Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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That would be great for her to have her own garden spot! I used have a garden spot for myself too, I used to always plant watermelons. And now I still plant my own gardens and I still grow watermelons, lol. I'm sure she'd love to have her own garden, its fun to garden.
Well hopefully she will enjoy it and remember it fondly when older. With her you never know, she might think it will get her out of working so hard helping with the big garden. Ha! She is funny that way.

Technology is being a problem today. There were some updates for my computer the other day and since then my 'puter seems to be a little slower than normal. On top of that our satellite keeps coming and going every few minutes. We have had it for some time now. The guy that came out was here until midnight getting us up and running. he left the satellite on the ground saying someone would come back to put it on a pole as we don't want holes in our house. I'm thinking that since it's on the ground and windy and the signal keeps coming and going that the wind is blowing a branch from our bush in and out of the way. I will have to call to arrange for someone to come out. I hate making phone calls like that and especially since I had to make so many when we first ordered it . Plus I feel they should have just sent someone back, not make me have to arrange it.

My dogs goofy. A commercial was on that had firework sounds and he jumped up out of his sleep and ran to the glass doors looking for fireworks. He doesn't like them. We had neighbors years ago that set off big ones from there house. We were in the garage and he was lying around not caring. We went outside to watch and he came with us. At first he ran back and forth across the yard, jumping in the air trying to get them but after a while when he realized he couldn't get them he decided he doesn't like them. So now when he hears them outside he goes nuts inside.

We had a snapping turtle yesterday hanging out in some large puddles in the driveway. The girls were already showered and in their pj's but I had them come out to see it. I didn't let them get near and they already knew about their ability to bite.

I guess we'll be doing some planting this weekend and hubby will finally fix my dryer. A part went bad and we had to order it. Hubby fabricated a part to keep the dryer going until the other came in which did months ago. He's been too busy with other things to fix it but in the past few weeks the dryer has started screeching when I use it and this past week has been worse. I told him I may keep my sanity if I only do a load per day. It's horrible. We will also be putting in a new commode our old one now has a crack in the tank. I'm glad it's the tank and not the bowl since it is leaking a little water slowly.

I moved Thumper's hay rack to over his litter box. It has never been hung over his litter box but he was starting to poo more and more on the floor cage so I thought it was time. I want to build a wooden base for his cage with some wood around the side of that to form like a frame that his cage will sit in. The wood around the sides to help keep loose hay inside and a wood base to attach some casters so I can move it around easier to clean between it and the wall. Now that he's nuts for getting his pellets at night I won't have to try and get him to hop in.

The kittens are playing all of the time now. I put a cat ball in with them and a toy mouse and they play with those occasionally. I did a quick check and believe we have two boys and three girls. They puff themselves up at times, arch there backs and try to run sideways which usually results in them flopping over. They are also getting there teeth so there's a lot of kitty squeling going on when they get a little rough.
OMG I love when kittens start to bow up at each other and walk sideways like big cats! ITS THE BEST THING! hahaha. It was really my favorite thing about having kittens. They're so cute!

I think thats a really smart idea to put wood around Thumpers cage and put it on casters. I think that would be MUCH easier than having to move his cage however often and cleaning under it. I would totally do that if I had a dog kennel for Ellie. As it were, I have to put Ellie away and then vacuum in her pen and it is such a pain in the butt to do that!

Oh a snapping turtle! haha. I know all about those! How big was it? I have our big girl and a baby! I'm not too happy about the baby though. Its about the size of a bagel. They're starting to come up to the surface of the water more often now, they're basking in the sun. I guess at the bottom its still cold and the top is warm. Turtles are cold blooded right? Anyway, what did the girls think about the one in a puddle? Do you have ponds near you? It was probably making its way to the pond to mate or lay eggs. They will travel large distances to find just the right spot.

Thats hilarious about your dog. I chuckled at him running into the glass door. I had a vision of Scooby Doo, running so fast that his feet were going and his body wasn't, then slamming into the glass door. ahaha. All my dogs have been terrified of fireworks. I had two goldens that would go to the bathtub and my other dog would just want to be in my lap the whole time. haha. Then they made my hen go insane last year, she went rogue and wild for a week. hahah.

