No worries, I love posting about Thumper. I look forward to doing it. :wiggle
I am happy to say (again :biggrin2

that Thumper has near perfect litter habits! This has made me sooo happy! Now, I can buy a new rug to replace the one he was using as a potty.:laugh:
He was such a good boy this weekend. No potty mistakes and a whole lot of snuggles and playing (after he got over not seeing me during the week).
I have decided to leave his cage open to the pen thatI attached to it this weekend. Last night, I noticed that he had 1/2 a bottle of water left and decided to fill it up this morning. In the rush of getting myself and the boys ready, I forgot.

ullhair:So here I am, stuck in the tunnel on the trainwith no way of calling the boys to tell them to fill up the bottle. I finally got out and called Justin (older son) and he said he was at the school and dropped off Jered at his school. Now, I thought he meant that he was at Jered's school which is only 3 blocks away so I asked him to go home and fill up the water, he would only about about 10 min. late.
After 20 min., I called him and he was finally getting to the house. apparently, he was already atHIS school,which is not to close to the house!Well, Thumper got his water, and Justin got to school 1/2 hr late (first & last time). Though, Justin was sooo happy to have missed math class. :foreheadsmack:
When Justin got home to refill the water, it turns out that Thumper was happily playing in his pen. He was smacking the ball into the cube walls and got one loose! Justin fixed and and left...NOW, I am sure he will be roaming free when the boys get home.:scared: I ran out of ties. Guess I'll be going back to Home Depot today to get some more and tie up all the grids. Boy do I love that little rascal.
Snowy, I did get the ball from Petco in the small animals section. He hasn't really played with it, but seems he found a new use for it this morning...:winkAnd I got the crinkle tube at Target. It is actually a cat tube. I find that cat toys are a better fit for buns and small animal toys. He absolutely LOVES the tube. I've never seen so interested in something the way he is with the tube. It is great!