Go to a local pet food chain and ask if they can order in JoJo’s premium hay, provided you’re in the US or Canada. I work at a Global Pet Foods in Ontario, so I was able to open the catalogue and look at all the things the store can sell but doesn’t stock on the shelves.
First I discovered that the store regularly orders in 10lbs boxes of hay for certain customers. Then I looked in the catalogue and discovered that JoJos sells 50lbs boxes! I bought the 10lbs box of Timothy, but then I decided to switch to Orchard Grass and bought the 50lbs of that. Getting it home was SUCH A PAIN but now I have most of a hay bale in a box.
50lbs box of orchard grass hay: $101 CAD. ~$2/lb, not anywhere near as good as buying a bale of hay from a farmer but as pet store purchases go, NOT BAD.
Not sure if it’s the same between Canada and the US but the distributor that ships JoJos is Manchester, if that helps your local pet store figure out where to get it.