Tiny's (& Puck's) TALL Texan Tales (& tails)

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In this section of the novel, Kate has agreed tofoster Miss Bea, a harlequin lionhead. She is TERRIFIED of MissBea....because Miss Bea is totally unsocialized (she was a classroombunny) and when Abby pulled her out of the cat carrier, Miss Bea foughtwith tooth and nail....sort of like a really scared rabbit will.

Kate is relating to Abby what happened later that night after Abby left...

It all started the same nightKate got Miss Bea. After Abby left, Kate got the rabbits fed andsettled for the night. As usual, she left Tiny’s kennel door open butkept him locked in her room. She figured that since Miss Bea was shutin her cage, the two would get along just fine and there would be nofights over territory.
A couple of hours after shewent to bed, Kate heard thumping. Tiny started jumping on the bed andrunning around the room. She woke up enough to tell him to settle downor she’d put him in his kennel and lock his door. Then she felt himjump on her…only it wasn’t Tiny…it couldn’t be Tiny. It wasn’t heavyenough. She felt the weight on her again – sitting on her chest. Sheopened one eye and saw two beady eyes staring at her face. She closedher eye and then opened both eyes. The eyes came closer to her face andshe wanted to scream. Then, the eyes backed away as Miss Bea sat on herhaunches and started cleaning her face, staring at Kate the whole time.
Miss Bea was out of her cage.Miss Bea was sitting on her chest. Tiny was thumping and having a fit.What was happening? Was this all a bad dream? She wasn’t sure if shewanted to wake up or not.
As suddenly as she was onKate’s chest, Miss Bea hopped back off and got on the floor. Thethumping got louder and even Kate could tell that Tiny was angry. Shetried to hush Tiny while she stared at Miss Bea. What was this devilrabbit doing out of her cage? Why was Tiny thumping?
Then she saw him. Tiny was inMiss Bea’s cage. He was locked in Miss Bea’s cage while the littledevil ran around the room and then entered his cage and chinned hisfood bowl, water bottle and litter box. As Tiny watched her, he rattledthe cage door with his teeth and continued thumping.
Miss Bea was claiming HISturf? Kate didn’t think so. She got up out of bed and went tocatch Miss Bea. The chase was on.
Miss Bea ran under the bed.After several attempts to get her out, Kate went to her kitchen and gota broom to shoo her out. Miss Bea ran out from under the bed and outthe bedroom door that Kate had accidentally left open. Score one forthe rabbit. Kate ran after her. Tiny continued thumping.
Miss Bea ran to the kitchen,then the dining room. Kate chased her under the desk where the rabbitpromptly nipped her. Another point for the rabbit. As Kate yelled atthe rabbit, she took off for the bathroom. As Kate ran into thebathroom, she tripped over the rabbit dashing out the door. The rabbitscored again..
Kate was determined to catchher now. She ran into the bedroom. No Miss Bea. She went back down thehall, and with a honeyed voice called, “Miss Bea, oh come here littledarling.” Her mind added the words, “So I can strangle you.”
Kate trapped Miss Bea underthe couch but she didn’t have her broom with her. She went and fetchedthe broom, only to find the rabbit had disappeared again. Score anotherone for the rabbit. Miss Bea 4, Kate O.
Kate searched the house forthe rabbit. Her racing heartbeat matched Tiny’s continual thumping. Shefinally found Miss Bea trying to hide behind the refrigerator. “I’vegot you now” she exclaimed as she grabbed for Miss Bea’s rump. Miss Beatwisted out of her hand and took off, thumping at her. She was leftwith a few strands of fur in her hand. Great…now she had two rabbitsthumping. Score another point for the rabbit? Would the rabbit give upat 5 points? 7 points?
Kate was not giving up. Norabbit could outsmart her. Ok…maybe this rabbit could. But not forlong. Kate had a college degree for crying out loud. Certainly shecould catch a rabbit.
She decided to try enticingMiss Bea to come to her for a treat. She went to the frig and got twocarrots. One was for Miss Bea and one would be for Tiny. She knew Tinymight calm down once he had something to eat.
Tiny. He’d stopped thumping.Was he all right? Had the devil bunny hurt him? She raced down thehallway to the bedroom, hoping to find Tiny ok. She stopped in thedoorway and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Tiny was back in his cage.Miss Bea was back in her cage…and her door was shut. When Kate walkednear her cage, Miss Bea thumped. Tiny replied with a thump of his own.Kate debated between strangling the rabbit and giving her the carrotshe carried. She decided giving Miss Bea the carrot was the bestchoice. She dropped a carrot in Tiny’s cage and one in Miss Bea’s cageand then went to the bed to sit down. Tiny grabbed his carrot and ateit immediately. Miss Bea sniffed at the carrot and turned her back toKate and started grooming herself. Score another point forthe devil herself.


