Thrianta anyone?

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Supporting Member
Sep 22, 2020
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Pennsylvania, USA
Have just found my Bun, the breeder is going to hold her for me for 6 weeks till my leg is healed up enough to get outta this cast and actually be able to take care of her! YAY!
Anyway, she's a Thrianta, a breed I'm not that familiar with. I fell in love with her pictures because like myself she's a redhead. I don't know much about them and can't find much info. What I have found says they are very compatible with Polish and Havanas. They are supposed to be friendly, curious and affectionate. But last night while searching for more info I came across a YouTube video by a breeder saying that the breed, particularly the does were very standoffish, not affectionate. oooooh! Anyone have any experience with these guys?
Bunnies have different personality, it’s a bit like netherland dwarf are skittish and aggressive, while holland lop are docile and calm.

For me the cuddly bunny is my netherland dwarf and the holland lop was the aggressive one and skittish one 😂

So you will not know how your bunny will react and personality. Also hormones can make a few bunnies act aggressive and territoral. So spaying will be good to do later 😊

It’s not a common breed in sweden but they often say the breed is calm and lovely. They have a beautiful fur 💕
I have heard some people say that Thriantas are a bit standoffish, especially the bucks, and not recommended for inexperienced owners. However, all the Thriantas I've met (and I've met quite a few, being a rabbit judge) have been pretty friendly. Perhaps slightly more hormonal than some other similar breeds, but not particularly flighty.
UPDATE::: Will be picking her up SATURDAY!!!! Can't wait!!! So here's a couple of questions for all you experts. She is currently eating Timothy and Rowe's show feed and occasional vegs. She is 6 months old, pure Thrianta, no history of any family health problems. Very consistently handled daily by both adults and children. Very energetic, curious and affectionate. So I looked up rowes show feed, it is primarily alfalfa based. What I have gotten for her is 2nd cut Timothy from SPS, and the oxbow young rabbit pellets. The Timothy will be fine, but should I be ok switching from one alfalfa pellet to another?
Now here is her enclosure: (keep in mind, litter box and hay will be filled day of, with lots of hay. Also food dish wasn't in there when I took picture. Just another thought, is that hidey house too warm if we are warm in house. Wondering if I should store it and use cardboard box for now.1021202104a_HDR.jpg
How exiting,😄
You can definitely switch pellet brands, but I’d do it once she’s more comfortable with you (as to avoid any stomach trouble).
I’d add a ceramic tile (make sure edges aren’t sharp) so she can lay on top if she’s hot.

Edit: She might be a little hesitant to eat so I’d ask if she has any favorite food to entice her to eat.
Usually breeders will send some of the pellets they are currently on to transition, so you can gradually switch her over to new pellets. Personally, I'd recommend feeding Rowe for now. It's a decent feed, what she's already used to eating, and WAY cheaper than oxbow (which is, in my opinion, overpriced).

Loving the totoro theme ;)
Like SableSteel said, the pellet transition needs to be gradual. It needs to be done over at least a couple of weeks, by adding in a little bit of new while decreasing the same amount of the old, then very gradually increasing the new a little bit more each day , while decreasing the same amount of old, until at 2-4weeks, the transition is complete. All the time keeping an eye on the poop for any negative changes.
Okay, just talked to the breeder and she says she will definitely give me a little bag to tide me over, I just ordered a bag of rowes which I will keep her on for awhile and then I will gradually transition her to the oxbow as she won't be on the young rabbit for too terribly long until she swirches to timothy!

And um... Yes TOTORO! Loves him!
Everything looks nice but maybe add some more chew toys like a woven mat. I would swap out the hidey house with a cardboard box (with two openings) so she doesn't feel trapped, once she is more used to y'all then give her the house.

I don't remember if you said so or not, but is she litter trained? If she isn't, I would remove all soft surfaces until she is trained. She will probably pee on the blankets and mats which will make litter training harder.
Okay, here is version 2.0. I've removed fleeces and mats and added more chew toys ( I don't have a grass mat currently, but I did have more chew toys and a scratch mat. I did leave a little fleece in the box, should I leave that one? OMGOODNESS. Less than 24 hours!!! What is everyone's thought on 2.0?

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