I hope you get your dryer fixed, that has to be terrible! I don't know how you only do one load a day.
I hate when technology starts acting up. Its always annoying.

Haha, your dog sounds like such a silly boy.I laughed when I read about what your dog does. What a silly boy, lol.

I remember a couple of years ago. My little sister was going to a snapping turtle and she was about to pick it up.

We are going to be planting this week too. I was going to plant my watermelons earlier but they got lost and than I found three of them and then I ordered some more seeds so we will be planting a little late. But not too bad.

The kittens sound so cute! I love little baby kittens.
Aww the kittens sound so cute! Lol we used to have a border collie called Ellie she flipped out when there were fireworks she would just start bouncing around and barking, it was so funny. The snakes are coming out here, one of our friends that lives in town saw a copperhead in his driveway.
Morgan...I think just about everything they do is cute. Of course there's very few adult animals I don't like if any let alone babies but there so comical. It's like watching a child learn and grow just at a faster rate.

I clean Thumper's room and cage every day. It doesn't take that long but it would be easier to move the cage if it's on wheels and the wood can keep the poo in so I don't have to vacuum it up. I'm glad I don't have to put him in his cage, I just have to keep him away from my cord but usually he runs and hides when I start to use the hose attachment so if he's being a real problem I just start to use that.

There is a large pond across the street and then a pond way back behind our property so it's probably traveling to mate like you said. He was walking into one puddle when I saw him. I got the girls and we watched him for a little while then I went to show hubby pics I took of him so he wanted to come see and then he was going into a larger puddle. This one is large enough and so murky we couldn't see him once he was in there. Good Night! I was just looking around that puddle the other day thinking I might see some frogs. He could really scare a person as you don't expect to find a snapper in a puddle. He was about a foot long so not the biggest but not too small.

There is a big one that crosses a certain area of a busy road not far from here. We have watched him stand way up on his legs and crane his neck real high. He waits till the lights turn and traffic stops and will look for traffic and then walk to the median and wait there until traffic is stopped again and nothing is coming and then will cross the rest of the way. Hubby has seen him do this several times. The girls like seeing it. They like animals and I want them to stay that way so any time I see something I get them and if there in school or something I always tell them about it and usually take pics to show them. I won't raise kids to do anything but like and appreciate animals.

Which reminds me the other evening my hubby's buddy noticed a frog in the garage. Only about an inch long. Well it is my job to catch and remove all toads or frogs from the garage so they don't die. So me and the buddy were trying to catch it. Kittens were up and playing while momma cat was lying on the cool floor in peace in front of the cage. That dang frog jumped into the cat cage and when I reached in to get it, it then hopped right smack dab in the middle of momma's head and she didn't react other than to open her eyes. It was hilarious, poor momma's so tired she don't care if things jump onto her head!

Redd is a goof ball. He's either frustrating us with the things he does or he just leaves us shaking our heads. He is our Ellie. Ha!

Shoot, if hubby would just get the dryer out for me I would take it apart and change the part myself. We have one of those basically closets built for the washer and dryer. So they sit side by side with bi-fold door to shut the area off. I just need it moved to the middle of the kitchen. I would move it myself if it took all day but I don't want to scratch the hardwood and hubby wouldn't want me too either and I'm sure I would since I'd have to manhandle the thing. And now I can't do laundry because I'm waiting on the Dish guy to come and I can't here knocking over the screeching.
Elise...It is annoying especially when more than one form acts up at a time.

Our dog is silly but in a frustrating way. We love him but he's like people that have no common sense, some things you just can't get through to them.

We are lucky here because we usually have a long growing season. One year our corn was a few days away from picking and we went away for a few days. It was really hot and dry and when we got back the corn was like leather and tasted lousy so we planted again and the second corn was wonderful, we made sure to pick it right away.