P.S. Miss Bea HAS opened cages and she HAS locked otherrabbits in her cage when they go in to explore it. I'm trying toremember if she locked Tiny in her cage once -he's always beenfascinated by the smaller cages and I remember he got locked in oneonce and was thumping....

Peg, that was great. I had a tear in my eye reading the part about Tiny in the shelter.

Will this be published. I'd love to read it when it's finished.

I do have a publisher in mind. I need to finishthe novel this month, edit it next month and then try to submit it. Ifthey buy it (I also review books and I have seen what they buy)...itwill be about 2 years before the story hits the bookstore shelves.

Here is a bit more about the novel. Stan is going to wind upbecoming a painter because he loves to paint. His paintings wind uptaking off (he donates one to the local shelter for their auction and alot of interest is generated in his paintings after the picture isshown in a large metropolitan newspaper...let's say he becomes the nextThomas Kinkade but of animals and stuff). He has 20% of the income fromhis animal paintings donated to the shelter to keep it running,

Kate winds up renovating her home (it was her grandma's and she hasn'tchanged a thing since Grandma died) to run a rabbit shelter. It's goingto be called "BunFather's Haven" or something like that. (yep..."TheBunFather" even makes it into the novel).

The book is actually the first in a series. Puck will make it into book2 and GingerSpice will make it into book 2 too (as a disabled bunny -which she is now).

I'm going to share a couple more sections next...at least one...maybe more.


SOOOSKA wrote:
Peg, that wasgreat. I had a tear in my eye reading the part about Tiny inthe shelter.

Will this be published. I'd love to read it when it's finished.

This is Kate's first morning w/ Tiny...

Kate woke up at daybreak onSunday morning. She didn’t want to wake up that early but it is hard tostay asleep when a 14 pound bunny lands on your belly as he leaps onthe bed. The leap was only the start of his fun though as he ran lapsaround the room at a pace that made her dizzy. How could something thatlarge move so fast? By the third leap on the bed, she’d learned to moveout of his way. She had observed that with every other lap of the roomhe took a shortcut across the bed for the other side.
What Kate didn’t understandwas what Tiny was doing in her room. She’d made him a bed last nightout of a cardboard box and an old towel of her grandmother’s. He wassupposed to be sleeping in the kitchen.
She tried to make sense of hispresence in her room but she couldn’t help falling back to sleep oncehe stopped running around. She wasn’t worried about him getting intotrouble because he jumped up on the bed and settled down by her feetfor a nap. She could live with a pet like this.
When the alarm woke Kate threehours later, Tiny was still by her feet. He appeared to be asleep butas she snuck out of bed, she noticed him sit up and yawn. Man, he was abig rabbit. She still was scared of him but so far he had been verygentle and kept out of trouble.
Kate walked out to the kitchenwith a bit of trepidation. Had Tiny destroyed the carpet? Had he usedhis litter box? What had he done all night?
She learned the answer as sheentered the kitchen. Tiny had used the litter box alright. Almosteverything was in it although you could see where he must have had hisrear end over the corner once when he used it. She made a mental noteto buy him a larger litter box when she went to the store next time.The rest of the kitchen seemed fine – except for his box and towel. Thestinker had knocked over his box, chewed on the towel enough to putmultiple holes in it and then chewed on the box too. Itlooked like she better add some sort of chew toy to her shopping list.
Kate made herself some tea andgrabbed a banana while she thought about what to have for breakfast. Asshe peeled the banana, she heard the thwump thwump of Tiny running fromthe living room into the kitchen. She got out of his way in case heneeded to use the litter box again. Her eyes opened wide as he headedstraight for her instead of the litter box. He was supposed to begentle but she could see the headlines flash before her eyes, “Mysteryshopper killed by giant angry rabbit”. Then Tiny braked to a haltdirectly in front of her and stood up on his hind legs. He pulled onher right shirt sleeve and tried to lower her arm. She moved the bananato her left hand and he let go of her right shirt sleeve and grabbedthe left one. He became frantic to pull her arm down and as she loweredher arm, he knocked the top half of the banana onto the floor andstarted eating it.
“Thief!” she yelled, withouteven thinking. At her loud voice, Tiny grabbed the banana and retreatedaround the corner into the living room. She didn’t mean to scare himbut he’d startled her and then stolen her breakfast. It looked like shebetter add bananas to her shopping list also.
She snuck into the living roomand stretched out her hand to Tiny. It held the last of the banana andwas a peace offering. He looked at her and twitched his nose and thengrabbed the banana and headed for her bedroom. Perhaps they would learnto trust each other soon. Until then, she got another banana andstarted writing out her shopping list.

