Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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I am now a bunny mom to three! We finally got everything set up for the neighbors two buns. We set the cage up to be 28" X 7' which is much, much larger than what they were in. We built a frame of wood and stretched pond liner across and stapled it to the wood frame as a floor. I hope they don't chew it but it needed to be waterproof to protect the carpet. The cage is 48" tall. It's very tall.

They are not litter trained but the one peed and pooped so I put some poop and part of a paper towel soaked in the pee in the litter box. They were eating hay a little while ago. I'm not sure if they have ever had it before. The poop looked pretty small so I'm hoping the hay will help. They have a water bowl and hopefully will start drinking from it. I'll get some pellets from the neighbor tomorrow, just enough to transition to what I feed.

Not sure if it's two boys or girls. The neighbor didn't know. I haven't seen yet myself. They are chewing on the card board I gave them. Probably the first thing to chew ever besides food and their cage.

They wouldn't get out of the cat carrier we brought them over in so hubby took the top off and eventually they came out. The brown bun seems the most curious and least shy of the two. He/She came out quickly once the top was off but the black stayed there for a while but is out now and seems fairly relaxed, ate some hay, hopped around and chewed cardboard.

The one day we stopped over the neighbors to see how big they were we saw the black mount the brown. Today after they were in the cage we saw the brown mount the black several times. The brown was also making noises which may have been honking. I'm not sure but it doesn't sound like the happy grunting Thumper does.

It's not a perfect set up but we had no choice. They are in the same room as Thumper. Thumper seemed to all of a sudden get a whiff of them and started to act excited. It's definately not what I would do but hubby let him out of his cage. I told him he was then in charge of preventing any fights or pregnancy through the new buns cage. Thumper and the brown bun sniffed each other through the cage. neither seemed angry or such to me. They just seemed excited.

Thumper did thump a few times when he had first caught their smell. The brown bun thumped a few times when he saw the dog through the door way. The brown bun has layed down a few times with his back legs stretched out but head up.

Thumper now keeps rattling his cage which he is in. I hope he lets me get some sleep tonight.

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcomed. I planned to only have Thumper for a while. I still worry over him enough that I just didn't feel ready for another but in my mind another was not completely out of the question forever, just for now. And I knew if I ever got another bun that Thumper would be neutered first and it would be a female I got. This wasn't in my plans but I couldn't take the chance the neighbor would just let them loose and there are no rescues around here, I checked before I got Thumper.
My thought is that you are very good for giving these bunnies a better home, even though it wasn't in your plans.

Do they have names already, or are you going to name them when you find out their sex?
They were given names at the neighbors but I only know that the brown was called Bugs after Bugs bunny but it's not like they know their names so I'm sure I'll rename them.
I will get some pics later and post them. My coffee hasn't kicked in yet so I'm tired plus have a sinus headache for the third day straight. I need to get a lot done today. My daughter and grandsons are down visiting and I haven't done as much as usual as I've been spending time with them.

Everyone made it through the night. Nothing happened to keep me up or wake me up. I'll need patience with the buns though. Not only have they moved the litter box from one end of the cage to the other and back again but they also dumped it upside down so there is litter everywhere.

When setting up the cage I didn't think of the difficulty in cleaning it. I don't plan on letting them out until they are using the litter box. The door is in the middle of the cage which will make it hard to reach either end since the cage is seven feet long. Add to that trying to keep the buns in plus they are not used to me or anyone being partly in there cage.

They are cute but have such tiny ears. Ha. I'm so used to Thumpers big ears.

I did notice last night that one of the buns peed and the black bun sniffed it and then licked it. Is this normal for buns? I just wonder because the buns were kept outside in such a small cage for two buns. They were under a pole barn so they were in the shade but it does get into the 100's here and I know nothing was done to help them stay cool like giving frozen water bottles. I also know the son was supposed to feed them and give them water every day but I know it may not have been done every day.

