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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
So I have Weston out on my bed just like I do several times a week. Nothing is new except I did clip his nails about 30 minutes ago (which he wasn't too happy about, but he was fine once he got treats). About 10 minutes ago he went in his carrier (which is where his hay is anytime he's on my bed) and started thumping every few seconds. And he is still doing it! What's his deal?? I have never heard him thump before so I'm really curious as to why he is doing it now. Is he mad at me about the nail thing or is something scaring him that I can't hear or pick up on?
Normally if he wants to go back to his area he goes and waits in his carrier and then I transport him. Was he telling me that he wanted to be put back and was being impatient about it?
Any insight would be appreciated!
Rabbits thump their hind feet to signal danger. Some rabbits will thump one foot on the ground, some will thump both hind feet at the same time. Rabbits aren't very vocal so thumping is their way of communicating. Usually this means they have heard something odd and it could be potentially harmful e.g.. A cat outside the door. Sometimes when you surprise rabbits they will thump at you to show their displeasure at being caught unawares. Thumping can also be an expression of displeasure, for example "Don't ever pick me up and hug me ever again!"

An article I found online ^ :):):)
I started a thread a couple weeks ago about why you think your rabbit thumps. The answers were quite interesting! Thumping is new to me too because Agnes has never done it. But Archie is a thumper :)

Anyway, the answers on that thread ranged from fear and displeasure all the way to a new perfume, new clothes, certain TV shows and even "showing off".

After reading the whole thread ive come to the conclusion that it's simply a way for buns to communicate strong emotion.....whatever that may be at the time..

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