Roma tomatoes are really good! Have you ever grown cherokee purples? They are probably my all time favorite lol, they can grow pretty big, last year we had so many that I was having a tomatoe sandwich for lunch every day, they're also really good if you just slice them and sprinkle some salt on the slice. It may be too late to grow them this year but I'd definitely recommend them!
I just can not look at baby anythings in a store without wanting to take them home, and if I see a bunny at a store it takes all my willpower to look away. I just find it really funny that you call your cat Izzy, I had a little tabby cat named Izzy years ago and she was SUCH a nice cat, she once brought me a mouse too, which is gross but it's still sweet lol, my Izzy had 2 litters of kittens before we could get her spayed, and she was a very good mother.