Hubby asked me last night if I'm planning on finding homes for them at which I replied I don't know. A few minutes later he laughed and I asked why he was laughing. He said he was just laughing at me and my love of animals and that animals that come here seem to not leave. I pointed out that's not exactly the case as we have had several dogs show up running loose and I have found the owners and returned them. I didn't take in any of the neighbors cats. I do want to find homes for the kittens and know that if I knew they were going to good homes they would all be in new homes now.

They are ready but I did want to keep them with mom till eight weeks old.

I may or may not find homes for the buns. I don't necessarily believe a indoor home is a must but I hate the thought of them being in a similar situation as where they just came from.
I agree with you, I think that outdoor bunnies can live happy lives if they're taken care of outside. Not just under a pole barn.
I can't wait to see pictures of the bunnies! I know what you mean about the animals. My husband isn't as accepting as yours is, so sometimes he makes it difficult for me to do what I want to do.

I hope the buns stop dumping their litter box. They probably don't know what it is and they probably think its another toy or something. ahaha. Poor things. You'll probably have to hook it to the side of the pen or something to get it to stay still. I would use a carabiner or like a snap hook thing. That way you won't have to worry with cutting zip ties and stuff.
I'm sure the buns will settle in and you'll get into a good routine with them.

I hope if you decide to give the kittens away, you'll find a good home for them!
I think I will drill a few holes in the side of the litter box and simply tie it to the cage for now. I can untie and retie as needed until I find something better. Zip ties are my new best friend and have gone through so many in the past month and still need many more for putting up the garden fence. We haven't gotten to it yet since it takes the two of us and hubby has been so busy.

I'm actually kind of surprised he's being so understanding but then he has become attached to the kittens himself. I know he sees the buns that run loose down the road all of the time and feels bad for them as well as the two that were hit on the road.

Well we have a home for one kitty, just have to wait for the guy to pick it. It's still possible we will keep one but I seriously doubt we will keep more than that.

Poor Ellie is so confused.
I did drill holes and tied it on. So far so good. The buns seem pretty relaxed. They come around when I'm near but aren't crazy about being touched yet but I'm sure it won't take long. They were pretty relaxed while I was in their cage cleaning and refreshing hay and water.

Thumper is curious and has been dropping some poo but not too much. He does play with us and come see us and will go in his boxes or lay down. I so hope maybe they are all boys because it seems positive so far although they are in their cage and Thumper out of his but when I can supervise. I did put up cardboard around the bottom of the cage up so high so there's no chance of pregnancy through cage.

On to the pics:




Those kittens are adorable! In the last picture of them, the little tortoise shell with the white chest, looks just like my cat Smokey!

Thats a pretty good sized turtle! Was that in the puddle in your yard?
That chicken is pretty cute! It looks like a bantam, silver laced something or other.

The bunnies are adorable! They look pretty solid and their ears are really small compared to Thumper's! LOL They're really cute though.
Is that your grandson with Thumper? How old is he?
Morgan...yes, that's my grandson with Thumper. He is 3. Crazy how Thump loves being around my grandsons even though they are loud and hyper like boys are but we supervise so he doesn't get hurt.

I do think the kittens are cute and enjoy their different personalities. All their eyes have turned gold now.

That was the snapper in the puddle in our yard. Now we have a million tadpoles in it.

I loved those chickens and told hubby those are what we need because I'm not worried about them attacking. Ha!

Thumper is much bigger although the new buns aren't tiny but more the size of your average bun. Wish you could have a kitten, I so hope to find good homes.

Elise...thank you. It's going to be hard to see the kitties go.
Momma kitty almost killed the big dog last night. We let him in the room with momma cat and kittens. he's been in there before but this time the knucklehead charged in there which made the kittens scatter for dear life. Because of this the dog gave chase and momma went after him. Luckily for him he stopped when I yelled at him and when he stopped momma cat backed off. She was charging towards him ready to attack.
Wow, your momma cat is brave! LOL. She must be a brave cat. But I guess if you think something is going to attack your children you attack it no matter how big or scary it is.
Elise...I put the pine cone in at the end of the night, by the morning only the very center was left. The two buns seem to be making up for lost time with the chewing. I was kind of surprised mom cat reacted that way but she did do the right thing in wanting to protect her kittens.

