' with the dog and get the dog on her side.

I think it was pretty humiliating for her and she didn't know I wasgonna take her photo - but I'm sort of all paws when it comes to mom'sflashy toys.

Still yet...here's my girl trying to make nice with the dog so she can stay in my harem...

Do you think it will work? I hope so.

Oh - my next goal is to get a picture of Baby as I think mom may lether join my harem too. She is .... um.....strange. She said I'd belooking strange too if dad had to shave my head so my eyes didn't getmatted when I was sick.

I told her - I'm not sick.

Oh well.

Back to checking out the food bowl and sending thoughts mom's way for grapes or craisins.

The BunFather

P.S. The dog is the big black log thingy. Doesn't Popcorn look thrilled?
I just had to share on this thread (since someof it is on here) that I submitted the book proposal for my book to thepublisher yesterday. Now I have to put butt in chair, log off forum(the hard part) and get it finished. It is about 85-90% done and I toldthem it would be done by 4/15.

For those who are interested - here is what I submitted to the publisher:

a. chapters 1-4
b. plot synopsis of whole book (took 6 + hours to write and runs about 5,000 words)
c. character descriptions and series synopsis
d. bonus feature: "Score one for the bunny" (MissBea's romp in chapter 10 - it is on my lionhead thread or maybe itshere - I forget).

Now I'm dying to find out what they think and if they want to see the whole thing!

Susan (Sooska) sent Tiny and Miss Bea someEaster hats 'cause I just ADORED the ones that she had in the Easterhat thread. They came today. Miss Bea's photos (some of them) are inthe lionhead thread...but here are Tiny's.

He was napping and not very happy that I woke him up. I want to getmore photos done of him maybe this weekend and he'll be happier if heis on the floor.

Tiny, bring that hat with you when you come here to California! You'll need it to keep the sun out of your eyes.
The BUNFATHER wrote:
But before I close this..is Michigan really far fromCalifornia? Does it have grapes and things like that?

Hmm...Michigan or California? Which should I go to first? At least I'll have my Easter hat to look really good.
Tiny, you can hop a ride with your mom when she comes to OH. We donthave very many grapes that grow in the wild, but we have tons and tonsof apples! You can come visit any time you like!

And you are such a handsome devil in your new hat!
Dear Diary,

My hat came today. I don't want mom to know I like it - so I flippedher off. But I think that black and purple and blue look pretty cooltogether. I'm thinking of having the girls bring me my hat tonight whenmom's gone to bed and I might wear it for a bit to break it in.

I do think it was unfair of mom to take photos of me before I'd gotten used to it and practiced posing in front of a mirror.

But this diary entry isn't as much about that as it is about Baby. Somemay have read in the infirmary how Baby had wry neck and mom treatedher and she's doing much better.


Baby is young and so she's running circles around me and the harem. Ontop of that she's asking all of us to groom her - all thetime.

The other girls have formed an alliance and they're planning to "voteher off" the harem and Baby is asking me to let her stay. The problemis.....her hormones are starting to hit...and so not only does she sitand walk (and run) crooked...but now she's wanting to find a buck.

I'm thinking about asking mom to consider her as part of a "catch andrelease" program. You know - catch her - but release her somewhereelse...like in the main rabbitry or in a cage or something?

But still yet - there's something sort of cute about her.

So for those who don't know....Baby had wry neck. She had it pretty badand her fur was getting all matted because she was young and shecouldn't take care of her herself well. Dad thought he'dhelp. He gave her a buzz cut on her head.

Mama always shows everyone the cute lionheads...well now...I'm gonna show one of hers that she wouldn't normally show.

But the girls tease Baby about her buzz cut so she thought she'd show them that she could be a fashion diva after all....

(She stole Miss Bea's hat)...

Oh well, I guess I"ll close this. I need to go let my ears rest afterwearing that hat....and think about what to do about Baby. She's sodarn ugly - MOM AND DAD WANT TO KEEP HER!!!

The BunFather
Hey Tiny come here. My moms house they growgrapes, and there is a HUGE produce store opening in the spring. Youare welcome to bring anyone you want.

Dear Diary,

This is just a short note since I'm really outside today. But I want to record some things so I don't forget them.

First of all, mom and dad are getting lost in front of the computerlately...for HOURS at a time. Not so bad except this is somethingcalled a "LoTRO". It looks funny on the computer screen - no picturesof bunnies, etc. In fact, once I heard mom saying something like, "ohno..Mine (her pet raven)....killed a bunny."

HOW could that happen?

Miss Bea told me later that she was monitoring the whole thing from hercage and it was a computer-simulated rabbit only and it was a hare andnot a handsome rabbit like me. She also said that the dumb bird killeda deer too...until mom learned how to put it as a guarddog instead ofattacking everything. But she assured me that mom has learned how tocontrol the raven now and no more rabbits will be hurt - even in agame. I sure hope so.

Popcorn has been freed from her cage and allowed to rejoin my harem.She had her babies but there were problems and she won't tell me aboutit. All I know is she's been running around looking for a lionheadbuck. I told her to settle down...then she went and tried to chase thecats. I think it is because she was caged for a bit....she'll settledown again once she gets all this energy out of her system.

Well, I'm going to go enjoy the outside some more. I shocked mom anddad when I opened the rabbitry gate (shucks..they weren't supposed tonotice) and then hopped over the bottom NIC panel into the rabbitry.The girls all went crazy over me till I told them, "Sorry..I can't helpyou." They got out of my way 'cause I kept saying, "BunFather comingthrough...clear the way..".

As mom lifted me out onto the grass I heard whispers of "Wow..Look atthose ears.." and "I've never seen anybunny THAT BIG before....is hegonna bite me?".

Me? Bite a rabbit...only if they misbehave.

The BunFather
Wow, Bunfather...lots going on around there lately!

Hugs to everyone!!

Oh, whisper mentions to your mama to take some pictures of little Daisy soon, would ya? :)

Love to everyone!!

Rosie* (AKA Daisy's future Mommy)
Well...I have a tale to tell on the BunFather.(See everyone - I spent a year in a kindergarten classroom and know thedifference between tail and tale. I learned it my first week there).

Anyways - about the BunFather. Oh...he's so wonderful....right?

Well - here are the photos mom wants to share with y'all...

But here is what life with the BunFather REALLY is like.....he wantednothing to do with his hat (ok..so what if I put itching powder init??).

Now the truth is out about him....

Oops - gotta go. ****erry is trying to get back into my cage again.Sheesh....she was a good girl when she was young but I don't think Iwant to claim her as my daughter anymore....she's become tooindependent!

Miss Bea

Edited to add: The BunFather has some bald spots because he has startedto molt and the girls overgroomed him a bit. Personally, I think hedeserved it!

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