This was an extremely emotional section for meto write. I'm hesitant to share it here - but I wrote it because Iwanted readers of the book to understand how fragile rabbits can be -and how destructive they can be.

I once lost my temper with Tiny and I scared him. I'm very thankfulthat he forgave me and I watch myself around him if I get mad (which Idon't do very often at all). Another rabbit had gotten hurt when he gotloose and tried to mount Tiny and Tiny had defended himself.

If I can save one other bunny owner from hurting their rabbit...then this scene will have been worth it.

Feedback? Please?

By the way...some of the backstory. Kate and Stan have been dating -but he has commented on the fact that she's "living in the past" andhas never let go of her grandma's things. Her house is still decoratedin colors and patterns from the 60's (mustard frig and stove, etc). Hehas told her she needs to grieve her grandma and be willing to let goof THINGS because they won't bring grandma back.

They had an argument over this and she told him to leave. Then this scene happens later in the week..



Kate looked down at her jeansand shirt and decided she wanted to dress up a little bit. She didn’thave long before Abby would arrive – so she put a note on the doortelling Abby to just walk in and she’d be out in a bit and she wentback to her bedroom to change her clothes. As Kate enteredthe room she saw Tiny hop out of her closet. How had he gotten inthere? Was this why the closet door was sometimes open? Was he the oneopening it? She opened and closed the door for a bit and then realizedthat if she didn’t push against it firmly, it stayed open just enoughfor him to open it if he was crafty. If she knew one thing about Tiny,it was that he could be crafty when he wanted to be.
Kate stepped into the closetand looked around. Sure enough…there were a few droppings in the backof the closet and she saw a tiny bit of black fur. Perhaps this waswhere Tiny came when he wanted a break from Miss Bea? She had to admitthat she didn’t blame him for needing a break from Miss Bea sometimes.Everyone needs a time to be alone and recharge…even her rabbit.
She grabbed a skirt from theback of the closet. She stored her “skinny clothes” here. The ones sheneeded to lose a few pounds to get back into. She hadn’t worn thisskirt in a while because the fast food shops helped her put on tenpounds. But thanks to her walks with Stan and Belle, she’d been losingweight and could probably fit into it now. It had been her favoriteskirt last year.
She stood in front of themirror and held it up to herself before she put it on. Wait a minute,there was a hole in it. Did she have a problem with bugs in her closet?She looked at the skirt closer. There was more than one hole in it.There was a hole in the front and 3 holes in the back. She looked atthe holes closely. She didn’t have a bug problem, she had arabbit problem. Those were teeth marks in the skirt.
She went back to the closetand looked at all of the clothes in that area of the closet. After thefirst three items, she grabbed all the items from that rod and threwthem on her bed. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at not onlyher skinny clothes but her grandmother’s dresses. Tiny had chewed everysingle one of them. Some of her clothes had small holes but Tiny hadspent a lot of time with her grandmother’s dresses. Several of them hadlarge holes and one of them had most of the hem chewed off and hanging.
She yelled for Tiny and hestarted to hop away. She grabbed him and held him in front of her. Hetried to get away from her – but she laid him on the bed and held himdown on his back while she yelled at him.
“You idiot rabbit. I’ve doneeverything I can for you. I give you treats. I buy you your own cereal.I tolerate your holes in the backyard. You’ve destroyed my books.You’ve chewed on carpet. And now you’ve destroyed my grandmother’sdresses. I’ve had ENOUGH. You will not destroy anything else. I HATEyou.”
He stopped struggling and justlaid there for a second, his eyes glassy. She continued. “You are notgoing to destroy anything else of mine. You’re going to be a goodrabbit. Do you understand?”
Kate was swung around beforeshe knew what was happening. Abby had her arms and started shaking her,“What are you doing to Tiny? Don’t know you can kill him when you scarehim like this? Settle down.”
Tiny continued to lay on thebed, his breath coming in gasps because he was breathing so fast. Hiseyes were closed and he was totally still other than his breathing.
Kate continued to rant atAbby, “You don’t understand. He destroyed my grandmother’s clothes.He’s been going into the closet when I didn’t know it. He has chewedthrough every dress I had from my grandmother. I’m mad at him. How darehe?”
Abby looked at Kate andrealized she was becoming hysterical. She had to get her to calm down.She tried to hold her close and get her to cry but Kate continued toscream. Abby looked at Tiny again and realized that the more Kateyelled, the more stressed the rabbit got. She had to shut her up.
Abby tried to shush Kate. Katecontinued yelling. Abby tried to give her a hug and calm her down – butKate shoved her away and continued yelling. Finally, Abby did the onlything she could think of.
The sting of Abby’s hand asshe slapped Kate finally silenced her. Kate yelled, “Why did you dothat?” and burst into tears. Abby was finally able to get control ofthe situation. She pointed at Tiny and said, “Kate, I want you to go tothe living room and sit down. If you must yell, yell out there. ButTiny is in distress right now and you’re going to kill him if you keepthis up.”
Between hiccups and tears Kateyelled, “You’re taking his side. You don’t understand. He destroyed mygrandmother’s dresses. All you care about is Tiny.”