Well everyone I am surrogate mom to one less kitty. The tort with white on her chest and longer fur left yesterday. We called her Sister Little Bear. She turned into a nice kitty that likes attention and being held when she's not in the mood for playing. The man that took her spends a lot of time here with a family friend who races. He has another cat, a dog and a bird. he's a nice man and I'm sure will give her a good home but I'm sad to see her go.

The new buns are settling in. I haven't had much chance to spend time with them since my daughter and grandsons are down but that will be ending all too soon. The brown one comes running to see me when I go near the cage. They both like to investigate and get in my way while cleaning their cage. I have had to push both of them away. They don't much like being petted yet but touching when they are determined to get something they shouldn't is fine because like most buns they are so focused on what they set their minds to. Thumper is still let out in the room during the day and other than being a little more active and dropping a little more poops he acts the same as always.

The buns have chewed on the pond liner so I found a sign shop yesterday and hubby picked up a 4 X 8 sheet for $17 . I did tell the lady I talked to on the phone what it was for in the off chance she would sell it to me for less than she would if she thought I was using it for a sign. Either way the price is fine with me. I have it cut and ready to go but it got too late last night to put the cage all together because first I have to undo the pond liner.

I almost forgot, Wednesday night the brown bun was running through the cage and binking. I am so glad they have the room to. He/she likes to kick the side of the cage though while doing it so hopefully it will stick to doing so in the morning or earlier evening since it makes a racket.
Well I got the coroplast put in and the cage back together. Kind of funny getting it together. I had my daughter help with putting the pen in the coroplast which I cut so the coroplast has a six inch side all around to help hold in hay and litter messes. It was cut so the coroplast sides would be outside the pen so hopefully the buns will be less likely to chew it. I had to call for one of my stepdaughters to help as well. I was on the inside of the pen while the others were outside. We got it together but then I realized I was trapped inside. I hadn't cut away the piece in front of the door which swings outwards.

The pen is 4 foot tall and too flimsy to climb but after a few minutes thinking I hate to have someone get my husband as I can imagine how he would laugh at me I realized I could pull one end of the pen inward and made a space big enough for me to squeeze through. Ha!

The coroplast is white and we can see the black bun a lot better. Hubby says the buns will never let him pick them up or pet them as he had to get them and put them in the carrier again as I redid the cage. The black buns bottom of it's feet are brown. The brown bun has a lighter outline around his eyes and his nose. He also has a little white above his nose.

Their poops are getting a little bigger. they do eat the hay. I am switching them over to the pellets I buy. I don't know the brand they were on. I did get enough from the neighbor to transition them and told him to feed the rest to his chickens. The pellets look more like horse barn pellets in color than the pellets I get and don't smell good.
The new buns are really eating some hay now. I stayed up late the other night with my daughter and noticed a lot of activity from the new buns cage. At least one of them spent a few hours zooming around. yesterday I cleaned the cage very well and to do so had to get into the cage myself. They will run if you pet them unless they have their mind set on investigating something. They both however took turns coming over to sniff me and both gave my clothes some very light nibbles. Hubby spent a little time at their cage with the door open and I handed him their pellet bowl after I got their pellets ready. I know he doesn't want them to dislike him since he has picked them up and put them in the carrier twice.

They seem to be figuring out the litter box. Most if not all of the pee seems to be in the litter box and there are less poos outside the litter box as well. Tying the litter box to the side of the cage works. It doesn't take much time to untie or retie and the buns can't get to the string to chew it.

I keep a 14" tall cardboard barrier the whole way around their cage for when Thumper is out so there can be no oops litters. I have seen Thumper and the brown bun stand up and sniff face to face. After a little while Thump will just go off and do his thing. He is wanting to play more and is being more active then he has in a while. This could be because of the new buns or maybe just because over the past week with my daughter and grandsons here he has spent some more time in his cage due to us going out. He doesn't seem upset about it though and still had plenty of time outside his cage.

