Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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Roma tomatoes are really good! Have you ever grown cherokee purples? They are probably my all time favorite lol, they can grow pretty big, last year we had so many that I was having a tomatoe sandwich for lunch every day, they're also really good if you just slice them and sprinkle some salt on the slice. It may be too late to grow them this year but I'd definitely recommend them! :) I just can not look at baby anythings in a store without wanting to take them home, and if I see a bunny at a store it takes all my willpower to look away. I just find it really funny that you call your cat Izzy, I had a little tabby cat named Izzy years ago and she was SUCH a nice cat, she once brought me a mouse too, which is gross but it's still sweet lol, my Izzy had 2 litters of kittens before we could get her spayed, and she was a very good mother. :)
I am so excited, my bedding arrived. It was our delivery driver from the old house so it was nice to see him again. He's a nice kid. It is a quilt with scalloped edges with green vines and light and dark pink flowers. Not too many but enough to give it color. I can't wait to make my bed, I'm washing it now. I may or may not get a bed skirt as well. Our box spring and mattress are high and add to that the feather bed on top. I don't want to see our box spring at the bottom but the quilt is quite big so we'll see.

Because I ordered offline I got the two pillow shams and quilt for less then just those at the store and shipping was free so I saved money which means I have some left for the bed skirt if I choose to get it. I also want to get some sheets. Either green or pink depending on the colors I see in the sheets I want.

My hubby has no idea what it would look like although he knew I was getting it and I have talked about it so many times. It takes me forever to make up my mind on things like this. I hope he really likes it as well. It goes with our taste in things. I can't wait until the girls see it as well. They really enjoy it when we get anything knew for the house no matter what it is or who it's for which reminds me. I asked the oldest what she wanted to plant as we are giving her a corner of the garden which is fine by her.

She wants to plant cucumbers. That's it! Nothing else. Which is fine, we plant them for the girls every year anyway as we can't eat them. So we bought some pants for her and will wait till she comes back On Monday and then she can plant them.
Emily...this is the first time I have had marigolds. Well the kids have given me plants before for mother's day, schools always seem to have them grow them but they never survived before. Hopefully these ones will.

I have never grown Cherokee purples. I usually just like to grow sweet 100 cherry tomatoes. They are so sweet. Not everyone eats the raw tomatoes but those that do love them, we also make our own spaghetti sauce with those and our herbs we grow and can it. With the cherry tomatoes we just cook them down and then can. The skins are so thin and small you don't have to peel them before making the sauce which I like.

I do use the cherry tomatoes for sandwiches. I just have a lot more slices than with bigger tomatoes.

It's hard to not want the animals especially the babies but I know I can only have so many for their sake.
Marigolds are one of my favorite flowers, they're so pretty. Yes I just go into the garden and pick the cherry tomatoes off the plant and eat 'em lol. Mmm I love homemade spaghetti sauce!
You don't have to get a bed skirt, I personally hate them but do have one on my bed. You can use a fitted sheet on the box spring rather than a skirt. The sheet fits on the box spring the same way it would fit on the bed and you could go with a neutral color or a color that will match the comforter and sheets alike.

Your garden sounds sounds amazing! I'm so jealous!
Morgan...I have never been big on bed skirts but yeah without it you can see our box spring which I don't like. I have looked sat bed skirts and saw some that I liked more than I usually like bed skirts. They would go well with the quilt, not all ruffly. They have more of an elegant look to them, than just looking pretty and girly.

Thank you. We still have to get the fence up which has me nervous because we usually have it up as soon as plants are in. My dream though is to some day have a permanent fence up, flowers mixed in with the veggies, just my own personal beautiful plant growing escape.
I love border collies. There was a programme on a couple of years ago called One Man and his Dog, it was a sheep herding competition and I used to love watching those dogs who loved herding the sheep and they were all so smart. Great dogs.