Abby turned from the rabbit toface her. She put her face directly in front of Kate’s and growled,“Unless you want me to slap you again or shake you like you didTiny…get out of this room NOW. I will be out there in a bit and you canyell at me all you want. But right now Tiny needs me more than you do.”
Kate slammed the door as shestomped out of the room and Abby turned her attention to Tiny. She saton the bed and pulled him into her lap. She whispered to him andstroked his ears to help him calm down. She felt his chest to see ifhis heart was still racing and tears ran down her face as she cuddledhim close to her. She did the only thing she could think of, shestarted humming old hymns to him while she rocked him in her lap.
Tiny’s heartbeat slowed andhis breathing grew calmer as he listened to her humming. It took aboutfive minutes before he nudged her with his nose. She tried to be calmfor his sake, but her mind was racing. Should she take him away fromKate and rehome him? Could the two rebuild their relationship? Shetried to understand what had set Kate off so badly and why she was sohysterical over some old dresses. Kate’s grandmother had died severalyears ago. She thought about calling Stan to come and talk to Kate butshe decided against it. She knew that the two were close and had beendating somewhat but she figured that Kate would call Stan if she neededhim.
Abby looked at Tiny again. Hewas sleeping in her arms or at least he was trying to make her think hewas asleep. Should she leave him now and go talk to her friend? Shouldshe stay with Tiny? Where did her loyalties lie…with the rabbit sheloved or the person who was becoming one of her closest friends? Shehad never seen such anger in Kate and she had to admit that she feltmore comfortable trying to comfort Tiny than trying to deal with Kate.She was furious with Kate for her actions and she started praying asshe continued to hum to Tiny. She realized that before she walked outher to deal with Kate, she had to forgive her for the way she’dmanhandled Tiny. Tiny was a rabbit who didn’t really understand hisactions but Kate was an adult and should understand hers.
Abby prayed for a couple moreminutes before laying Tiny on the bed so she could go out to face Kate.She watched as Tiny hopped to his cage and laid down in the very backcorner. Miss Bea came out from under the bed and tried to snuggle withTiny in his cage but he lunged at her and she went to her own cage.This wasn’t good…this wasn’t good at all. Abby quietly shut the doorbehind her and hoped Tiny wouldn’t hear Kate if she continued to yell.
“Is he still alive?” Kate asked as she heard Abby’s footsteps come down the hall.
“For now…yes. I don’t know though what will happen at this point. He’s in his cage.”
Kate was sitting on the couch– her hands clenched in her lap. There was no way Abby was going to lether see Tiny yet. Tiny needed time to compose himself and Kate neededto talk. Kate might not want to talk, but Abby wasn’t going to let hernear the rabbit till she knew what really set Kate off.
Kate stood up and said, “I should go see him.”
Kate started to walk towards the hall and Abby blocked her path.
“I said no. Not now.”
“He’s my rabbit. I’m going to go see him.”
“I am notgoing to let you go see him. If he sees you now he may die. He needstime to calm down and you and I need to talk. Sit on the couch.”
It was a good thing she almostknew Kate’s house as well as her own. Abby made her way to the stereoand put on some instrumental hymns. Kate was curled up and crying atthe end of the couch. She wanted to comfort Kate, but she knew Kateneeded to cry for a bit before she would be ready for help. Besides,Abby needed to compose herself.
Abby went to the kitchenstarted the teapot going. She was going to make them each a cup ofpeppermint tea. She knew it was Kate’s favorite. She looked around inthe kitchen to see what else she could find.and finally put together asmall platter of sandwiches and chips. While the tea steeped,Abby quietly went down the hall to peek in on Tiny. He was still in thefar corner of his cage and he lifted his head to look at her and thencurled back up to sleep. She went back to the kitchen and got the teaand food and took them to Kate.
“Is he going to be ok?”
Abby sighed. She heard theremorse in Kate’s tone but she knew from the way Kate sat and lookedthat she was still furious with Tiny. She tried to figure out how tomake Kate understand how she had put Tiny’s health at risk. Should sheeven tell her or would it make the situation worse? She decided thatfor Tiny’s sake, Kate needed to know what she had done.
“I don’t know if he will beok. He doesn’t look like he’s had a heart attack and his breathing hasslowed down. He is trying to sleep now. But I honestly don’t know ifTiny can make it through this.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him. Ijust wanted him to know how mad I was at him. I wanted him to be good.”
“Kate, I’ve known manybunnies. Tiny is among the best of them. He is loving and unusuallysocial. He uses a litter box most of the time and he even toleratesMiss Bea. You have a very unusual rabbit.”
“I guess I do. What do I do now?”
“You listen to me for a bitand then you talk to me. First, I need to tell you what you did toTiny. You need to understand this so you don’t put him at risk again.You have to understand that even in spite of his size, Tiny would bepreyed upon if he lived in the wild. Because of this, his very natureis set up so that stresses scare him. You’ve seen the rabbits at theshelter. We have to treat them differently than cats. They get scaredeasier and they can have a heart attack. What you did to Tiny couldhave given him a heart attack. He could have had a stroke and to behonest with you, I’m still worried that he could have a stroke. Thismay wind up sending him into stasis and shutting down his intestines orcausing him other problems I can’t think of. You hurt him Kate. Youwere his friend and he trusted you and suddenly you turned on him, fora reason he can’t understand and you attacked him. He is confused.”