They are cute.
Emily...well Redd will run back and forth inside barking and whining and drooling. He only drools when he gets really excited or nervous. We had a stray border collie show up at our home once. It was hot out and it was panting so I tried giving it some water which it ignored, tried treats, tried just reaching my hand out and tried talking quietly to it. It ignored everything I did but after a while it got up as it had been lying down and picked up a stick and dropped it near me. I threw the stick and he chased it. Well we kept it for a few days as the only tag on it's collar was for a vets and it was closed it being Saturday. It's job apparently was stick chasing. By the time Monday came my whole yard was littered in sticks. It would fetch one so many times and then go and find a different one. Once the yard was full of sticks it would fetch one several times and then run sniffing the rest until it found the exact one it wanted and bring that one back. We really liked that dog and would have kept it if it didn't already have owners.
Lol that turtle is a law abiding citizen huh? I love border collies they're exactly my kind of dog lol lots of energy. There's a big hole full of water that has a bunch of tadpoles in it, and a couple of them have turned into frogs, I've found a couple in the woods, they're so small and cool looking lol.
What a pain not having the dryer, you'll just have to wait for hubby to sort it.

The kittens sound adorable. I love all animals when they´re little, well they´re all legs and a bit awkward and clumsy and so funny. Bet you´re all enjoying watching them grow and learn and just enjoy.

I can just imagine the dog dashing to the door and being a bit puzzled as there´s nothing there. It´s not like you can explain to him lol.

Technology is the best and worst that happened. It´s supposed to help but sometimes it just messes things up. I couldn´t get my phone to work last night, couldn´t make calls or text. I rang the phone company and he told me to try the SIM card in another phone and if it didn´t work then I´d need to get it replaced. I went to the store this morning to get a duplicate which they charged me for and then suddenly, I realised that all my phone numbers were stored in the old SIM card which now doesn´t work. Well, they always tell you to store them in the card in case the phone breaks. So now, I´ve lost most of my contact numbers, it is so frustrating. If it was the old days, I´d have them written down :tantrum:
Emily...I looked at the puddle this evening and couldn't see the turtle but also didn't see tracks near the edge if he left but he could be gone or still there. I did see some eggs that might be frog eggs. The frogs are really loud at night right now because we got so much rain. I will try to keep checking on the eggs as I'm curious what they are.

I love how smart border collies are. I saw a video on youtube before. These guys put colored lights or glow sticks on there sheep and filmed from one hill while the sheep were on another and had there dogs herding them but into different pictures because of the colored lights. Some of it was really intricate.
Chris...young animals are cute and entertaining. We are enjoying it but it will make it hard to find homes for them. They are all my babies.

No you can't explain to the dog. He usually doesn't react to the tv but every now and then some sound catches his attention. When we had fish he loved watching our pleco. He would follow it as it swam through the tank but when it would swim to the back of the tank the dog would look into the twins bedroom. In his mind the fish swam into the bedroom.
Chris...sorry I missed the end of your post. That's horrible that you lost your contact numbers. I once had to write all of my husbands down when he got a new phone. For some reason they couldn't transfer the numbers from one phone to the other. Well with racing and work he had like 200 names and numbers.

We had similar today. I thought our signal kept going in and out due to the dish needing put on a pole but turns out the receiver was bad so they replaced it but lost everything we had recorded to dvr. We don't watch too much tv but do have some favorite shows which we usually record and watch when we get the chance well all of that was lost. Several of the shows had the season finale which now we can't watch and we watch the voice. This season we only so far saw the first show. Now that's lost. To make it worse I would watch some that I record tonight while I have some time instead I have nothing to watch.
I love watching the tadpoles they're so interesting. And yes border collies are super smart lol, do you remember what the name of that video was? We have an english shepherd that's a year old, and we were watching the hunger games and she was sitting with us, well it got to the cornucopia part and she just started whining really hard because of all the yelling lol.
Emily...I think it was called Extreme Sheep Herding With Lights. It was a few years ago.

I have actually played different animal sounds on the computer just to watch him react. He didn't always but I know some of wolves got him tilting his head trying to figure it out.
I had a dog and he would take something of ours like a stuffed animl and run away with it and we would chase after him and than finally when we got it he would look at you with a sad face until you put it down and he would grab it again and run away wagging his tail. He was such a goofy silly boy. He is a great pyrenees.
Emily...I haven't tried that one.

