Thumper and Peaches - Loving Life

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Aww! What sweeties! I can see that Max is really embracing her girlness! Pink litter, pink tube, pink bowl... and it looks like her cage, water bottle and wheel are purple. Nice! Also, I see that you got her a Silent Spinner :) How does she like it? I have the biggest size for my rats and the tiniest size for Data the Dwarf Ham.

I like how your son decorated the Cottontail Cottage! The younger one is Jered, right? He even planted them a carrot garden, how sweet.

And, of COURSE, Peaches and Thumper are as adorable as two bunnies could possibly be! They must bring you so much joy. Bunnies are the best!
Congratulations! I'm just catching up on your bonding progress and it seems you were succesful over the holidays. Yeah!

I didn't get a chance to bond mine over the holidays, but things are looking good now. Their first day without supervision will probably make me sick with worry though.
Hello everybun...:wave:

It's been quite a while since I've updated this blog...with school, work, the kids, buns and puppy (from afar) I've been quite busy.

Well, I am happy to say that Thumper and Peaches are doing absolutely great! They chase each other and nip sometimes but boy do they LOOOOVVEEE to be near each other. :bunnyheart

Thumper is a jealous bun and so I can not pet Peaches without him trying to get in on the action. :foreheadsmack:

Well, here are some pics of the cuties:

The two love birds:


Thumps terrorizing a 3 yr old:


Thumper getting jiggy with it:


Smoothing out the pillow:


Peachy hiding under the couch:


What a cutie:



Eating hay:


And a couple of Thumps getting some Peachy luv!:inlove:



Hope you enjoyed and thx for stopping by!

Yay for an update! They are so cute! In the last picture, Thumper looks VERY MUCH like the king of the castle and Peaches is waiting on him :) How are Ash and Max?
Thx Shiloh! :biggrin2:Can I just say that my bunneh's are SOOO cute!!!

Yesterday i was feeling sooo tired and run down since I am still trying to get over this flu so I laid down on the couch...Poor little Thumper tried to get up there and snuggle with me but I couldn't leave him there because he ALWAYS pees there! I don't know what his problem is with my couch. I am going to have to get something to put up there so he can snuggle.

Anyhoo, I closed my eyes for 1/2 hr and then started on some school work. Well, I sat on the floor and my little man run up for pets and stayed there quite a while.

Peachy was MIA though she did pop her head out from under the couch a couple of times. She likes to jump on my couch and wait for me to come shoo her off. The she runs and binkys and does it all over again.

Max is doing Great! Little girl hasn't come out to play in a couple of days because her ball is broken...I don't know how, so now I will be getting another one for her this weekend. The other day though, she was roaming around the living room and that was cool. She is sooo cute when she climbes the bookcase.

Ash is doing great with his potty training, FINALLY! He got his shots two days ago and was in a little pain from that but he is doing much better. I am still counting down till the day I get to Fl.

Hopefully I can take new pics of my crew this weekend. I have to remember to charge my camera!

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