It's been a while but the BunFather is checkingin for a bit. I've been very busy with sleeping and eating and hangingout with my girls. Miss Bea's daughter, ****erry, has learned to jumpthe rabbitry gate, along with Popcorn. So they head for me when theyget loose and I share my food with them and help them hide from mom. (Iactually tried to nip mom once but only got her pant leg). I figurethat since Eric took MY BEDROOM when he came home from college...then Ideserve to have friends.


BUT OF COURSE you do....

Now for the news....would you believe that I'm ....


Now how about that? I'm still a youngster at heart and like to binky sometimes though...

Mom and dad didn't do much for my birthday. I had all the rabbitryrabbits trying to spy on their plans so I could act properly surprisedat my party....but they didn't throw me a party. :XIn fact, mom forgot about it till that night and then said, "HappyBirthday Tiny" and gave me TWO craisins.

Aw come on....I get 5-10 craisins as a snack once in a while....but TWO?

Mom did snuggle up to me and say she was going to do something specialonce "payday" arrives....so I've been waiting at the door for UPS orthe mailman to bring payday for us. So far....no payday...

By the way, momma has been writing a book and I'm in it. You can seesome of the story in this thread - but don't believe it. I'm not a badbunny....I'm just a BUNNY. (In fact, in the story, Kate winds upstarting a rabbit rescue and callng it "Tiny's Rabbit Habit" orsomething like that...). Why not just call it Tiny's? Oh well...humans.

Oh - and to top things off...mom informed me that we're adopting a new bunny.


Look at the rabbitry...we HAVE bunnies. Why adopt one?

(I guess it is one of Milina's sons).

Now if you've read Puck's Day - you can understand why I'm not thrilledabout Billy Sunny. (They say it is a play on "silly bunny"...excuseme...but even a flemish can figure that out!)

Here are his photos:

Isn't that a DISGUSTING face???? Why....not a speck of blackANYWHERE. At least Puck had the decency to have SOME black on him....

Oh....have you made any New Year's Resolutions? I have. Here are mine:

a. Find a way to help Miss Bea escape the rabbitry so she canbe in my harem too. I really do love her even if she knows it all'cause she was a bunny in a kindergarten class for one year.

b. Find out where mama hides the treats and then start movingthe packages to my own hiding place...on or two at a time..so shethinks she's run out and keeps buying more.

c. Teach Billy Sunny how to thump at mom. Thwump him in the head if he tries to do it to me.

d. Continue sneaking behind the tv to find the tastiest cord to chewon...and then teh best show mama wants to watch. Make sure I chew oncord the same day as a finale or something...and then tell mama, "I wascelebrating my birthday"..

Oh well....I best get back to bed before mom notices I'm on themachine. She's up late tonight with a bad cold or flu or something. Ijust saw her take some night time medicine so I'm guessing she'll thinkshe DREAMED seeing me at the computer...

By all!

The One and Only


Just read this thread for the first time and I love it.

The peices of the book are great. I would buy it in a second. It wouldgo into my collection of books. (Well over 200) I read them again andagain.

Bunfather you are now a legend in this household.

Alicia:sweepthe Maid, Ringo:runningrabbit:, Samantha:apollo:,Connor:not listening, Teresa:bunny19, Dallas:bunny17:, and the rest ofthe Zoo Crew:grouphug!
For those who followed Tiny's original blogs (which were lost in cyberspace over a year ago) and for those who have followed this version of his blogs...