Bedding sounds great. Takes me ages when I decide to buy something like that but I bet it was so exciting getting it delivered and seeing what it actually looked like. I had bed skirts, we call them valances. I just hate how they pick up all the dirt and dust, not my favourites. They do look pretty though.
Chris...I have been thinking it over and making up my mind since at least December. I love it though and everyone else likes it as well. One of the girls said she thinks it makes our room look bigger. I think it makes it look brighter.
Well our weekend didn't go as planned. Turns out hubby was on call which means any work that came up after hours or on the weekend he had to go do. So out of the four days he had to go in three times and things are supposed to be slow right now but that is how our life goes. I swear any time I look forward to something things fall apart.

He did get the new toilet in, the door bell, we burnt a large pile of brush. I got more of the garden planted. I did it yesterday by myself as he had to go work. All I have left to plant is the watermelon, butter beans and snaps. The hard work is done though because the hills are ready for the watermelon seeds and the bean rows are marked out.

I planted two rows of cabbage seeds, ten sweet potatoes and seven rows of corn. I had six marked out leaving the necessary space for other stuff but I had enough seed rooted for another row and I just couldn't make myself toss the seed. It doesn't sound like much but it's 20 foot rows planted every six inches.

I did see that we have potato plants sprouting so I made the girls all do a happy dance with me because we got a lot of rain right after we planted and we were worried it might have caused the potatoes to rot. I'm sore from all of the squatting, it always takes some time to physically adjust to the summer work. And I have sun burn. I also dug up and cleared out 2 wheel barrows of rock. Someone had plants and flowers with the stone in a spot near the house but not right up against it. Well the weeds had taken over whatever plants and flowers were there are long gone.

I have started giving the kittens a little canned cat food. They took to it like cows to cud. The smallest grey kitten was the first one to climb out of the cage and the first to start playing with me. Now when she wants out to play or to be picked up she meows and meows and quickly paces back and forth. It's so funny because she is so young and tiny. I held her the other day and she just layed in my arm and would lick my arm and softly paw at my one tattoo. I took each of them outside for a little while yesterday. I sat on the ground with them on my lap and they just crawled around. Eventually venturing onto the grass or I would put them on the ground. I am starting to be covered in little scratches.

Hubby fussed yesterday about having to carry toilet pieces over baby gates. Not at me just in general. I use a small plastic container to scoop Thump's pellets. I pour half in his dish in the morning and leave the rest until the evening. Thump was in his box snoozing so I picked up his pellet scoop and shook it. He came flying into his cage for pellets. I told hubby it takes no time at all to put him in his cage. I let him back out after the work was done and I had the baby gates back up.

I also hand fed him a few pellets. One of the girls was with me so I put a few pellets in her hand but Thumper would not eat them until I took them back and offered them to him myself. I find that interesting. He acts like he would do anything for pellets. It's crazy at times how he comes running, jumps in his cage and slides across to his dish practically bowling me over in the procees yet he wouldn't eat out of her hand. I guess he is a momma's boy!
That sucks about your husbands work. :/ Mmm I bet you can't wait for all that home grown food! The smallest kitten seems like she has quite the character lol. Aww that's kinda sweet that Thumper will only take food from you.
Emily...Yes, it does. Although we were both hoping to accomplish a lot while he was off we were also looking forward to having some quiet time together. I am looking forward to the food especially the tomatoes and watermelon. The kitty does have a great personality and will make a good kitty for someone since she really seems to like attention.
Your garden sounds awesome! I really wish mine was that big. We still can't decide on or figure out if we want to pay for a tiller, since they're really expensive. My husband would use it more for his car track and I would use it for my flower beds and veggie garden, but we still can't decide if its worth the $600 for a good rear tine one. But he has cleared out part of the field pretty good, so I may be able to hand till some stuff and make another little area for veggies. I'll just have to add that to the list of stuff I'd like to do. LOL

Thumper probably didn't take the pellets from your one girl, because he isn't bonded to her and he doesn't trust her to feed him. Ellie won't eat from anyone elses hand other than mine.
I want a kitten. I have two old cats that will probably be heading off to the bridge sooner rather than later, so I want replacements! haha. Not really, I just like kittens and I do really love my cats even though they push me to edge of my sanity.