My daughter left yesterday. I miss her and my grandsons already. I also miss little trouble. My daughter wanted one of the kittens and chose my favorite. I made her promise that the kitty will have a good life and if for any reason down the road she cannot keep her then it has to be arranged for me to get her back. So now we have three kittens. I'll be making an appointment in the next few weeks to get Isabelle spayed.

The garden is coming along. We have been getting steady rain and hot weather so everything is growing. I have blooms on the cherry tomatoes and tomatoes on the others. We finally have rows of corn plants big enough so the birds will leave them be. Not sure if it was hubby firing off some warning shots when the ravens were around or if it helped that we purposely let the weeds grow to help hide the plants until the plants were big enough not to be pulled. I need to purchase a parsley plant and maybe a few other herbs.

We have three puddles in the driveway now and the frogs have been taking full advantage of the extra rain as the puddles are full of tadpoles and eggs. My daughter and I had gone out to check on the progress every day. We got to see the eggs and then see the tadpoles move in the eggs and then them hatched out and watch as they grew bigger daily. I'll take the girls out with me every day as I continue to watch their progress.

We managed to get to our local beach twice the past week. I took my daughter and grandsons on Wednesday and on Saturday it was hubby, me, daughter, grandsons and the girls. Both days we had a good time. I was a little disappointed not to get to fish but there's still time this year. I didn't find any sharks teeth but we all had a good time both days.
So last night the dog decided to walk into the buns room. one or both of the new buns freaked out which caused Thumper to freak out. Thumper sent poo and hay flying from his cage. Some of the poo wound up all the way over by the new buns cage. Silly buns!

I have also come to realize that if we are up late and the lights are on then the brown bun likes to run around like a crazy bun. Just glad he settles down when the lights are turned off so we can sleep.

It rained off and on yesterday chasing me out of the garden three times. The weeds are winning the war as the ground is too wet to hoe so I have to hand pull. It has rained again this morning and everything is growing slow from too much rain. We now have three permanent puddles in the driveway that runs past our house. There are hundreds of tadpoles out there. I swear the one puddle is slowly turning into a pond it's so big.

I figured out what seems to be the perfect litter. I use some of the horse pen wood pellets, not too much and on top I put a layer of the kiln dried pine shavings.
I just the horse stall pellets for my litter boxes too, they're great!

Your new buns sound like they're settling in pretty well! Which is a great thing. Its so sweet that your husband doesn't want them to be mad at him because he's the one who had to crate them. Have you thought of names yet? I'm going to look at them again and see what comes to mind.

I'm glad you got to go to the beach! That sounds like fun, and relaxing!
I know what you mean about the weeds winning. I haven't been able to get a good handle on any of the weeds in my garden this year! haha. But everything is still growing really well. I just picked my first pepper last night! And my dad's girlfriend cleaned me out of squash over the weekend! LOL There were a bunch ready to be picked.

It sounds like you had a good time with your daughter and grandson's. You have two grandsons? I bet you do miss them! Do they live in PA? I can't imagine with AJ is an adult with his own kids! LOL
Morgan...I haven't thought of names yet. The black had been called sugar puff and the brown bugs.

I enjoyed being with everyone but I really like going to be able to fish as I'm not crazy about swimming in the water there and laying around in the sand just isn't my thing. I'm more of the hike in the woods type. We have gotten even more rain and the yard is puddles everywhere again. I can only walk in the garden near the cucumbers so I did some weeding there. Everywhere else I sink to my ankle and without even putting much weight on my foot.

I married my ex when I was 17 had my son at 18 and my daughter at 20. She had the boys young as well so I'm a grandma to two and in my early 40's. No I don't remember my exact age and have to ask the hubby or do the math. Ha! Yes my kids and grandsons live in Pa. I wish they lived here or at least a lot closer. I always imagined helping with my grandkids a lot.

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