GingerSpice passed away almost 2 hours ago. Her tribute is here:


I&#39;m about to take her body and show it to Tiny. They really hadn&#39;t been together recently - but he senses something is up and is staring at me like he&#39;s trying to understand my weeping.

I just wanted to share about Tiny&#39;s reaction when I showed him GingerSpice&#39;s body...

First of all - they had not been close since November. Sometimes I would let him sniff at her - but he went to groom her once and was a bit rough and she couldn&#39;t hop away....so they had very limited times together.

When I came out from the bedroom to write about her passing - as strange as this may sound......Tiny was sitting at my desk (on the floor) looking at Gingerspice&#39;s spot on the desk. Miss Bea had hopped to the rabbitry gate and was staring up at Ginger&#39;s spot. I will not "attach" meaning to this except to say she&#39;d been gone just a few moments and somehow - I believe these two knew it. Miss Bea became exceptionally affectionate with me for a few moments and Tiny hopped off to the bedroom with Popcorn (his newest gate-jumper/climber) in close pursuit. Everytime I checked on dthem - they were huddled close together and I would see her reach over and groom Tiny if I came near. He didn&#39;t approach me and didn&#39;t want me near for a bit - I think I smelled like GingerSpice and he was confused.

When I finally went to Tiny with her body...he sniffed at her and he gave me the oddest look. I was crying and I said something like, &#39;Tiny, here is Ginger...I wanted you to see her." He looked at her briefly...and then he hopped away and stared at me. I almost felt like if he could speak - he would be saying, "Mom...that isn&#39;t Ginger. Ginger&#39;s gone...don&#39;t you know it?"

About 10 pm tonight, Tiny came out to the living room and started acting like his normal self. He sniffed around a bit - tried to get into the calf manna again to serve himself - and begged for a treat. He is still somewhat sedate....but doing ok.

Popcorn will not leave his side except earlier today when she smelled the grocery bag of parsley on the floor and would sneak out here to steal some. Once the bag was off the floor - she went back in and laid down with Tiny.

And Miss Bea? Everytime I go in the rabbitry - she folllows me around. She pulled on my pants leg once and I bent down to pet her and she let me. Normally, she is a bit standoffish...but today it was like she needed me as much I needed her.

Anyway - Tiny will be ok. Miss Bea will be ok. And yes...I will be ok.

My next goal for this blog will be to get photos of Tiny and Popcorn (and Miss Bea&#39;s daughter...****erry who is also in his newest harem). Both girls jump or climb out of the gate (2 NIC panels high) to get to him - and when I go to get them - he sits between me and them and tries to nip me.

Gotta love the bunfather!

I put this in my lionhead thread....but it really should go here too.

We have a litter of black otters and blacks that are being weaned frommama. They snuck out of their cage last night (I think maybe I didn'thave it closed tight enough) and have been having a blast playing. Atone point, I saw them trying to chase Tiny last night....and one wantedto climb on him till he gave it "the look".

But tonight at suppertime....well...Tiny wasn't the only one who was hungry...

As Tiny says, "They may be lionheads - but around here, I'm the LION KING!"

Dear Diary,

BunDate: 1 March 2007
Time: Who cares?

Well, this is my third night outside in the back yard. I am currentlyplaying the role of "Explorer Bun". I've thought about making it a fiveyear mission - but let's face it - it can get pretty darn hot here inSW Texas in the summer. I think this will be a limited run of "ExplorerBun". In fact, in spite of the fact that I keep finding nuggets ofrabbit food on the porch....I'm seriously considering turning myself into BunMother....maybe.

But first - to tell my tale.

I have been outside for THREE days now. Mom and Dad feel its safe forme to be in the back yard....I have several hiding places and the wholeyard is fenced in and has cement under the fencing.

At first, mom put me outside for just the day. She made me promise I'dcome inside that night - but she didn't know I'd crossed my back pawsunder my tummy and twitched my tail too. Ha.....and she thought sheknew a lot about rabbits.

So the first night came and I didn't want to come in. Yes...I heard thesupper call. Yes, I heard the bribes of "but I'll give you a banana...".

But I was exploring "strange new terrigtory". I was seeking out newlife and new civiilzations of ant colonies, etc. that I hadn't noticedbefore.

I also had a full stomach from eating grass.

So I thumped her off and went in my hidey hole that the dog and I share. (Yuck..it smelled like dog).

Dad told mom to let me stay outside - it was beautiful weather - and Iknew how to take care of myself. So mom let me stay outside - but shegrumbled for quite a bit.