Is your husband a fire fighter? Or an EMT? Being on call sounds like either of those. Plus this weekend, while all the people are at home the injury rate goes through the roof! haha.
At least you did get stuff done though even though he was on call. Its always great to have productive days in a row, it makes you feel better about everything!
Morgan...they are crazy expensive. We were given one by my hubbies uncle, the other we bought so we have a rear tine and a front tine. We loaned the one from the uncle to our one neighbor last year and it hasn't come back yet. No worries though he's a good guy. Plus we know where he lives. Ha! We bought ours used but still paid a good bit. It was well worth it though. The best time to buy is off season.

I figured that's why Thump wouldn't eat from her hand but still thought it was funny how crazy excited he gets for pellets. I swear he would climb onto my head if I put some up there. If I could get a kitty to you , you would be more than welcome to have one. I so worry about them having a hard life or worse with the wrong person. Too many people find it too easy to dispose of a pet once they lose interest.

No, not an EMT or Firefighter. He does mechanical work for large plants and places like hospitals and such. The guys are on call on a rotation so it's usually not bad because it's only once a month. Most times they won't get a call it just figures he'd get three.
I know I am late but I laughed out loud when you said that when you mow the acorns ricochet off the trees and hit you lol!!!! And I love your pics! Love THUMPER TOWN! Love you doggy and your garden! WHICH IS HUGE!!!! And I love Thumper and your kitten!!!! teeheee!
I love to watch "dog movies" with my dog, we watched 101 dalamations recently and he looked a few times and cocked his head like WAS THAT PUPPIES?! I am just like yeah look!! Can you see em boy?! And he's no *puts head down, sighs, and goes back to sleep*
My dad is looking to get a border collie and I am excited! Cant wait to train it!!! :D
Katie...lucky you! I really liked the stray border collie that showed up. Once he got past being shy he was very nice. He must have been for my hubby to think of keeping him.

I read your blog all of the time but don't always have the time to comment. Sometimes I have a little time to read but not to reply. I love Pheobe's coloring and Buster is just adorable.

I'm surprised my hubby hasn't made the garden bigger.
Morgan...If you do get a tiller, I recommend the one we have. I'll have to get the details from hubby but it is awesome. It leaves the soil almost fluffy. Like when I was planting the corn and stuff the other day I was sinking to my ankles and my flip flops didn't want to stay on so I just kicked them off and the soil was so soft and fluffy. I know my hubby loves running that tiller and I noticed this year he only tilled twice usually he'll run it four times although maybe that's because the neighbor ran through with his tractor first but I think it has a lot to do with having tilled it last year. The tiller is not hard to run either and I have used it as well.
Right now I may go string Thumper up. I just chased him away from chewing the door trim and now he is rattling the baby gate. Why must I be surrounded by animals and people that are fine with being up early? I know it's not early now but they are always so energized and ready to go early when I just want some quiet.

It wouldn't be such a problem now if it hadn't also been occurring early this morning.

I cleaned the 20 gallon we have one fire belly newt in the other day. The water is crystal clear and I rearranged some of the rocks and plants and I think it looks really nice. The problem is I haven't seen the newt since. I think he may have escaped and I have checked throughout the house but I haven't spotted him. How do newts disappear completely with not traces to be found? It's crazy.
OH NO! A missing newt! haha. Thats terrible, I hope you find it! They need water right? Is it a big one or a small one?

Thats how I feel too, I just want some quiet until like noon, so I can do stuff. But no, I have a kid who is having a tantrum day. Like a super whiny tantrum day.

Yes, let me know what tiller you guys have! We really want one, but we just haven't found the right deal yet. Even used ones in our area are expensive. Its so crazy, considering they have a weed eater motor with spikes attached to it! haha. You pay $80 for a weed eater but upwards of $700 for a good tiller. Makes no sense. My husband has a preference for Hasqvarna equipment, he wants everything to match. haha. He's picky, like a girl.

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