Elise...he sounds cute. I have never had one of that breed but have been around a few. I prefer big dogs.
We used to have a great pyrenees, her name was Nita and she was such a sweet dog, my earliest memory of her is going to sleep on her back lol.
Hubby is off for four days so it will be very busy here and hopefully we will accomplish a lot. yesterday we spent half of our day running around getting things we need which was split up into two trips plus we ate at one of our favorite restaurants. We always get the buffet and it's home cooked southern type food. So good and the people are so nice. Their hours are limited but since everyone likes it so much they are always full when they are open.

We got some more of the garden planted. The garden is 52 feet wide. We leave about two feet around the sides for walking so our rows are about 48 feet long. We had already planted tow rows of russet potatoes. We now have one row of sweet potatoes, 3 roma tomato plants we are trying for the first time, 8 cherry tomato plants, 7 cantaloupe, 2 parsley, basil, oregano, 1 pumpkin plant growing from a seed in the garden from last year, 2 russet potatoes plants again that grew themselves. I may be missing something herb wise. The oldest girl gave me some tiny marigolds they grew in school for mothers day so I planted them with the herbs since they are supposed to attract beneficial insects. I started my corn seed and will be starting butter beans, snap beans and watermelon today. I also plan on growing from seed some flowers or lavender. I have two types of lavender and 3 flowers. I could buy lavender as it is available and I would be able to enjoy it sooner but I am sure to have what I like if I plant it myself. There are some more things I want to get and will. I want mint but plan on planting in a large pot since it is very invasive. I may also plant some black berry and maybe raspberry.

We got our commode bowl and will hopefully change that. Hubby is supposed to fix my dryer and we got a doorbell. It's annoying when we get a delivery that needs to be signed for and it's missed because I don't hear them knocking at the garage door. The other day I ordered our knew bedding and I'm very excited. It's coming by Fed Ex and is in the area but I'm not sure if they'll deliver today since it's Saturday.

The feed store we got our sweet potato slips was out of DE but will have more on Wednesday. I can get a 40lb bag for about $20 of food grade so we'll go back then. We looked and they had baby turkeys (they are so small, hard to believe they get so big), some young running ducks (they were all yellow but not tiny so I'm not sure how old they would be), they had some chicks but also a sign saying not for sale and baby bunnies. I made myself not look for very long at all at them. They were all small and had a very light grey one I would have chosen if I were looking to get a bunny.

It's a good thing I didn't think of getting any animal while there because all of mine are determined to drive me nuts the past two day. The dog has been whiny which I find annoying. He always waits until I am in the middle of a cup of coffee and then will whine like his bladders about to burst so I'll take him out and then he'll pee for a second. The problem is he just wants to do something and whines but you can't tell with him why he is whining and I'm too nice to make him hold it.

Thumper both yesterday and today has dumped his hay box. It was completely full and holds a lot. I have been keeping it full for his benefit and because he has never dumped it so I thought it was safe. That's how these rascals get you, trick you into thinking they won't do something and then bam they make a mess. He also keep taking his pellet bowl down when he is done and dumps it in his litter box so I have to clean it every day. And today he dumped his box that is full of cardboard rolls and other toys.

I took one of the kittens outside for a moment and our other cat came over, growled and then swatted at it. She also will go near Isabelle and growl and swat. She growled when we first got Izzy but seemed to settle down but now she's back to being a grump and it's annoying. Why do we always have a cat that doesn't get along withy others? Grrr.

The smallest kitten which is a girl can now crawl over the cardboard blocking the cage doorway so they can't get out but Izzy can. They are only four weeks old since Friday. Hubby used a box that is higher to attach to the front of the cage so everyone can be in the cage or box but momma can jump out but it is way too high for the kittens to crawl over. The littlest kitty also will pace back and forth meowing wanting out. Yesterday also she started to attack me. Those teeny tiny teeth hurt. Izzy can get annoying because she pesters for food all of the time. We keep her food bowl filled almost all day. Now and then she'll be out for like ten minutes and she lets you know.

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