The second day came...and I went and spent some time at GingerSpice'sgrave. Dad buried her in the rose bush area and I went and told her howmuch I miss her. I dug a bit too - but not where she was buried. I justwanted to let dad know that when I cross the bridge - I want to bebeside my favorite doe.

Mom continued to try and bribe me with bananas....but no....I was NOTgoing to give in. Dad said it was going to be a beautiful night againand that even buns had to "sow their oats" or something like that.Hmm...maybe he wants me to try farming?

Anyway - in my exploration I found rabbit pellets on the back porchagain - in the SAME place as where they'd been the day before. I thinkit is a "respawn" point like some of mom's favorite computer games -where things show up in the same place all the time...

But I stayed out a second night.

Today - mom came out to try and talk me into coming in. I told her thatshe was an evil Klingon and to go away. To prove my point - I RAN (all16.5 pounds of me - I think I might have dropped .5 pounds in myactivities and exploration). Anyway - she LAUGHED at my running - as ifshe couldn't believe I could run. HOW DARE SHE! Of course I've beenkeeping myself in condition even while in the house.

Ok...so I lied when I said I'm still outside. There is a windstormtonight and mom just came outside a bit ago in her jammies and insistedI come in. I was by the respawn point for the food - hoping if I waited- I'd be there when it popped up for tomorrow. I looked at her with thewind blowing her hair and her jammies all over the place and I thoughtabout how it smelled like rain....and decided maybe I COULD come insideafter all.

But it has been a FUN three days and the fresh air reminded me of why Ilike being a bunny so much. I'm hoping mom will let me go out again ifI promise (cough, cough) to be good and come back. Of course, I knowdad and mom COULD have caught me - but they haven't been keeping up onTHEIR exercise....so I figured I could get away with some adventures.

Oh - while I was outside, the dog joined me in our explorations (shedug the hole a bit deeper for me to go in) and the cats frequently wokeme up as they came out to play.

Well, I'm a tired BunFather right now - so I best go get some rest. Itsure was fun to play "Explorer Bun" for a bit though - even if it was alimited run engagement. I may need to sleep the next couple of days toput that .5 pounds back on....

Fortunately, ****erry and Popcorn kept my room warm for me....andthey've been grooming me and telling me how relieved they are that Icame back inside. Its so funny to watch these girls....mom catches themand puts them back in the rabbitry - 30 minutes later they jump thebarricade and come back to be with me.

Hey...I bet if I go look at mom with my big brown eyes and mention thatI lost weight...I can get a banana...or at least half of one. I thinkI'll go try it.

The BunFather

P.S. To any buns reading this diary - make sure that you onlyplay in parent-approved yards under supervision if necessary. My yardhas several places for me to hide (unfortunately, mom and dad know allof them) and it is fenced in and cemented in to keep me from gettinghurt by strangers. Make sure your people know how to protect youtoo.... I also hate to admit it - but it was nice to see momcoming out to check on me several times a day. I would frequently moveto a new hidey spot and make her get all worried....then she would sortof run around the yard looking for me....

But hey - at least she got some of her exercise.

Oh...and I need to figure out how to get my treats to "respawn" likethe food did outside. I think that means another exploration tripoutside....after the windstorm.
Tiny, Mr. Tumnus is sitting here with me and heis jealous of your outdoor adventures. He wants to know why he cant runaround outside. He lived outside for almost a month before I found him!He is one tough little guy.

Did mommy get any pics of you while you were out? We're jealous of your warm weather-its snowing here!
Dear Haley,

Mom wanted pictures of me outside but I knew if I let her take them...she might not let me outside again.

So I did the old thing of "duck and cover" and hid from her.

She got frustrated and finally gave up. I think she muttered something about "stupid batteries" too?

Tell Mr. Tumnus that he needs to be happy he gets food whenever heneeds it or wants it. Outdoor life is fun for a bit - but it can gettiresome.

Why - I've had to sleep most of today just to recover.

The BunFather (having mom type this as I'm too tired to log in).

P.S. I rolled my eyes at mom and she caved and gave me half a banana last night.....
Dear Diary,

Mom has been going through her photo album again and oohing and aahingover my photos and thinking about how cute I was when I was young.

EXCUSE ME??? I'm still young...and I'm still my handsome self.

I decided to "beat her to the punch" by posting photos in my thread - ones I like....along with comments from ME.

So here goes..

Me &amp; Miss Bea

I still don't understand why Ginger was so jealous - we were just napping...

Both ears? Doesn't this cage make my ears look big?

Mom - I really think the one-eared look is better for Ginger's cage...

Sure...we can do a profile shot..

Ooh - wait - I forgot to groom this spot...

Ok - if you insist on both ears being up...

Man...there's nothing like having a day outside - even in December!

Wait...did I hear mom's footsteps coming?

I am the BunFather. What I say goes....and this is MY chair.

Sometimes I need a break from the girls - I'm sure glad they've got a pen while I have my freedom!

Man....am I ever wiped out...I spent the day doing.....

.....this when mom tried to clean my cage...(hey - I'm not cagedanymore! That's GREAT...I forgot what it was like to have acage..)

Here's me with SugarBear and GingerSpice....lordy...I loved that doe...

And here's my girl one more time - the way I'll always remember her. She was my sweetie!

Well - that's it - some of my favorite memories.

And now...to GingerSpice...

"To all the does I've loved before...
Who wandered in and out my bedroom door...
I dedicate this song...to the only one who belonged...
From all the does I've loved before...

I may have snoozed with them a bit
But you were always my first pick...
I loved you GingerSpice
You livened up my life..

....You were the only doe I loved before.."

(Ok - so I "borrowed" it from Willie Nelson....it still tells about my girl!)

The BunFather
Dear Diary,

I'm mad at mom. :mad: In fact, I'm VERY MAD at mom. :mad::mad:

Dad bought me grapes. Now for those who don't know - grapes are "raisins to be" if left alone. But I like them as grapes.

I know he had to have bought them for me 'cause he and mom were at ashow all day yesterday with lionheads and they came home smelling likeother bunnies (even other flemmies that my traitor mom petted). Dadknew I was upset so when he went out to get a new broom since thelionheads chewed on the old broom...he brought me back grapes.

But mom is keeping them on her desk. She gave me two when I was in mybedroom and then went back to her desk. I figured it out and came outto her so she couldn't eat them all (that's right folks - mom eats MYgrapes). She gave me a few more and then said, "that's enough Tiny'while she continued to eat them herself.

I don't mind sharing one or two with mom...but half a dozen?

I've been thinking about this. Maybe I should move to California to bewith Rosie....or to Connecticut to be with Alicia or somewhere else.

But first I need food to help me travel...and my grapes are on mom's desk and I can't reach them.

Oh well....maybe mom will read this and realize that she's supposed to give MY GRAPES to ME!

The BunFather
Tiny, you can come here and live withme. You'll like California. One condition though,you have to be nice to our golden retrievers. They're almost11, so they'll leave you alone. And, of course, be nice toFiona and Timmy, okay.

California has the 5th largest agricultural economy in theworld. That means we have lots of grapes for you.
Dear Tiny, you can come to live with me and myGang. I will give you lots of grapes and I will plant agarden of carrots, dill, parsley for you. I also plantMarigolds, my Buttercup loves to eat them. I plant flower pots just forhim, they have pansy's:purplepansy: parsley and marigoldstoo. I think he would definitely share with you.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart


Tell your Mom to let you go to check out my babies in their Easter Bonnets. I'm sure you'll like them.
Dear Diary,

WOW - writing in you WORKS!

Mom was feeding lionheads and then she sat down at the computer for abit. The next thing I knew - she came in and petted my ears whilegiving me FOUR grapes. Well - she gave me three and the fourth one fellon the floor and the harem got it after mom had left.

So I came out to see mom. She was sitting at her desk again. I askedfor more grapes and she said, "Tiny....I don't want to give you a poopybutt..". Excuse me? WHAT ELSE IS MY BUTT SUPPOSED TO DO???

So I read the forum over her shoulder and pulled on her nightgown and said, "Which way to California?"

I got two more grapes and then mom took them to this big thing called a "refrig". Was it friged to begin with? I don't know.

But she said, "Tiny, now no one can get into them without you hearingthem since you have those big ears.." (was she being mean? I'm notsure)...."and they'll be nice and fresh for you to have more tomorrow."

She also gave me one of my baby carrots out of that frig thing. It was just the way I like it - nice and cold.

Maybe the frig thing helps with that? I thought she went out and pickedme carrots and they were cold...oh well. But when I wasoutside, I never could find the carrot place.

Anyway, my girls told me they don't want to travel to California - thatI'd have to go alone. Baby is afraid if that happens - the other girlswill do what they've been threatening to do - vote her off the harem.She's just getting over wry neck and I have to think aboutthat. ****erry (Miss Bea's daughter) said she intends to getbred pretty soon and so she can't leave home. PopCorn said someomeneeds to keep mom in line so she had to stay behind.

So I won't pack my bags quite yet for California....but at least I know it is a magic word to get what I want from mom.

The BunFather

P.S. I heard through the "grapevine" (pun intended) that MissBea got a couple of my grapes. But that's ok - I got some of hercilantro tonight. Yum Yum.

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